700W LED - Auto Topping Grow - 2 Plants

mazar is a wild beast mate .i have a plan lets see of it works .time will tell ha ha;)
I have two Mazars outside in the greenhouse that I am accidentally stunted a little in seedling stage by overwatering and will be leaving in 7.5 liter fabric pots to see if that will keep them smaller. I was going to top them but since they got stunted in the beginning I am going to leave them grow natural. Looking good for now using Biobizz light and just some worm compost tea once a week.

Went out to the greenhouse to snap a pic and there goes a groundhog running out of it. I guess he decided to top my Mazars for me. Where's my gun. He left the regular bag seed plants alone and went for the good stuff.

They were finally doing so well. I think I'm going off somewhere to cry about this.
As your plants have leaves left on them then they will bounce back. I lost a plant to a slug attack (1st outdoor gurilla grow last year) apart from 1 blade of a fan leaf. It bounced back and grew again till i lost the whole thing. Probably deer. Learned a lot from last year and so far my outdoor grow is going ok. No problems so far.
Hemi sorry to see this happen to ur ladies
Mate.hopfully they bounce back.and great choice on the biobizz light mix;) great stuff:)

As your plants have leaves left on them then they will bounce back. I lost a plant to a slug attack (1st outdoor gurilla grow last year) apart from 1 blade of a fan leaf. It bounced back and grew again till i lost the whole thing. Probably deer. Learned a lot from last year and so far my outdoor grow is going ok. No problems so far.

Well I love gods critters but this groundhog has pushed his luck to far. Friend of mine loaned me some snares and they are being set tonight. Anyone like groundhog stew? Purchasing a roll of garden fencing to put around the outside of the greenhouse as well. Deer got me last year which is why I bought the greenhouse. I hope they bounce back as I have been out of meds for a while now.
I will sit in on this one if you don't mind beast, I've been away from here and had to pack everything away myself for now, but I will be starting up again, just not sure when!!! Looking forward to learning and seeing your girls in them big pots mate:thumb:
Puregreen good to see u mate welcome.i also have just returned to 420 mag been away about 3 month.had to rip everything down and i sold all my equipment mate and stopped growing.then i bought it all back when the air had cleared mate. Bit of trouble came my way dont know how as i keep all i do hush hush.so arnt sure but its all sorted now mate.just shows some ppl are right cunts and for what actual reason? World is full of them mate.some people just out for what they can get act genuine for what they can get from u or try to bring u down .not good mate.but im good now so onwards and upwards;) hope all.is going good for u mate .why have u had to do rip it all down mate? Pm me.happy growing every1;)
I will sit in on this one if you don't mind beast, I've been away from here and had to pack everything away myself for now, but I will be starting up again, just not sure when!!! Looking forward to learning and seeing your girls in them big pots mate:thumb:

I also cut down, cleared out and minimized :) When strange shit happens you gotta listen. Even if nothing happens it sure makes it easier to sleep at night.
Need some advice guys. Hope you dont mind me asking here beast but you have a lot of followers so hopefully someone can help me. I have a visit on tue from my mother and she staying overnight. Cant leave the plants on the balcony so need to stick them in the cupboard till she gone. Gonna be in the dark for 24 hours. Will this mess them up at all? Got 2 autos nearly 2 months old and are preflowering and 1 photo currently 6 weeks or so old. The photo is gonna get induced to flower next week.
Good comments ;)
.or sit them in the window then when she comes round .run upstairs and put them in the cupboard shouldnt do any real harm if just 1 night doubt theyl hermie.should be fine.;)
Very nice job! :welldone:

Until I saw those pics of your Automazar, I would have given you a strong argument against topping autos due to their short life cycle, but I can't argue with success! :goodjob:

Have you tried FIM'ing?
Mr krip ha ha il take that;) thanks alot and no never tried fimming an auto yet.but lots of people are having great success on here topping autos .its awsome;) take a look in my auto topping thread and the auto topping led grow in my sig.lots to learn;) keep up the great work growers .and happy growing every1;)
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