BlazinTrees' hydro grow - all widow


New Member
Greetings all. First i had to do it right. I'm doing a hydro gro from seed of some white widow. Also have cali orange that i'll play with next time around.

I'm now on day 5. I've planted 4 seeds and all four have popped and begun rooting. I've been so excited that i can't leave them alone. I'm not handling them too much...just once when the main tap root began leaving the softening shell. Made sure I didn't touch it. Praying for females.

I got lucky, there is a nice ground level storage area on the second level f my house. It it's 12' x 6' in size, and the the roof slopes upward in the room. 4 to 5 people can stand in there pretty comfortably. The plants have a max of probably about 7-8 feet to grow before they may begin touching the roof.

The room is typically 70 at night and around 78 during the day. Humidity stands usually between 49% and 51%.

I'm running ebb & flo the whole way through. So my cups fill up for one hour 3 times a day. I have small space heater in the room to maintain temp consistency. I also have a typical osc. fan to keep air moving when they pop above ground. I plan to veg for 3.5 to 4 weeks, and bud for 4-5. Here are some pics of my setup. :Rasta:



Day 1


Day 2

Day4 nicely rooting the naked eye you can see one of the baby yellow leave spearated from the root.

- blazin
first you will have to flower for at least 7-8 weeks and second what is the light you are using and what watt.

well in the pic you can kind of see the 85 watt spiral florescent. it's big and almost blinding really... but I turned that off and use my lower wattage flouro tube that gives of the blue/purple hue. so the room is dim ...the light is maybe about 18" from the cups now. i had success doing this when i tried a soil grow that i had to scrap 2 weeks into it cuz wifey became preganant, and I had to let it that we could both be treeless for the duration of the pregnancy. once they pop their heads above ground i'll toss on the 85W within 2 in. of their tops....veg them for i guess now told 7-8 weeks.

after that I have 2 400W HPS's that can be raised up to maybe 7.5 feet into the air.
Growin420 said:
first you will have to flower for at least 7-8 weeks and second what is the light you are using and what watt.


also the seeds are advertised as seed to harvest in 60-65 days. so who knows. whatever the wait...i know it will be worth it.
I think onion wanted you to bud for 7-8 weeks. You can veg for as long or short as you like....

Looks great!! Sounds like you have a nice space to keep you ladies!!
texas_style05 said:
damn, i wish i had the patience to hydro grow.

Love your sig Texas. And I must agree, God put this here on earth. I asked someone who is deeply religious...and also against marijuana..."does anyone else other than God have the power of creation? Like maybe the Devil?" And they said no, only God has that power. Then I said well that means that God made Marijuana, so there should be no problem with me smoking. It's as natural as it gets. Str8 from the being slightly dried, and then inhaled. If God created it...and created us...and knows everything...he would have known that man would enjoy this lovely plant that he put here on earth, and he would not condemn us for it. I mean alcohol is legal, and I think it has a whole lot more man made processing elements involved, but you don't seem to have a big problem with that...and they didn't have anything to say. Let's Blaze! :Rasta:
Well day 6 is here, and they've begun popping above ground. So I've put on all four flouro' they can get plenty of light during the veg stage.

Here they come!!!


Nocuous said:
Great micro photos!! This looks like some thing on the discovery channel lol!

thanx man...i'm excited about the quality of the photos too. I have a Sony Cypershot - DSC-t1. It's a 5 MP...and as you can see it's great using the Macro feature.

I hope to really utilize it when showing the sex of them, and then of course the trichs and crystals to come later.
Man only a few hours later into the evening, and after turning on all flouro's that one seed i showed earlier turned into this...

I love it!!!! :Rasta:

awesome pics man just awesome
Nice little set up, wish I could get some close pictures like that without it looking like hell. Im about to start up 4 WW in a hydro system in about a week, never done it. Ill have to keep checking back at your journal to see how you are doing and grab some pointers
fuxyorefill said:
i have a question, what is that material that its in? looks like wet ciggarete filter or somethinr

It's rockwool.
Day 7: 2 of the seeds have extended above ground now..the other two I checked on are squireling around still diggin in their roots. They should pop up in the next day or two.

Here are the two seeds that have popped. The first two are of the same baby plant that I showed on Day 6, the smaller pic is a new one that I haven't shown yet. :Rasta:




Day 8: 3 of 4 are doing nicely. the 4th well it may not make it. the 4th one I saw today, had popped it's shell, and so I tried to move it's leaves above ground...but the whole thing came up to my surprise. The root was very short, and didn't even branch out. It may be a dud now...but I replanted it...and hopefully something will happen with.

Here are some pics of them...

the first one that popped up...still doing well...


the second one that popped up...still doing well too.

my new little soldier that just popped up today

here's the little one that i replanted...hope something comes out of it.
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