Cannabis drinks


Well-Known Member
I love reading articles on the business side of cannabis. One article I was reading this morning (Politico), is about the hopeful growth of the cannabis beverage market....currently like 3-4% of the market revenue.

I know I'm an old school stoner, still preferring to smoke it, but what do you all think about cannabis beverages? Is it like an edible high? Do you see it being the most widely accepted way to consume?

Puff puff pass is still my favorite way....although cooking hot food with cannabis is becoming a favorite. I make a killer chicken stir fry :)
They are a growing niche in the market but not something that'll dominate imo. People still enjoy the classics, joints, blunts, bong etc. But with all this investment, the new technologies are pretty exciting. I love this product called "Sips". It's the size of a 5 hour energy shot and has 100mg of thc. Even on an empty stomach, it still takes at least 30min to fully hit, so if I'm looking to get a buzz asap, it's not my go-to. But still a wonderful product.
I want a cannabis oil infused 8%+ IPA beer. I'm assuming I could add the infusion myself but once I pop off the original metal top won't the beer begin to downgrade due to introduction of oxygen? If not, do companies sell kits to put on new metal tops?
I'm not a beer drinker but one of my personal favorites is making infused liquors. It's super easy to make and it can really add some zing to your cocktails.
I am super picky about my strains for cooking and and making drinks though. Choose a strain that compliments food or drinks. Citrus, minty or fruity strains are best. They also tend to bring a brighter, more pleasant color to your food and drinks. I dunno about ya'll...but puke green is not exactly a good color to look at in my book when you're eating lol.

I also am picky about the high, especially in alcohol. An uplifting, giggly sativa strain is what I prefer in alcohol because I don't want a double-knock-out punch of sedation. My all time favorite for both food and alcohol is JTR. (Jack the Ripper) Wish I could find some seeds for this strain!
I have really liked cooking with cannabis. It adds a great flavor in hot foods and hits me almost immediately.

How do you make your infused liquor?

I made some tincture but it tastes like burnt buds mixed with ever clear haha
Burnt buds with Everclear lol...I've been there for sure as well!
Maybe the temps were too high during the burn off or the decarb temps were too high?

Infused liquor is easy peasy though:
I make mine by the quart (wide mouth jars) and it's usually a clear liquor. I like Columbian Rum or Vodka.

I use 1/4 oz. of trim/bud per qt. (You can use however much you want here, 1/4 oz. is just my personal preference.)

Decarb your pot in the oven. (I do mine for 1 hour @ 200 degrees but ovens differ so keep a close eye on it.)

Take the decarbed pot, wrap it up tightly in cheesecloth, tie it off and put it directly into the jar of liquor. ( You can also drape it over the jar edges and still get the lid on.) Close the lid and let it soak for at least 24 hours or up to a week. Make sure you gently shake the jar once daily to help the infusion process.
Thanks, ill give it a try! I have so much bud I need other things haha.

It was the magic butter machine that I used, did the double cycle and perhaps it cooked it. Tastes horrible but 2
drops does the job :)
I want a cannabis oil infused 8%+ IPA beer. I'm assuming I could add the infusion myself but once I pop off the original metal top won't the beer begin to downgrade due to introduction of oxygen? If not, do companies sell kits to put on new metal tops?

If the beer is carbonated when you add the cannabis, the introduction of air will be very brief.

Delicious Non-Alcoholic Rum Drink Infused with THC-O​

Utoya is proud to present the delicious, natural, and non-alcoholic rum-flavored drink that is infused with 50 mg of THC-O!
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