COGrows 400W HPS - Soil - Blue Plant Nutrients

I do, and even on the lowest setting, with the ducting reduced from 6" to 4" in the area between the fan and my hood and the exhaust being covered a little, using angles and length where I can all to lose CFM on the fan as well.

That being said, I'm just using a regular 25 dollar fan speed controller.

With me turning the fan on and off every once in a while I'm pretty stable in there at about 68.5F.
As long as the rootzone does not drop much lower than that you should be okay, try insulatining your floor to prevent your roots getting cold.

As i said in my above post a oil filled rad should help... if worried or it gets colder
Thanks for the reply Shadow, I appreciate your time! I already run my lights from 6pm to 12pm. Maybe when I flower the ~10 degree drop at night will be good. I've got it at about 70 when managing the fan, but obviously I don't want to do that.

Well, got the gallery working finally. Here they are last night

And I thought some of you would enjoy these two pictures. The first is my bong with a ridiculous amount of attachments. From the bowl down there is a bowl, a carbon filter (BEST thing ever, I never hit my bong without it, and it also keeps it insanely clean), a glycerin tube (freeze it to cool your hits), an inline ashcatcher, another glycerin tube and finally another inline ashcatcher. It is ridiculous and we just did it to mess around. I thought it was crazy and that I'd share with all you. ~$600 dollars in attachments on a bong I paid $175 for hahah..

And a few of the nugs I got from the dispensary. Left to right we have Snowcap, Kandy Kush, Ghost OG and Durban Poison. I never bother with taking time to get the perfect pictures because I just have an iphone but this one a friend took of some random nugs and it turned out nice. I should try and showcase my nugs more often.
So I watered today and on one of the plants with the yellow spots had a runoff ph of about 6.1 or so, the others were a little closer to 6.5. What's the best way to raise it? Should I keep a water ph of 6.5 goin in or what? Or should it be a little higher and let the soil buffer it DOWN rather than up? I'm pretty sure that when I was just feeding them water with pH around 6.9-7 that the runoff was close to 6.5. Should I go back to that, feeding around 6.9 pH?
Alright, well after talking to a few people and looking around I've found out my water has chloramine so I've went out and bought my own. Back to pH, the guy at the growshop told me not to mess with it, but when I asked about what to do when I use nutrients he didn't have a clue because he said it depended on the line and he doesn't really know or isn't at all familiar with Blue Planet Nutrients like everyone here is.

Any better consensus on what to do? I'll be using RO water with the 3 part Elite BPN line and I know when I plain water I won't adjust but what do I do for the nutrients? Should I just pH the nutrient/water solution for 6.5?

Just a little picture update today after 1) topping the little one last night, and 2) tying the 3 larger ones to the side to better penetrate the lower tops with light.

28 days from seed and just super bushy!


With a little experimentation, you will get it down what ph the nutes need ro be at. I prefer a little lower than 6.5 than above it.a lower ph guarantees that most micros will be available and if a little low, just adjust your nutes up next time.
Are these from my pH issues? Weird growth, not just what's in these pictures is happening. Some yellow spotting and areas of the leaf are lightening like an Mg deficiency, just not in the same pattern as the problem solver thread. Some of the worst leaves look ripped up, but I can tell it's how it great out. Here are some of the deformed growths, and you can see a little of the spotting.


These are spots on another plant. What causes holes like these? I was thinking water got on it, but the way I water, it'd be hard to spill on the top sections. The spots turn yellow and eventually develop a hole (I only know this because I can see a new one forming). I was thinking bugs, but I've had the loupe out and examined everything. I got rid of the few gnats I found by using diatomaceous earth. I have SNS 217 spray, but haven't found any actual bugs to justify using it.
whats your RH at and how far is your light from the plants?? because they seem to be suffering from a little moister stress, or over nuted. Clawed tips and burning...

Please post a pic of the whole plant with affected leaves in sight.
I will try and get a new picture when the lights come back on tonight. My RH is about 35 percent, albeit a little low, it isn't that far off from 40 percent. And my light is about 12 inches away, but i have my hood air cooled so well (400cfm fan...) that it is so cool I can have my hand on the glass for minutes with no burning.

Most of the leaf tips are not curling anymore like they were, but some still are. It should also be noted that prior to now, all plants were being watered with water containing chloramine. I hear that can affect the micro organisms in the soil too.

