Autos - Indoor - 600W HPS - Soil - Kalashnikova - Big Bang - Auto Bomb

looks like there is some nute problem dont know yet what exactly.
its not serious for now but i'll be checking to see how it goes.

here you go M8 maybe this will be of some assistance.


if you do not already have these two charts
i have seen many times this deficiencies table but i cant connect it to any of these. But i'm sure its not nute burn cause i faced it early and i know how it looks.
it's only on the upper new small leaves and it looks like the green color fades slowly from their tips lin a white-yellow color. my dammed cell phone cant capture that in pics. i feel its some deficiency cause of very fast growing of many tops. i'll feed them again today and see how it goes. A:thanks:ny more advise is more than welcome
i have seen many times this but i cant connect it to any of these but i'm sure its not nute burn cause i faced it early and i know how it looks.
it's only on the upper new small leaves and it looks like the green color fades slowly from their tips lin a white-yellow color. my dammed cell phone cant capture that in pics. i feel its some deficiency cause of very fast growing of many tops. i'll feed them again today and see how it goes. any more advise ismore than welcome

if the tips are yellowing and getting slight brown or crisp. it is nute abundance. if it is more white tips it should be a magnesium and or zinc def.
If i can get the digital cam battery to charge i'll post some pics. with my cell there is no point i already tried and it cant show that small details.
its not a nute burn for sure it showed only to 3 girls that entered preflower and have massive grow i was thinking mg too cause its more like whit colour and the tip isnt crusty or something it feels healthy when i touch it. nute burn that i faced early in 2nd week had yellow crispy tips that when i touched were breaking
If i can get the digital cam battery to charge i'll post some pics. with my cell there is no point i already tried and it cant show that small details.
its not a nute burn for sure it showed only to 3 girls that entered preflower and have massive grow i was thinking mg too cause its more like whit colour and the tip isnt crusty or something it feels healthy when i touch it. nute burn that i faced early in 2nd week had yellow crispy tips that when i touched were breaking

when they move towards the flowering phase need og MG and Zn will become bigger so that sound like the problem. do you have any additives with high in Mg Zn try giving it a mild dosage of that to start with. i had same problem just now being at beginning at flower. i justed screwed it up so much the dosage so i had to flush and re-calibrate yesterday hope they will bounce back. :D if they get to much Mg Zn it can lock out the K nutrient and vice versa. *Lol* personally i really need to stress off from OPP (other peoples problems) IRL be course i forget all of my own shit such as feeding my plants properly. I really just feel like slappin my self today :) such a noob error is not acceptable being a grower for almost ten years. UNACCEPTABLE
some of them also look like twisting to the right if this is of help
but this could be from the fan blowing on them. or not

deformed growth can be either P def. or if twisted growth it could be a Bor Def. My personaly guess in this stage leans more towards a slight P def maybe?
my basic feeding nutes have both Mg and Zn. It supposed to have all a cannabis plant needs for all the stages of its life.
LINK Short flowering bag

short Flowering
Designed specifically for the growth and flowering stages of those plant varieties with a short flowering time, 8 weeks or less.
Its formula provides optimum development throughout the growth-stage to obtain greener, stronger and more resistant plants.
Without adding other components throughout the cycle, nutrients are provided in the proper ratio for easy absorption, perfect for early flowering plants.
N-P-K-Mg: 16+6+26+(2)
16% N Total Nitrogen
11% NS Nitrogen Nitrate
5% NA Nitrogen Ammoniacal
6% P2O5 Nitrogen Phosphorus
26% K2O Soluble Potassium
2% Mg Soluble Magnesium (=1.2% Mg)
0.02% B Soluble Boron
0.04% Cu Soluble Copper (as Chelate form EDTA)
0.1% Fe Soluble Iron (as Chelate form EDTA)
0.05% Mn Soluble Manganese (as Chelate from EDTA)
0.01% Mo Soluble Molybdenum
0.01% Zn Soluble Zinc (as Chelate from EDTA)
Concentration gr./Lt. 0.5 1 1.5 2
EC (mS) 1 1.4 2 2.6
These values are calculated starting from tap water at medium hardness with EC 0.7
Estos valores se calculan con agua corriente a una dureza media de EC 0.7
my basic feeding nutes have both Mg and Zn. It supposed to have all a cannabis plant needs for all the stages of its life.
LINK Short flowering bag

