AK47 Serious Seeds - First Grow - CFL - Soil


I would ditch Tropical then. least amount of bud sites it appears, and she is not your favorite. sorry you have to let one go.
Excellent job so far, I just read through your journal.. You've obviously done your research, nice to see the new growers around here are doing that.. I was getting to page 4 and I was thinking man put these mother fuckers to flower already! Kept going through each page and you still haven't :( I wish I would have seen this a few weeks ago you should have flowered them a long time ago.. You could have kept 4 of them.. I think your going to have a hard time with just those 2 plants (I would get rid of #3).. Your plants are real healthy and they're going to easily double or triple in size in just the next 3 weeks.. I'm not joking I would start flowering TODAY!

Since your doing so well you should consider doing a plant or two in a DWC grow, you would do well and you would be blown away by the root development, growth, and yield. and it's so freaking simple! I think way easier then soil :) Subbed, +rep
Excellent job so far, I just read through your journal.. You've obviously done your research, nice to see the new growers around here are doing that.. I was getting to page 4 and I was thinking man put these mother fuckers to flower already! Kept going through each page and you still haven't :( I wish I would have seen this a few weeks ago you should have flowered them a long time ago.. You could have kept 4 of them.. I think your going to have a hard time with just those 2 plants (I would get rid of #3).. Your plants are real healthy and they're going to easily double or triple in size in just the next 3 weeks.. I'm not joking I would start flowering TODAY!

Since your doing so well you should consider doing a plant or two in a DWC grow, you would do well and you would be blown away by the root development, growth, and yield. and it's so freaking simple! I think way easier then soil :) Subbed, +rep

Thanks for joining in teSmp I am grateful for the encouragement :)

It was at about that stage I wanted to switch to flower too but I was having way too much problems with heat, the carbon filter and inline fan were installed and the problem was fixed, this was with 3 lights, I wanted 5 but I only managed to get the temps steady with 3 of them so the extra 2 would have just brought things back to the old high temps :p

In my mind this meant that I could not continue with the CFLs as multiples of 125 watts just get way too hot.

I then decided that my next move would be a 250w HPS with a cooltube, I would be using half the power with way better results with further light penetration and I felt that the heat could be managed much better.

Over a week (about 11 days) ago I ordered the 250w bulb which is 33000 lumens and 55000 lumens at 6'' away I tried to find the most powerful one that i could, I am still waiting on it to arrive from germany :(

In the mean time I have purchased the Ballast and the cooltube and they are just sitting there teasing me until the bulb arrives ha ha

All this waiting is what has made my plants so big ha ha but as soon as that bulb arrives ill be switching to 12/12 :)

I will have to look more into a DWC grow, I'll start researching now ha ha

I have a huge amount of experience just growing plants in general ( not MJ ) but everything else, in soil ha ha

I wanted to transfer all this knowledge to my first grow in soil as this is what I have experience with but it would definitely be considered for the next grow :)

I appreciate your input and thanks for voting

Glad to have you on board


I wouldn't remove any!!! But thats just me.. lol I'd find a spot to keep her healthy and clone her.. That way, once your done flowering, you have another batch ready to go in.. Harvest every 2 months that way..

All of the origonal plants have been cloned and can be ready for the next round :)

So one, unfortunately still has to be removed ha ha

Thanks for joining in teSmp I am grateful for the encouragement :)

It was at about that stage I wanted to switch to flower too but I was having way too much problems with heat, the carbon filter and inline fan were installed and the problem was fixed, this was with 3 lights, I wanted 5 but I only managed to get the temps steady with 3 of them so the extra 2 would have just brought things back to the old high temps :p

In my mind this meant that I could not continue with the CFLs as multiples of 125 watts just get way too hot.

I then decided that my next move would be a 250w HPS with a cooltube, I would be using half the power with way better results with further light penetration and I felt that the heat could be managed much better.

Over a week (about 11 days) ago I ordered the 250w bulb which is 33000 lumens and 55000 lumens at 6'' away I tried to find the most powerful one that i could, I am still waiting on it to arrive from germany :(

In the mean time I have purchased the Ballast and the cooltube and they are just sitting there teasing me until the bulb arrives ha ha

All this waiting is what has made my plants so big ha ha but as soon as that bulb arrives ill be switching to 12/12 :)

I will have to look more into a DWC grow, I'll start researching now ha ha

I have a huge amount of experience just growing plants in general ( not MJ ) but everything else, in soil ha ha

I wanted to transfer all this knowledge to my first grow in soil as this is what I have experience with but it would definitely be considered for the next grow :)

I appreciate your input and thanks for voting

Glad to have you on board



I'm glad you stepped it up to the 250w HPS with cool tube you shouldn't have any problems with heat with that new set up :) How come you ordered it form Germany? Awesome choice! I can tell you've had experience growing, it shows! DWC is so easy as well! Growth, yield, etc are to far greater for me to ever really use soil again.. It doesn't interest me in any way.. You'll need to get your chamber temps in line though before you try DWC!
I'm glad you stepped it up to the 250w HPS with cool tube you shouldn't have any problems with heat with that new set up :) How come you ordered it form Germany? Awesome choice! I can tell you've had experience growing, it shows! DWC is so easy as well! Growth, yield, etc are to far greater for me to ever really use soil again.. It doesn't interest me in any way.. You'll need to get your chamber temps in line though before you try DWC!

