Bill C-45: Canada's Legalization, The Drama Revs Up

It must have been an earlier proposal. A stupid one that they removed.

Ya, as comical as it would be to have tape mesure police, don't think it would be a good use of tax dollars LOL!
In reality how is the 4 plant limit going to be enforced? As it is now HC doesn't have the resources to police the medical system how will the Police do it?

Being a medical registered ACMPR patient HC has never once, and never will, do an inspection... I believe the police need a warrant unless I want to let them in to view, and even then I only have to show them what I want...
I guess I'd let them in since I am 100% legal and have nothing to hide. (We live in an apartment)
It would be better if they had a warrant, it would be fun to show them our registrations :) Anyhow, I'm too old to be the one to initiate confrontation.

Now, if they show up with attitude, that's different :)

I had a mental health issue a couple years back when I was all hopped up on pharmaceuticals, and had an interaction with the police. They confiscated the little bit of pot I had (I didn't have a script then) and I told him either give it back, or charge me... I kept it up for at least 5 minutes! I was being an ass, but to their credit, while they didn't give it back, they had no intention of charging me. Of course, I'm white, middle class, professional in my 50's...
Hi All,

Quite a while back we touched on International Treaties on this thread.

Here is a short article on what Canada should do/ what the effects might be.

Withdrawing from UN drug treaties would be detrimental: Global Affairs official - iPolitics

I still firmly believe that the anti-cannabis forces will crow about this for their base, no action will be taken for fear of speeding up legalization in more countries. Let sleeping dogs lie...

Peace. :peace:
Good Morning All,

Regarding Torst and odam2k's posts (#244 and #245) about allowing the police into you home, I have the following thoughts.

Never, and I do mean NEVER!, let the police on your property without a search warrant.

I know this sounds confrontational, and it does require you to politely confront the police, but they are NOT your friends. If they have reasonable suspicion of illegal activities on your property, they will get a search warrant. If they show up without a search warrant, they are on a fishing expedition. That means they will be looking for ANY infraction to justify their presence on your property.

Torst said "the police need a warrant unless I want to let them in to view, and even then I only have to show them what I want..."

Once you invite them in, you are authorizing them to look at whatever THEY want, until you tell them no. Being suspicious is their job, it is what they are trained to do. Maybe they'll see something illegal like a pack of cigarettes or something. Now they can investigate a "crime" totally unrelated to why they are there. And you can't stop them, you gave them permission to come in.

Protect yourself, just say no.

Peace. :peace:
Doctors Nova Scotia are weighing in again... (from the news)

I wouldn't mind so much if they presented actual research supporting their claims. It seems to me that they are using their status to foster an 'everyone knows' mentality.
"The recommendations aim to minimize the harms associated with cannabis use."

They should aim to minimize the harms associated with the war on cannabis....
The problem is that they cite no studies. The references they used cite no studies. There is no science behind their position papers, only supposition and fear. This is the same mentality that has prevented studies into the medical uses of Cannabis since 1923. Now, once again they expect us to kowtow to their 'doctor knows best' mentality.
What about the pills they prescribe... the reason I don't do doctors very often, they just throw prescription at ya like crazy.

The difference is that the prescribed pills are in the pharmacopoeia, and approved by Health Canada.
The new Impaired Driving laws for Alberta are also very stupid! It is like they are legalizing this but don't want any one to use it.

Getting to the point I wish they didn't start legalization and just kept it medical... Almost guarantee I am at the 5 ng/ml and yet never drive after consuming but I still expect issues one day!

I stopped driving when I was on the pharmaceuticals, I could hardly finish a sentence, never mind drive. Now, I doubt I'll drive again, I KNOW I'll be way over, even when not impaired, and I'm not looking to be the one to test the laws.... Sad... maybe someday, eventually things will relax as people adjust to the reality....
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