Canadian Growers Group & Friends

Anyone else get all that hail on Wed.?? - really surprised me - it hung around for awhile. All the gals are under cover except for the bits that hang out a little. I've started to harvest one of the gals - the aphids are winning the war so this will give me a range from cloudy to amber as the other progress.
Hail! ...No!.... How big were the balls? lol... Aphids yikes I just got done that battle I won no aphids but might be at the cost of my cloudy lake clone had to trim her back a lil think I damaged it with too much soap in my mixer. :( we will see if she pulls threw.
Hey everyone, I didnt want to start a new thread on this because theres literally like 4 on every page lol. So Im going to ask it here if you guys dont mind - not getting enough traffic on my journal thread.

Ive been battling mildew on this plant for a bit now, and have made pretty good progress with it. Weve got more rain on the way, it dried out today a bit after 2 days of rain already. More coming tonight, and tomorrow. Im thinking about pulling this one a tad early, I dont know!! Should I risk it for the biscuit, or pull it now? I have 7 others, I just dont want to lose this one to rot.. these pics I just took. Will try to get some better ones once the wife is home to look after the kiddies.
I do see some amber, but id love to wait it out... just nervous. Thoughts?

ed rosenthal states that trichomes begin degrading into less psycoactive compounds as soon as they get cloudy. amber is full on degraded,, not into bad stuff , just less psyco,,

so,, harvesting early is 'never' a bad thing,, and very often a bonus. clear trichomes have the most bang

do a test one time and the proof will find y'all

peace and love from kelowna friends

oh,, one more thing,, i have been battling mildew for a cpl years now, indoors,, and legs crossed,, i may be mildew free right now

and this tip did not get me there, but,, i have been trying one teaspoon apple cider vinegar in a litre of water,, on my outdoor plants and by golly, it seems to be working better than anything i have tried before

some hope for me on the mildew front,, yay,,
Aphids yikes I just got done that battle I won no aphids but might be at the cost of my cloudy lake clone had to trim her back a lil think I damaged it with too much soap in my mixer. :( we will see if she pulls threw.
Try 10% iso & cut back on the soap. you need just enough for it to work as a wetting agent
you can spray close to the to the buds but will kill hairs if you soak em
at least it leaves very little trace in your product & kill em dead
How big were the balls?
A little smaller than marbles but there was a lot - kept it up for about 10 minutes!!
I believe my aphids have become immune to sprays - Murphy's, Mrs. Meyers and the alcohol recipe - seems that the aphids are now a darker brown colour and other little bastards with wings - I'm not sure if I should but I'm giving each branch a real good hosing as I harvest and then a good wash in the lemon/baking soda and then H202 and another good spray. I have built a stand that sits in the sink in the shop - basically a frame with window screen then plastic behind that - stands about 3 feet tall - I may lose a few trichs but it sure cleans them up - no way around it. The scum of aphids floating on the top of the bath buckets is amazing. I use those tall green compost bins that the county gives you to recycle waste.
Try 10% iso & cut back on the soap. you need just enough for it to work as a wetting agent
you can spray close to the to the buds but will kill hairs if you soak em
at least it leaves very little trace in your product & kill em dead

in my battle with spider mites, which is now over,, because my mites came from bot soil and i now use hempy, but in my battle i used iso alcohol at a one to one ratio,, with the above mentioned damage indeed, and limited affect. spider mites are sneaky. but i wanted to mention the ratio i used,, yes, the hardcore iso,, 91%

