Are my plants ok? First time grower: Autoflower

Yes I’m definitely being careful about over watering. I’m keeping that in mind. I checked today and the soil is still moist so no water for them today. Plus they will have cal- mag tomorrow and the solo cups plants will go into bigger fabric pots
Ok be careful w it , use sparingly . Cal mag in your soil already do u know ? Autos typically don't need much nutes. I've noticed about half strength is good . Hope this helps
Been growing a bit now and rarely have I had to use calmag. If ur base nutes have it u should be good. Hope I'm helping

hiya js

coles notes:

she's got some background nutes in the soil. she's gonna up pot with the fox farm so there will be a touch more there, but she's gonna wanna feed after that. they are auto - so easy on the feed, but i'd up pot first.

i'm not so worried over the cal mag either. she's not using RO water or anything like that. i'd ph the feed for soil and not worry over too many things.
you can toss the soil meter. it won't measure a thing you wanna know about.
grab a hydro ph meter - hanna - blue lab - apera are good brands. there are other cheaper ones, not all are good. i use a decent apera.

you might want to try mega crop as nutrient. the single nutrient version. could probably skip the ph. it's just one thing that you mix to feed from start to finish. gets rid of multiple bottles etc. not hard to learn how to use. it's a dry nute you mix with water.
Autos do not do well with stress and cannot process soil nutrients until they have third set of leaves and should not be trans-planted. IMOHO
Yes I’m definitely being careful about over watering. I’m keeping that in mind. I checked today and the soil is still moist so no water for them today. Plus they will have cal- mag tomorrow and the solo cups plants will go into bigger fabric pots
Jenn, let those solo cups get bone dry before you up-pot, even to the point where the plants look a little sad. You want that soil to come out of the cup in a solid clump.
If they are autos you should put them in final pots asap. Not good to transplant autos mid grow. Their lifespan isn't set up to take stress and recover late in veg, which in true autos isn't very long (veg that is) average lifespan is around 90-100 days +/-
If no one has recommended mega crop I would it so beginner friendly just mix it with water and keep a eye on leaf color. Please do check out mega crop from green leaf nutrients.
Edit: finally read everything and sorry if you are get pulled many directions everyone has their own way of growing so you will get a lot of opinions on here.
Auto are on the harder side of growing.
Fox farm soil is good i am now trying the coco loco one and I like it so far.
Mega crop is easy just that simple you may need cal/mag at some point.
Don't need to worry about ph with mega crop.
Your set up is fine as well for now.
Light would be the first upgrade I'd make.
Then tent, carbon filter/ exhaust fan, intake fan.
Small plants in big pots are easily over watered. You can wait til they wilt a bit to know they need water it won't hurt them but also the lift test.
Sorry this edit is going on so long last thing.
Environment is the biggest thing to keep in check imo.
Ok so update to all! First thank you for all your comments and information provided
Yesterday (before reading current comments) I transferred my 3 solo cup to 1 gallon fabric pots because I wanted to keep all plants in the tent. My tent is in the garage, the tent is the best way for me to control humidity especially. All 4 of my plants are in fox farm ocean forest. I also gave all plants a dose of cal-mag yesterday. Now I am worried about the transplants to be 1 gallon because I watered all plants yesterday too in the early am. I had not watered them in 2 days. So the made the solo cup soil soft. Anywho, I will say the plants appeared to perk up some just since last night. I’m hopeful this grow isn’t a complete wash even though I’ve made some mistakes with these Chef Anna autoflowers along the way. We shall see. What do you all think? Also when do I switch my light from Veg to Bloom?


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Wait a min, are you saying my entire tent kit is trash? Because no one else has said that....if that’s the case I’ve wasted approx $400 ......that’s a no for me.
I am I treated I this thread and thought I would offer my new growing perspective on materials.
Note that I am growing in hydro so my overhead is more, I've helped many set up hydro also so I have some information on it.

4 x 4 x 9 foot tent = $160 can. This is overkill but it's a large tent can grow 9 plants comfortably.

2 x 1000 watt full spectrum led. $150 cdn per

Humidifier with control = $80

Exhaust fan = $140
Air pumps = 150
Air stones = 60
Nutrients =100
Hydroguard = 130
Clip on fans = 40
Carbon filter = $160

So over a grand in.

Dirt would be

Tent 150
Fabric pots 50
Fans 50
Exhaust plus carbon filter 300
Light single 150
Nutrients 100

Still looking around 800 bucks invested, and I didnt mention ph meters, temp sensors co2, etc
My point it that at a q.p per plant you have to grow 2 plants to get your initial investment back plus some return, and you still have the usable material after that. I'm not made of money either but I'm not going to try to save $100 if the result is months spent growing shitty weed. Respectfully intended :) know that you may not produce a lot of bud from those auto flowers but that you are gaining experience :)
It will work out. I started with a $80 tent and a $250 light plus soil and nutes $100. I used existing table top fans and I still don’t run extraction fans to this day but that’s because of location. Some folks must have it all, or some folks must have the very best tech. Others can get by safely with duct tape and baling twine.

Seems every new grower thinks they budgeted perfectly but as time moves on most of us catch the fever and slowly upgrade, but it helps to know you can be successful before you keep digging in the wallet.

I still maintain low budget is cool, cheap is not. It’s great to DIY or be inventive but not at the expense of burning the joint down. I think it’s Carcass who has a $150 budget grow journal going here, good for him and he’s a very skilled grower!! There’s many ways to skin a cat but once you see that you can produce... you can reinvest in better grow tech cheaper than a couple of months worth of dispensary weed prices or street prices. After the equipment is paid for it’s just beans, nutes and power bill
Here is an update for everyone.
7 days later from my original post....
Here’s how they look now.
All plants are in fox farm forest soil
I have given them one dose of Cal-Mag
Tap water every 3 days


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Thank you for responding.
you said I need cal-mag and nutes??? Please explain-
transplant it to the same type of soil they need 1 gal of soil for each month they live - roughly because strain, good water cycle etc all come in play. Plants tend not to like transplanting because people do it incorrectly, plenty info on this site. Lot of people water too much and at the wrong time. Not an auto guy per se though running some atm. Good for you getting temps down. :cool:
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