It was the only place that I could find the bulb that I was looking for ha ha I will be posting pictures of all the equipment when the bulb arrives so you can see then :)

Thank you teSmp for your kind words and encouragement :)

It is greatly appreciated


As the plants have resumed their vigorous growth I thought I would post a new picture of the contenders side by side once again for fair comparison.

The chosen plant will be removed tomorrow night.

Vote for which to chop down :)


To save the effort of people having to write comments on which one to remove I will make 2 posts with just the names of the condenders.

All you have to do is click 'LIKE' on whichever one you want to remove :)

This should make it nice and easy to judge a winner :)

Please join in people, all you have to do is click 'LIKE' on either one.

Thank you all :)

You really can't go stick one in the woods and completely forget about it for a few months!? If it survives you'll have a ton of bud if it dies you didn't lose anything!

I'd love to do something like that, If only I lived in a hotter country ha ha

With the weather here, she wouldn't be finished flowering until the end of october and by that stage it will be 7c ( 45f ) 90% humidity and in october it rains almost every day :p

All that I would be coming back to is mold ha ha

I came up with a solution though :)

See below :)


Well the votes clearly showed that an overwhelming majority wanted to kill poor Ms. Tropical ha ha

The people spoke, so she had to go.


I had an idea :)

I decided to cut all of Ms. Tropicals branches off aside from one.

This should hopefully just become one single cola :)

I also got a 2 litre bottle, cut the top off and sprayed it black. The width of the bottle will only take up as much floor space as the cola itself.

So at least in the end I will still get to taste her and see what she was capable of :)

This could make for an interesting Smoke Report also as we will be able to see if the fact that she was the only one to Stink in Veg has any effect on the final Potency / Aroma in comparison to Ms. Sativa and Ms. Purple.

Ms. Sativa and Ms. Purple were Re-Potted again up to 11 litre ( 3 gal ) Pots from 7 litre ( 2 gal ).

The Roots had already Filled the whole pot since the last Re-Potting 7 days ago.

The roots were Vibrant White and Healthy so they must be really happy :)

All of the LST has been Re-Tied and I have also tied down some of the New Growth.

I'm just Patiently Waiting ( :loopy: ) for this 250w HPS to arrive so that I can switch to 12 / 12

The lights have been brought even closer, to slow any upward growth. I'm sure the Re-Potting should slow them down a bit too.

Please feel Free to join in with any opinions, comments or suggestions :)

I'll stop talking now and let you guys finally see the pictures ha ha

Below: Ms. Tropical beside her new home.


Below: Ms. Tropicals Root Structure.


Below: Ms. Tropical in her new home.


Below: Ms. Sativa.


Below: Ms. Purple.


Below: Small Holes were drilled all around the circumference of the pots for easy LSTing.


Below: LST, Every Branch / Top has been tied down so that each can be adjusted if needs be. To adjust, all you have to do is pull the wire tie down a little more, twist, and it stays in place. This makes it really easy to make small adjustments to keep control of an even canopy.
Its kind of like a SCROG except with LST if you know what I mean. Lets call it Low Stress Canopy, '' LSC '' for short :) ha ha. This also saves the effort of having a screen in the way, so pots can be easily rotated to get an even distribution of light and every top can be easily manipulated. A piece of cotton wool makes good padding between the branches and the wires.



Below: Everybody back in the box.


Oh , the entire canopy is within 6'' , top to bottom :) ha ha the pot is 1 foot high for comparison.

So even if the plants Triple in Size after 12 / 12 there should still be loads of room in there for them :)

Hope you enjoyed this one.


Nice update. Glad there was a way to keep Tropical. I know how you feel waiting for this 250hps... I am doing some waiting myself :helpsmilie:
Haha very good idea that's cool :) Maybe you should just switch to 12/12 without your bulb, it won't really hurt anything?? Just expect them to at least double by the time flowering is done, will you have room for that?
I been reading ur journal from seedling to mothers great looking plants I'm getting some stuff ready to start my own cfl gro..keep up that great work broh I'll be checking in on ur plants
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