Cheap Plastic Box Grow

Hey wreck why is it a 'cheap plastic box grow'?? from a pic I saw its like your growing in a tent with mylar...or is it an actual cardboard box with foil on the sides lol?? in any case looking good, hope you got rid of those pests mate...
hahahah! The tent is homemade out of this black plastic used for keeping sunlight out of windows. The box is just a plastic storage box, kind of like the rubber maid ones and its not really mylar, I'm just using the reflective side of a car windshield reflector. Cardboard was the original idea, but I didn't want to burn my house down. In saying that though I mutter a thanks to the misses everytime we get home and my homemade garden hasn't burnt down our place!

Yeah pest free (I'm pretty sure!) At this stage.

Cheers for stopping by!
Well here they are, we are getting very close. I did lie earlier, I feel one more tie down before I flip to flower.. Woo hoo! :party: still looking like 2 weeks before the flip, just gathering the last of my supplies.


So, I'm thinking of flowering the one on the right? It has less tops but is way more even and for my space that would be better, right?

Happy days,WS
Your opinion is grealy valued,
If your worried about running out of space you might want to consider continuing lst until the stretching in flower ends i did that my last grow. Anyways your girls are looking great keep up the good work bud good vibes your way
Glimmer!!!! Naww thank you! They do like it hey! Hope the get flowers as beautiful as yours, hope you're well!

Thanks Lexort, is it cool to lst during the first flower strech? That would help me out heaps..

Organic, stop you're making me blush! Looking forward to getting a set up much like yours soon!

Thanks y'all, just got back from the movies, and saw " Black Mass" with Johnny Depp, epic film, ooo look at the time.. 420, see ya soon!
Have you taken clones yet wrecked? Can't remember when you was gonna take them. I just took 5 so im hoping they all root.
Out of curiosity when's the best time to take clones & how many can you safely take in one go?
I was always taught to take during veg, but the girls I'm growing were from a flowering plant and I'm loving the results. It is alot more time consuming, longer to take root, has to revert to veg etc As for how many you can take in one go kinda depends on your situation, the mother of the two girls I'm growing now had only two fan leaves left after I took as many clones as I could and she kept pumping them out, fight for survival stuff. If your going to flower the plant you want to grab the lower branches that wouldn't get light any way.
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