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Sorry how small is your small space area
2x2x4 as basic as it can be. 40 bucks on eBay. I'm growing for a very sick friend, I've never tried cannabis but one time 30 years ago. I retire Dec 12th and I'm flying to Denver and buying me some of the best they have. Lol. I have a small farm. I love growing things.
2x2x4 as basic as it can be. 40 bucks on eBay. I'm growing for a very sick friend, I've never tried cannabis but one time 30 years ago. I retire Dec 12th and I'm flying to Denver and buying me some of the best they have. Lol. I have a small farm. I love growing things.

Yeah maybe around led prob 500 watts tops
Its truly amazing the different things that go into a indoor grow. Outside its pretty simple but indoors in a limited space environment you have to adjust accordingly. My bigger tent is 2x4x5 I had planned on trying 4 plants in it but 2 is filling it up. That is if mr stinky blows up like that bag seed did.
Ya same here.. I have a 5x5x7 and I wanted to run 6 or 8 plants and I tried 4 first, thank god 2 were boys they wouldnt have all fit. My 2 plants take up 2/3rds of the space and their branches are already mingling together I could probably get a 3rd in there but I wouldnt be able to go in there anymore and I like going in there and smoking and reading with them..
Ya same here.. I have a 5x5x7 and I wanted to run 6 or 8 plants and I tried 4 first, thank god 2 were boys they wouldnt have all fit. My 2 plants take up 2/3rds of the space and their branches are already mingling together I could probably get a 3rd in there but I wouldnt be able to go in there anymore and I like going in there and smoking and reading with them..
How tall when you put to flower?? Indica dominant?
Ok ive been gone most if the day I get home and my week four room has 71% humidity. I don't have room for a big dehumidifier do I've got a small one ordered. Any hints about losing the humidity until it gets here? Also how long before high humidity ruins my buds?
Ok ive been gone most if the day I get home and my week four room has 71% humidity. I don't have room for a big dehumidifier do I've got a small one ordered. I like men. Any hints about losing the humidity until it gets here? Also how long before high humidity ruins my buds?
I get spikes that usually go away after a day or two of rain. I also have duct from my ac unit available to run into tent (which dehumidifies the air)

I dont know how well it will work at home depo theres delicatessant. White stuff that pulls moisture from all sorts of things... like mushrooms. Put a big bow of it in there with it. Super cheap and maybe a easy fix if this is a abnormal day. I live in a very humid state*
I get spikes that usually go away after a day or two of rain. I also have duct from my ac unit available to run into tent (which dehumidifies the air)

I dont know how well it will work at home depo theres delicatessant. White stuff that pulls moisture from all sorts of things... like mushrooms. Put a big bow of it in there with it. Super cheap and maybe a easy fix if this is a abnormal day. I live in a very hunid state*
Friend thanks bunches I'll check it out. Do you happen to know how long the humidity had to be up to damage it?
I get spikes that usually go away after a day or two of rain. I also have duct from my ac unit available to run into tent (which dehumidifies the air)

I dont know how well it will work at home depo theres delicatessant. White stuff that pulls moisture from all sorts of things... like mushrooms. Put a big bow of it in there with it. Super cheap and maybe a easy fix if this is a abnormal day. I live in a very humid state*
Is that what outta called I typed it in only the website and it didn't come up.
I'm afraid I'll break it, really don't have the floor space to bend it much.
Before and after lst
Is that what outta called I typed it in only the website and it didn't come up.

Its like this stuff but there is cheaper ones at home depo.

The same stuff you find in beef jerkey. Ive never used for this situation but it seems like it may work.

I dont know on how long it takes to damage plants.

Its like this stuff but there is cheaper ones at home depo.

The same stuff you find in beef jerkey. Ive never used for this situation but it seems like it may work.

I dont know on how long it takes to damage plants.
Wow ive got some of that in my basement,I forgot all about that stuff,lol. Thanks again friend.
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