9th Planet Quasar 1000W LED Sponsored Journal

Right on guys thanks for all the advice!

I went ahead and PHed down to 6(ish)...These drops aren't the most accurate so I'm sure it's not exact.

I haven't even started feeding the girls in soil yet, as FFOF runs a little hot anyway and my veg plants are growing beautifully. I'll get some pictures up later on those.

For what it's worth, my nutes dropped the PH to around 6.5 without any acid, so at least I know that my mother plant has been getting fed somewhat closer to the appropriate range this whole time. I'm going to continue with 6 drops of PH down, maybe even 9 drops toward the last few weeks coming up, in an attempt to unlock anything that's supposed to be available in the lower range. I think she'll be alright with less than 3.5 weeks to go. She looks happy with tons of new pistils and calyx swelling today, so I feel pretty good about everything.

Now, when I start feeding the soil plants, I will of course test the nutrient solution after adding the Dutch Pro line. Obviously, my PH is high but I won't know what affect those nutes will have on it until then. I will probably start feeding by the end of this week on the four bigger plants. They haven't even needed water since transplant this last weekend, and they've got plenty to feed them for now.

The 11 younger clones will get transplanted either this weekend or next into 2 gallon pots, and I'm thinking of sticking them straight into flower within a week of that. They won't have much root mass, though, so we'll see.

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So the soil girls got their first feeding of Dutch Pro today. I didn't realize Dutch Pro was so dilute. 200ml of this, 100 ml of that...Stuff will be gone in no time.

Either way, I began tying the upright girls over two days ago. Waaaaay too late for my preference. I haven't LSTed in years, so I guess its a good thing I jumped back into it with a free plant with such great genetics.
The soil plants are SO much slower than their mother in coco. If you remember, I initially took 8 clones, and gave four back to the gifter of this beautiful mother. I went to see them yesterday, and they're triple the size of these in coco, and Cali Pro nutes. Mine smell better, though, and will taste better in the end. But coco has soil beat in the quantity department.

Nonetheless, the seven clones coming up should be going into 2 gallon pots on Friday or Saturday. It's goingto get crowded in here. Hopefully the new veg light will be here by then (another review) and I can run 3 of them under that, and the other four under the current 125w CFL, side by side to get an idea of the difference.



Absolutely beautiful buds, Brother! +REPS!!! :bravo:

Them is some frosty gals! :yummy:

Not sure why but I thanked you in a new post instead of with quote. Wanted to make sure you knew I was appreciative of the compliment Brother!

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Not sure why but I thanked you in a new post instead of with quote. Wanted to make sure you knew I was appreciative of the compliment Brother!

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No worries, Brother, I caught it! The giveaway was:

Thank you kindly Mr. K.!

Dang right you did. You're gonna have to work on that:rofl:

Hey, Bro, it was partially your fault, too! You distracted me with those pics of those fantastically frosty females! :yummy:

I'm not sure :bong:, but I MAY :bongrip: have also been stoned at the time. :hmmmm:
All you have to do is "Like" every post I make, what's so hard about that?:tokin:

Hey, Bro, it was partially your fault, too! You distracted me with those pics of those fantastically frosty females! :yummy:

I'm not sure :bong:, but I MAY :bongrip: have also been stoned at the time. :hmmmm:
Quick update. All clones are happy in their new dirt, but I've only got two days before I'm supposed to transplant the 7 smaller plants into 2 gallon pots. Additionally, the four larger plants are going to give me a run for my money with regard to vegging under the low-hanging MH. I very well may have to adjust shelving heights and light placement before 2.5 weeks from now, when THEY are supposed to move to flower.

Another dilemma I face, is the fact that I forgot all about drying the harvests. In 2.5 weeks I should be taking the SkunkBerry down, which is supposed to make room for the next four, or 11 total to fit in the flower room. Well, the flower room IS my hanging and drying room to date. I have always just chopped, dried and let things rest for a few before starting the next round. I've never been on a continual 3 stage cycle before.
I definitely want to hang and dry in the dark, but it looks at this point like I may have to double-purpose the flower room. How many thumbs down can I get for this post!?:rofl:

Anyway, photos for fun.






What a beauty mate well done.nice army of solid colas.top work enjoy;)

Thank you my friend! Not sure if I welcomed you to the journal yet so welcome!

She's definitely a monster, I'm hoping for between 90 and 140 grams dry.

Now I just have to figure out where to dry her...And her subsequent off spring.

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Looks more like minimum 150g.

With two weeks to go, I suppose anything is possible!

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