nothing i ever tried worked completely,, till i went hempy

oh, another thing about a touch of soap in the mix,, it makes the sprayer work better,, often:thumb:
Thats awesome I have a similar garden going as well love the peppers which ones you growing this season? Mine are red and orange Bells. Love the idea of herbs and spices for protection... I'm also going to propagate baby blue spruces for a Christmas time gift next year. pumpkin launcher!! classic love it haha .... Glad to see I'm not the only one in here bit by the grow bug! lol :)
Got a Trinidad Scorpion pepper plant this year & grow a bunch of burning bush habaneros
got some pics in this thread
Tons of other garden veggies & flowers
Anybody grow Watermelons on the prairies?
Anybody grow Watermelons on the prairies?
Yes, we tried watermelons and pumpkins in our greenhouse this year. Learned our lesson to put them in the ground sans greenhouse next year. This was our first year doing Chili peppers and we’re really impressed with them. I have a few pictures over in my off topic thread Here.
Does anyone know - can you still get regular Dawn - all I can find is "Ultra" - not sure if it is just a name change or what??
They renamed it... Simply Clean Dawn in 2008 and had the closest chemical make up of the original Dawn but was discontinued, So I guess no original Dawn dish soap anymore.
They renamed it... Simply Clean Dawn in 2008 and had the closest chemical make up of the original Dawn but was discontinued, So I guess no original Dawn dish soap anymore.
Does anyone know - can you still get regular Dawn - all I can find is "Ultra" - not sure if it is just a name change or what??
Dawn Ultra is there concentrate version. So you need a lot less. If I used just soap I would always rinse with plain water . or get leaf burn
I just use a few drops in the water enough to get it to not bead on the leaves & about 10% iso (99%)
if they don't all die I will increase the iso
You also need to spray every couple days for about a week to kill off stragglers & eggs (don't forget the top of soil & stems )
Off topic compared to up top but..
Since im still waiting for my crop, obviously im purchasing product.
Ive been using this for awhile now, weedmaps. Its an app. You open it up, choose which vender youd like to order from, browse the menu, and its at your door within 2 hours. Amazing!!! So lucky to live in these times and places. Canada is the best!
Just ordered some Bluedream, never smoked it before.. but im growing 2 plants of that strain so im very excited for this order!
I hope everybody is just as excited for the weekend as I am!!
Cropping atleast 2 plants this weekend aswell, my Granddaddy purp, and my Chocolata. Check out my half ass journal below of youd like!
Sorry mods, if this is an unacceptable post.
sheesh,, i have not got to bot pot or sot to bot pot for a lot a hot months now,, years even

but cool that one can,, my daughter has been ordering online, when she needs to, for a long time now, in calgary,, order,, it's there,, gotta love it
sheesh,, i have not got to bot pot or sot to bot pot for a lot a hot months now,, years even

but cool that one can,, my daughter has been ordering online, when she needs to, for a long time now, in calgary,, order,, it's there,, gotta love it
Thank goodness I haven’t had to do that in years as well. Isn't growing better than hanging in bars looking to score some smoke?
good saturday friends,, a fine saturday it is too.


the next week lookin perty fair indeed,, i am crossing my legs for two more weeks of frost free nights to finish off this lemon skunk beauty


still unbelievable how big and beautiful this plant is,,

some cooler nights have started to put some colour into er but not that can be seen in that pic

i also found this little gem in amongst the sunflower patch, i never found it till i removed the sunflowers,, ha

i remember planting a few random seeds there when i planted the sunflowers


this one must have a tonno afghani genetics cuz it is so diesel smelling,, i love the harshness of that strong diesel smell

i only posted this pic to show the 'fatty leaves' so indicative of indica,, hey cool phrase

indicative of indica,, love it,, a new song title perhaps

cheers friends,, have a fine day,, pls

thot i'd throw in a pic of my two outdoor potted plants,, one a blueberry and the other i am not positive,,

these two plants have a long way to go and i can move them under cover if not into warmth, so i shall see where they go,,

P1170899 (2).JPG
thanks friend,, @Backlipslide , i am enjoying this outdoor grow particularly since i have never had a plant even a quarter of this size

i picked a bud from my monster lemon skunk plant a week or so ago and have been outdoor drying it,, then i picked a bud today and ditto friends,,

P1170901 (2).JPG

i also quick dried a bud week or so ago and was most impressed indeed

know this friends,, do not hesitate to harvest a bit early,, y'all will be pleasantly surprised, i assure you
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