BlazinTrees' hydro grow - all widow

hola...reporting for day 11. For sake of identification I'm naming them by the order in which they popped above ground.

WW1 is White Widow 1...or the first one that popped above ground...and so on.

Glad to report things are still going well...and that poor little soldier that looked like it might not make it...seemed to have dug in and decided to make it's purpose for being here be known..."I will GROW!!" 'she' said!!! The one starter leaf burned...but not due to the lights being too close or anything...i think it was dying already in the stage where you see it really yellow/green from pics on day 8. all other leaves seem to be doing well. keeping ph at 5.5...temps at 75-85, humidity between 40% and 50%.

Here are the beauties!!!

WW1 - Started Second leaf set....


WW2 - Caught up to WW1 really quickly in size...and has a THICK set of second leaves.


WW3 - catching up too...last pic of this girl 'she' was just opening the starter leaves.


WW4 - dug in strong...and looks like it's going to try to do something.


that's it for now!!!

- Blazin :Rasta: :Rasta: :Rasta:
Thanks for the love Turbo, and long as I know you guys are watching...i'll be okay....
Early AM Day 14:

All plants seem to be doing well. WW1 for some reason doesn't quite look the same as the rest for some reason. It's leaves appear to be more narrow and more 'ridgier'. All seeds came from the same white widow bag...guess they won't all look the same.

Anyway... WW2 is my favorite. You can ask my wife man...I told her I loved that one since it popped out of the ground...because it had a pretty purple to it...and it was darker than WW1. Just have a good feeling that it's a female. WW2 is the same size as WW1. WW3 is still a few days behind her older siblings. And WW4...well I'm just gonna let it grow to see what it's secondary leaves are coming in...but a little deformed. I was thinking of just pulling it up and dropping another seed down there...but I figure it's best to at least see what this one might do.

I have noticed on WW2 and WW3 there are a 2-3 very small brown spots on the leaves. I had the lights within 2 inches of the tops. Figure maybe the leaves are getting I raised the lights up a little. Also changed the water...and put in fresh nutes. I'm using dutchmaster's "one" formula. And I just started spraying the leaves today as well with dutchmaster's 'penetrator'. Added the required amount to my foliage spray and wet all the leaves...on all my little babies.

WW2 also has the second set of leaves which are already branching into 3 segments it's starting to take on the beautiful mary j look :cool:

Check out the babies.

WW1 - Still going strong....about 2 inches tall


WW2 - About 2 inches tall....My favorite...hence all the pics :)


...arrows pointing out the segmenting of the leaf...


WW3 - Catching up to her older sisters... about 1.5 inches tall.


WW4 - Just gonna wait and see what happens with this one. Watch it turn out to be my only female...LOL.


That's all reporting from this end. back to you guys in the studio...
Hey nice stuff you have going. I like your pics they are very nice. What kind of system do you use. Ebb and Flo? I wish you luck with your grow.
SmokeyMacPot said:
Hey nice stuff you have going. I like your pics they are very nice. What kind of system do you use. Ebb and Flo? I wish you luck with your grow.

yep...using ebb & flo. all the way through. Thanks for the props :headbanger:
Day 15 (late pm) : Everything's still going. Sorry i'm obsessed with posting pictures of ever little change...but hey...waddayawant?

WW1 - still chipper...second leaf set showing segmenting...and started it's third leaf set

WW2 - still the beauty of my eye...started it's third leaf set which are already showing their segmenting :headbanger: ...arrows are pointing them out


WW3 - showing some yellowing..i think maybe due to the nutes...but the yellowing hasn't gotten anyworse...seems to still be doing fine

WW4 - Has become the poster child for what your plant SHOULDN'T look like. LOL. At this point I'm just growing it for comical
Have a question.... I read somewhere that I should only veg for 2 weeks if on Hydro.

My question is, is this 2 weeks from the date that i popped them into the ground? Or when they popped up and opened their first leaves? if it's from seed...then it's basically saying i should start flowering now. If it's from when they popped up...i have only about a week left before i start to flower.

Anyone have experience hydroing widow before?
When you flower is dependent on how big you want the plant to be. I don't know specifically about widow but most strains double or triple in size durring flowering. If you flower very small they will of course grow more than than and if you veg for a long time it might grow less. Basically all I'm trying to say is that there is no specific time you have to flower it all up to you and how big you want them to get.

There are definitely exceptions to this though look at teg's plants, flowered at 10 inches and now they are 5 foot.
NoDirtWeed4Me said:
When you flower is dependent on how big you want the plant to be. I don't know specifically about widow but most strains double or triple in size durring flowering. If you flower very small they will of course grow more than than and if you veg for a long time it might grow less. Basically all I'm trying to say is that there is no specific time you have to flower it all up to you and how big you want them to get.

There are definitely exceptions to this though look at teg's plants, flowered at 10 inches and now they are 5 foot.

yeah lookin at Teg's was like dayum! I think I may just let it veg until Nov 11...that will be one full month of vegging from the time i planted the seed.

If vegging doesn't really occure until the seedling pops it's head above ground then it will 3 weeks of vegging. Which will be one week over what that site's recommending. It looks like they may know what they're talking about...i'll go one week over for good measure. We'll see what happens. Hell I have 6 more widow seeds...and i have 10 cali if this batch gets fugged up...i have back up. :headbanger:
Day 18 - All four are still doing well. Even WW4 seemed to put on a little more who knows? I'm only giving them 2 more weeks of it doesn't have much time to catch up. I did have a scare on day 17 though, because WW2's leaves were all slumping, and touching the ground...But I found it was due to the new space heater i put in the room. I went and got a new ceramic heater...because I realized the reflective heater would give off light...once I put them into I couldn't have that. I apparently had the ceramic heater pointed on WW2 too directly. I adjusted the new heater...and WW2 perked back up. Here they are...

WW1 - still going strong...

WW2 - you can see the leaves are still a tad droopy...but believe me they are much better

- arrows point out 4th leaf set that's coming in. :headbanger:

WW3 - The yellowing still hasn't it looks like i'm still good to go

WW4 - you'd have to really look back at the day 14-15 pics to appreciate the change.

- that's all for now
Day 21 - (2 weeks old since they popped their heads above ground). Everything's still going well...and WW4 is officially being dubbed "Mini-Weed". I'll start flowering on Nov. 8th or the 15th...still deciding...guess it depends on what they look like when we get there....

One thing I've noticed is that they all seem to have started new sets of leaves at the base of the other leaf stems.

WW1 - still thriving



WW2 - still thriving too - one of the pics below shows the new leaves coming in at the base.





WW3 - staying strong



WW4 - Mini-Weed


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