Aspen's Top Feed Undercurrent RDWC Blue Dream

That's a 288bd

Is it at full strength? If so that's pretty darn close for that light

1/4 strength nutes at this far into flower is way low

Up that to 1/2 strength

Yeah, it's full strength. I flipped probably 2 weeks too late, and I ran out of room in my tent. I'm just trying to limp her to harvest at this point. She's been tied up and super cropped a ton because of how tall she is.

I'll do a water change right now and up nutes to 1/2 strength. What week do you suggest I use from that chart?
I'd go like week 8 ish, or 10 yer call
May 8 then gear up to deleteing the one in week 10

And turn that light down, I think yer burning her up, thus all the crispy cupped leaves

You don't have any light leaks do ya?
Raise it as high as possible, adust the cords or something

The light? I already took the driver off and raised it all the way to the top canvas. I literally can not raise the light any higher. I'm doing a water change now, I'll be back with numbers etc.
I emptied the water, let it sit for a minute while I calculated nute strength. Just added the calmag at 5mL per gallon. 35mL CalMag just got put in, and I'm waiting 10 mins to add the Micro at 1/2 strength.
Idk why I said 35mL Micro, I meant 26.3mL. Here's the total added:

CalMag @ 5mL per gallon, so total 35mL CalMag and wait 10 mins.
Micro @ 26.3mL total and wait 10 mins

43.8mL Bloom total, 3.5mL Z7 total, 14mL Hydroguard total. Pics are the same from this morning.
If things are still looking rough in a couple of days, I know you’re probably tired of changing your res...however when I had an issue in my grow and flushed the res with Flawless Finish for 6 hours and then drained/ reintroduced soup - that fixed the problem. Something about the FF cleared out the salt better than the pure RO flushes I had done and then from there everything got better. May be worth a shot pending how things do or don’t turn around.
Did you check the humidity? My plants looked like that only twice, when i left the humidifier on overnight and cut the exhaust fan off they just wilted and it took days to recover.. The other time was mites and hope it's not that because it's so much extra work. They are tiny as heck but easy to spot because they swarm, check the bottom of the leaves near the top of the plant near the stem and look for any movement or any particles in the air. I got rid of them by spraying the plants with a mix of one part castille soap and one part water. I let them get soaking wet and then rinsed with pure water spray every day for a week. Also wiped down the entire grow tent with the solution on day one. Hope it's humidity, nutes or :goodluck:
Day 90 / 47 flower

PH: 6.1
EC: 1.8
WT: 78
TT: 78
RH: 44

Things seem to be the same, but not necessarily worse. The looming issue is the fact that the branches just won't stop growing. She's been cropped twice now and is still too close to the light. Here we are almost 50 days into flower, and it's still stretching. The good news is that nothing seems terribly worse, so we'll keep monitoring and see how it goes.

Are you 10000% positive there are no light leaks, photo plants right???

Those long single leaf new growth worries me

I had a GoPro Hero 4 in there at one point and made sure I couldn't see light in the videos that it took during lights off. I even pointed it at my intake in my tent, and where my plumbing run through, and I have zero light leaks.

It is a photo plant.
@Chris Scorpio @Pennywise have either of you monster cropped before? Is AC too far along into flower to try that? Here’s my thought, buds seem small enough that if he takes a clone, roots, and flowers quickly to eliminate height problem - would that be a safer route at this point a provide a better outcome? Granted it won’t be quadlined, but could still get a fat cola and several tops... thoughts?
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