Buying buds in the USA as a tourist?


Active Member
Hi All,
I am booking a family holiday to the states at the end of the year for about a month. We live in Australia where it's still largely illegal, certainly in our state, so you can imagine the excitement of my 18 year old son and I who love to partake in some dank buds every now and again, hearing that in some US states it is legal. Our itinerary is almost set for California, Nevada, Colorado, and then New York City. Can I just walk into a dispensary and purchase or is this only for locals, or those with a permit or something? Any general tips for travelers going through these states and trying the local produce? Thank you for any insights :)
In California, all you need is to be 21 and have a valid I.D., although I don't know the letter of the law...the last time I was in a dispensary, the folks ahead of me were tourists from the UK, and they went right in & bought some weed, so I don't think you'll have any problem in Cali.
Have a great vacation!
I are talking to a network of growers all over the world...maybe someone here could hook you up with a little vacation stash in one of your cities? I think most places are going to require customers be over 21 for recreational bud because that's the standard drinking age in most of the US but hey, one last chance to be the cool dad that can buy legal weed and he can't LOL!
Here in Oregon most of the Dispensaries sell Rec now, just one has tax and one doesn't have tax added to price. Every State has different rules so might look them up prior to going (or planning), here looks like your passport will work for ID since you out of Country and don't have govt issued ID. Though I"m sure most if not all of them figure in tourists being able to purchase, as way tourism is every Country ;) :rofl: .

Problem you may find though is where to partake, as it's a ticket to smoke it in public (least OR, WA, and CA it is where I know laws it's like a $100 max fine) not sure how often they enforce it unless you walking down a crowded sidewalk. And since every State makes their own rules they do vary a lot, so good to know before you go "maybe I should have looked that up prior" ;) :rofl:

Not sure about the other states you mentioned, but California you just need proof of being 21+.
Awesome great info guys! Looks like I’ll be able to go to a dispensary or two as planned, and just be a bit discreet. No worries at all. Another question. Just like in Scotland I can go on a distillery tour to observe my favourite whisky being made. Is there such thing as a grow tour of large producers in the US? Also anyone know of any marijuana festivals in the month of December in those states?
Being from WA, that's Washington State not DC or Western Australia, and living down under for many years, I've loved my trips back home. I know of at least 2 dispensaries within 15 minutes from the airport so that's my first stop. Another one I asked and they allowed me to take photos of all the goodies so I could make my friends back in AU jealous as hell! If you buy bud, then you'll need a pipe or papers so I bought a vape pen with cartridges. You can get cartridges that run as high as 94+% THC. Have fun, just be smart.
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