Thanks for the help, I'll post back more later.
i see what kind of looks like zinc deficiency on some of the newer growth. That is caused by too high of a pH. THey also look like that are kind of burned. That soil with time released nutrients in it is probably kind of hot. Since there are time released nutrients, they are probably supplying a lot of some and not enough of others and that combined with feeding your plants may be causing some imbalances. If you plan on transplanting, be sure to use a soil/medium with no nutrients in it like coco and/or perlite.
i see what kind of looks like zinc deficiency on some of the newer growth. That is caused by too high of a pH. THey also look like that are kind of burned. That soil with time released nutrients in it is probably kind of hot. Since there are time released nutrients, they are probably supplying a lot of some and not enough of others and that combined with feeding your plants may be causing some imbalances. If you plan on transplanting, be sure to use a soil/medium with no nutrients in it like coco and/or perlite.

Nice, spot on man. I just checked the runoff after using the RO water I bought and the two I watered were a bit high, one at 6.7 and one at 6.9. So... next time I water I'll use water with the pH lowered .2 on one and .4 on the other to try and correct it, or what?

Next grow I'm definitely NOT using FFOF or at least since I have just one bag left I may just use a quarter of it and mix that with perlite and another soil that doesn't contain so many nutrients.

I haven't used nutes except for 2.5ml of each one time, and it has been two waterings since. The only thing with time release would be the perlite, and there's 20% perlite to FFOF. The amount of fertilizer in the perlite isn't much, but would it be enough to cause some of this? Obviously I need to correct the pH issue first, but...

Anyway, here are the pictures of the two plants. The first is the one with the little holes, zoom in and you may be able to see them.

These two are from the one with the weird leaves. They're tied back on one side and I tucked a little bit of fan leaves to bring up the lower tops.


Let me know if they're not good enough and I'll play around with the lighting more and try and get a better picture.

But basically it seems to boil down to a pH issue. I'm getting altering opinions on adjusting the pH of water going in when using soil. Some say not to and that the pH up/down can actually kill off the micro organisms making it worse? If I don't adjust the water, what do I do when I use nutrients during the flowering stage? Same?

Thanks for the help guys, and any advice on training/getting the most tops even with the main top would also be much appreciated.
actually, they look good to me. The little holes is most likely some sort of pest. I am no pest expert so maybe someone else can chime in and help. I have seen that kind of damage many many times and it is not a big deal. Just try lowering the pH just a bit. 6.9 and 6.7 is actually not that bad. 6.9 is a bit high but with a little adjustment, you will have it down. Once you start increasing the nutrients, the nutrient solution will be more acidic because the nutrients are acidic and pH drifting up will be less of a problem. Some of the older leaves look kinda of burnt. that is ok because you will eventually be pruning them off if they don't die first..which is totally natural as they age. Once they get larger and develop a stronger root system, they will be able to take a much stronger nutrient solution and will be less stressed by nutrient strength and ph Fluctuation. Keep giving them a dilute nutrient strength and pH it down to get the run off around 6.5. A little lower or higher will not be a big issue as you will see as this grow progresses
Alright, well an update on the plant from earlier that had the holes that looked like a pest. I'm getting more issues with this same plant. It is also the one that had a pH runoff of 6.7. It had mild spotting of yellow through the veins in some of the growth that you can't really see from the pictures. I'll take more of them upon request if needed. Any ideas? Pests? I can't see anything on any leaf, top or bottom... Some of the new growth, where the holes were forming, are looking like the tips were ripped and mangled, etc... Overall, the leaves are cupping, it has yellowing on the inner portion of the top of the leaves, some on the tips like a burn, and the tips are clawing under with some curl to the leaves.

This is another picture of the same plant, but of one of the two tops I have after topping it. It looks like the whole tip was ripped off, or it's deformed. Would that be from the same issue as the first picture or could it be from me topping/fimming it?

And another one of the entire plant

Here are all 3 of the larger ones side by side. Starting to show sex on 2 of them. The middle plant is the one that is pictured above. They all got a slight trimming of a few fan leaves and first true leaves that were all yellowing. I also trimmed one lower set of fan leaves from each as well as one more set from the one on the right as a test to see how it does.

The left and middle plant from above

The middle and the right plant from above
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