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Are these 15 liter pots limiting my potential yield? I just feel that after I started growing in soil, the yield has been reduced very much compared to Hydropnonics. To make sure this is true and I'm not insane, I will do a test-grow in hydro again very soon.




yes you are right ... soil will always get smaller plants with smaller yields but the taste will be superior to coco and hydro

hydro will always be the biggest plants, the biggest yields, simplest taste , fastest growth, smallest buffer to fix issues
soil will be easier to grow in , more forgiving for mistakes (bigger buffer then hydro), superior taste especially with bio fertilizers ..; small plants compared to rootball size (hydro gives huge plants compared to rootmass)

if you want a mix of both worlds then go coco...
I have a Mg problem. And I thought cause it has Epsom salt as an ingredient, I could use it. The area I'm in is very rural and things like Epsom Salt re not easy to get.
I have a Mg problem. And I thought cause it has Epsom salt as an ingredient, I could use it. The area I'm in is very rural and things like Epsom Salt re not easy to get.

go to any gardencenter and ask for Kieserite (mineral name for MgSO4 which is also known as Epsom®) ... and the internet doesnt care about rural or urban
I'm located in Haiti. Ordering over the internet is a challenge. The closest thing that resembles a "garden center" is in the Dominican Republic. Are there any natural ways of getting magnesium into my plants?
aaaaand ... back ....

found this :

Coffee. Many gardeners add coffee grounds to their compost piles to help nourish plants and kill weeds and pathogens – but you can used brewed coffee on plants, too! Brewed coffee contains a good amount of potassium and magnesium, which are excellent for plant growth. Use equal parts cooled plain coffee and water, and water your plants as you normally would. Because of the acidic nature of coffee, this technique should be reserved for plants that do well in acidic conditions, like ferns, roses, and aloe.


coffee sits at 5 but ye can also use milk to bring it up to 6.0-6.5 ...
I have ten plants total. 6 are from block weed that comes from Jamaica. 4 are from guy I met that came here for Carnaval. He said it was haze ( I don't know which haze, there are so many.

Looks like calcium deficiency from the spotting on the edges of some of the leaves. This is probably caused by nute burn/ph imbalance (notice the tips of the leaves are burnt), so adding calcium will not help this. If you are growing in soil, just water with plain ph adjusted water making sure the ppm/ec/tds is not too high - if it is consider using RO water. If you are using a hydroponic substrate then you can flush as the stress of having deficiencies/ph imbalance will be greater than a flush. What size pots are they in?

I am currently using 3 gals
And I recently checked ph,TDS, and they are all sitting at their proper ranges so I'm pretty sure from the leaf claw which means nitrogen over dose as well as the yellow spots and burnt tips that I fed this one plant too early.
I don't want to flush because they are 5 weeks in and I'll be flushing in 2 weeks anyway.
For now I think I should continue with light bloom or just plain water and see if symptoms worsen or better within the next couple days
Still looking for a suggestion on this. If it were nitrogen toxicity the leaves should have been dark green if I'm correct.
Really got me this one

flush with correct ph ... i see N tox and N def at the same time ... but the swirly leaves in last pic gave away the Ph Issue ....soil tends to drift downwards .... flush with 6.5 Ph untill runoff is also 6.5
Okay thats weird tho i have on 18/6... i thought they only flowered on 12/12

This is what I would expect to see during the first 4-10 days or so of 12/12 on a photo period plant. Sometimes when I have vegged for a long time (7 weeks plus) I have noticed on certain plants that it's so ready to go into flower it does produce these sort of pre-flowers even whilst on 18/6. It's either a photo period plant that is busting to be switched to 12/12 or an auto - how long into 18/12 is this?
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