Canadian Growers Group & Friends

sure is dead around here!!! you all tapping up your hockey sticks the the play offs!!!!! go leafs go !!!!

just press some mid top buds 20 percent yield 4 weeks after harvest almost..

so so tasty very addictive highly recommend if you want to be stoned all day and all night you cant stop smoking it so tasty .. wow so good..

Its Time to Press some Rosin!!!!!
Never tried a cob, but find it interesting when i think about storing bud without bags and jars. Rain here for the next few days but yesterday i managed to liberate my plants from their artificial paradise.

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I'd really like to try some of that fresh and frozen rosin. No one i know makes it. Someone will have to smoke me up because I'm not paying $40 and $50 a gram just to see if the gear is worth getting.
I'd really like to try some of that fresh and frozen rosin. No one i know makes it. Someone will have to smoke me up because I'm not paying $40 and $50 a gram just to see if the gear is worth getting.

come on over !!!! think my cheaper rig to smoke rosin 240 on sale for the pipe and the nail..

my big glass bong clean out with a quarts bowl. and blow torch 80 n 25 105 best bang best rush.. more work..

the nail is ready to go all day night so stoned its dangerous...

this finger hash and rosin from this plant is incredible..

try new way to cure with some of my latest top crop buds...
been press some nice rosin from pop corn buds.. .. almost as nice as primo buds..

seems to be working really well also lots of humidity packs 62% in the buckets..

I'll be shoveling snow :( been snowing the last 3 days. Winter was gone now its back😡
Taking my tropicnna banana down tonight :yahoo:
Get your 420 contest entries in NOW contest closes at midnight tonight
Lots of cool prizes to be won
Looking good my tribe, I'm back for a month-enough time to plant outdoors and then off again. I spent part of yesterday at the Vancouver 420 party at Sunset Beach. Lots of interesting product there, people selling everything from Diamonds for $25 a gram to buckets of Magic Mushrooms for $3 bucks a gram. Too bad the weather was shitty yesterday, but I was impressed with the ingenuity of those people trying to make a buck. This morning I read that even nematode worms get the munchies, who woulda thought eh....

Worms get the munchies too when they are given weed, study finds

Researchers say when you give a worm weed, it gets the munchies.(NNehring via Canva)
By Jordan Gartner
Published: Apr. 20, 2023 at 2:37 PM PDT|Updated: 15 hours ago

(Gray News) - Marijuana is known for giving people munchies and it appears it also has the same effect on worms.
According to a new study shared online by the journal Current Biology, nematode worms reacted to cannabis the same way most humans do.
“Cannabinoids make nematodes hungrier for their favored foods and less hungry for their non-favored foods,” said Shawn Lockery, of the University of Oregon. “Thus, the effects of cannabinoids in nematodes parallels the effects of marijuana on human appetites.”
The team said the tiny nematode worms are smaller than a human eyelash and they decided to soak the worms in cannabinoids, the active substances found in weed, for “a Friday afternoon experiment.”

According to Lockery, they were inspired in 2015 for the experiment when cannabis became legal in Oregon.
“At the time, our laboratory at the university was deeply involved in assessing nematode food preferences,” Lockery said. “And the paper is the result of many years of follow-up research.”
The team shared that their research ultimately revealed that the worms, like humans, engage in hedonic feeding, an occurrence more commonly known as the munchies.
“Nematodes diverged from the lineage leading to mammals more than 500 million years ago,” Lockery said. “It is truly remarkable that the effects of cannabinoids on appetite are preserved through this length of evolutionary time.”

Stay well friends, happy outdoor planting in the next month.
hope my weed dont have worms eating it.. is that why im always running out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

big leaf ot win tonight yahoo.. trying out some 30 day bud.. smooth..

Hello, just looking for some opinions, i was thinking of growing some auto's this summer outside, i grew some inside when they first came out and they tasted like shit so went back to regs and fems indoors but i've heard they have improved over the years and to hot in the summer to grow inside without a lot of work. So i was going to buy a cheap greenhouse off amazon to put them in just more or less so thieves would be less to see them, just wonder if it would get to hot for them, i don't think so but just your thoughts?
My greenhouse is super hot in the summer. Thieves can still smell them, in high temps they stink even harder
. Greenhouse is good for rain in the fall
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