Advanced nutrients: do I need more


Active Member
Hi all

got two white widows on the go and let them veg an extra week or so and am going to 12/12 light today to start the flowering
- In sunshine mix 4
- 5 gal cloth pots
- using AN Micro, bloom & grow throughout
- mars tsw-2000 light
- 3x3 tent

just wondering what bud enhancer to start using to beef them up... AN big bud?
any Thought on their Sensi grow, overdrive or Sensi bloom?

cheers all!
if the nutes can't get them all the way on their own they are bad nutes -- --- #ANrefugee

used voodoo juice, big bud, bud candy, etc. etc. all the way down the $$$$ AN rabbit hole. replaced it all with blackstrap molasses which is most of what those are all comprised of ... good luck:goodluck:

edit : oh yeah, on MC. nothing else. never look back. about .06 cents a feed.
Yeah I did a grow with AN veg/grow/bloom line before I made the switch to Mega Crop. I thought they were good for my Cal/Mag Xtra needs and Overdrive seem to work pretty well during late flowering. Bud Candy I didn’t think add much for my crop either. I would make the switch to MC and save yourself some money in the long run. When I made the switch, I got my best harvest to date from just 4 plants alone.
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