short Flowering
Designed specifically for the growth and flowering stages of those plant varieties with a short flowering time, 8 weeks or less.
Its formula provides optimum development throughout the growth-stage to obtain greener, stronger and more resistant plants.
Without adding other components throughout the cycle, nutrients are provided in the proper ratio for easy absorption, perfect for early flowering plants.
N-P-K-Mg: 16+6+26+(2)
16% N Total Nitrogen
11% NS Nitrogen Nitrate
5% NA Nitrogen Ammoniacal
6% P2O5 Nitrogen Phosphorus
26% K2O Soluble Potassium
2% Mg Soluble Magnesium (=1.2% Mg)
0.02% B Soluble Boron
0.04% Cu Soluble Copper (as Chelate form EDTA)
0.1% Fe Soluble Iron (as Chelate form EDTA)
0.05% Mn Soluble Manganese (as Chelate from EDTA)
0.01% Mo Soluble Molybdenum
0.01% Zn Soluble Zinc (as Chelate from EDTA)
Concentration gr./Lt. 0.5 1 1.5 2
EC (mS) 1 1.4 2 2.6
These values are calculated starting from tap water at medium hardness with EC 0.7
Estos valores se calculan con agua corriente a una dureza media de EC 0.7

yes but this is calculated for regular plants i would think. and from what i have been reading on autos i seem to recollect some of them being REALLY Mg hungry
yeah i'm 99.9 percent sure its Mg and Zn. i did more research. i started cutting lower leaves that turn yellow to stop it from sending food to them. also its watering day so they are to be fed in a couple of hours.
if feeding doesnt help then i have to get some cal-mg additive or something.
yeah i'm 99.9 percent sure its Mg and Zn. i did more research. i started cutting lower leaves that turn yellow to stop it from sending food to them. also its watering day so they are to be fed in a couple of hours.
if feeding doesnt help then i have to get some cal-mg additive or something.

im actually pretty sure its not sending food, but taking food from the yellowing leafs actually to supplement new growth instead of the old when in need.
yeah i'm 99.9 percent sure its Mg and Zn. i did more research. i started cutting lower leaves that turn yellow to stop it from sending food to them. also its watering day so they are to be fed in a couple of hours.
if feeding doesnt help then i have to get some cal-mg additive or something.

i would definitely get me some cal mag additive. so you always have the ability to supplement. i fear that you feeding it will still only give it the minimum as they are stable values the mg values in your basenute you can't up it without risking overfirtilization from some of the other components in the nutes

for an example maybe some some silicia clay type additive. the powder can be sprinkled around the stem base and it willl desolve gradually when plants are being watered.
im actually pretty sure its not sending food, but taking food from the yellowing leafs actually to supplement new growth instead of the old when in need.

shit. i only took out 2 leaves though. i hope she wont mind after i feed her.

if i had the gear and knowledge i would have made many clones from her. she is the faster growing girl in the garden by far. so fast that Mary is left behind in growth.
left is Krista and right is Mary half hour ago
shit. i only took out 2 leaves though. i hope she wont mind after i feed her.

if i had the gear and knowledge i would have made many clones from her. she is the faster growing girl in the garden by far. so fast that Mary is left behind in growth.
left is Krista and right is Mary half hour ago

no no it was not meant like that. it was not meant as you should not be taking of leaves or nothing. i just want to explain that you can use it a bit as an indicater M8. its fine taking of such leaves becourse it use powers on redistributing the food from one part to another. so its fine taking them of then it can just use its powers somewere else
i would definitely get me some cal mag additive. so you always have the ability to supplement. i fear that you feeding it will still only give it the minimum as they are stable values the mg values in your basenute you can't up it without risking overfirtilization from some of the other components in the nutes

for an example maybe some some silicia clay type additive. the powder can be sprinkled around the stem base and it willl desolve gradually when plants are being watered.

but the powder feeding warns NOT to use Mg additives only cal additive without Mg. i dont know finding cal-mg additive is very easy i can propably have it in an hour if need it. so because the def has just showed up i will give them a day to see how it goes after feeding and decide then.
the pictures a bit hard to see under that growlight. but from what i can see your plants are pretty well off. actually they look much more healthy then my two hydros does right now. so i would not be to nervous on your behalf M8 your doing Gr8 try look at mine to comparison i just posted some on why thread
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