COGrows 400W HPS - Soil - Blue Plant Nutrients

Honestly, your plants look really good and healthy. I would just keep doing what you are doing. Let the soil dry out really well....make sure the pots are kinda light when you pick them up before watering or feeding and lets see how they do for a couple of weeks. Maintain the pH between 6.3 and 6.7. A long as you don't get a bad spider mite infestation or powdery mildew, etc, you should be great as far as pests. I think that these will continue to grow nicely.

One more question: What are you using to check the pH? When using the BPN 3 part, everything is supplied in the proper amounts so nutrient deficiencies are always a symptom of too much fert/ not enough fert/ or pH/growing medium issues. That is why I am asking the question about how you are measuring your pH. An accurate pH measurement is critical.
Thanks man, and to check the pH I've got a Hanna Checker. It's accurate up to the hundredths and I pretty much have to calibrate it every time. I have no doubts in my mind that for my next grow I am going to a soilless mix so I can have better control of the pH and my nutrients.

And as far as nutrients go, I've only used them twice, and both times I think I did a teaspoon of each per gallon. That gallon was split among 3 of them. They got watered 2 or 3 times between the two feedings. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, give them a plain water feeding and up my nutrients to the next level and see how it goes. They're nearly ready for flowering, so I don't know how I should use my nutrients. Just work up to 10ml of each? Or only work up to the 10ml in the bloom, 7.5 in micro and keep the grow at 5ml, or whatever the schedule says I can't remember?
Thanks, much appreciated!

I've got to have bugs or something, but I can't find a single thing, nor can I see anything. I got rid of the few gnats I had since I put down the diatomaceous earth and haven't seen a single living thing other than myself and the plants in the grow room. I'm just seeing the same type of growth with the holes appearing in the leaves, or where it looks like the leaf is ripped/mangled. Any ideas anyone? I don't know if it's affecting them all that much, but I can count twice as many affected areas today as compared to the other day.

Edit: After more research I'm just pretty sure it's a pH issue. And I've also probably been collecting too much of the run-off water before testing the pH. Next time I'll take the first ~4oz of runoff and test that. Should be tomorrow based on how much they weighed a little bit ago.

Thanks again.
Came in this evening about 20 minutes after lights came on and two of my plants were severely wilted from lack of water! I watered immediately and got the humidity up from 28 to about 40 percent. It's still going up, shooting to hold at about 50 percent RH for the next week using towels until I get my humidifier back. They both improved within minutes and should be fine.

Anyway, 3 of them got their first dose of 10ml, 7.5ml, and 7.5ml of grow, micro, and bloom respectively. All looking good, and I would have to say some of my weird growth could very well have been caused by the very dry air. Who knows, but we'll see. They'll be going into flower in a little more than a week? I'm not sure, just seeing how it all goes. I need them in bigger pots... Would it be too soon or a mistake to go from their 3gals to a 5gal after only a month? They've been in them their entire lives so far...
the plants look good as i see.. im a noob first grow still in progress.hydro, but i wanted to try soil and ive had my mind set on BPN nutrients for awhile very affortable just had a few questions about the nutes them self, and i heard a 2 to 1 ratio light warrior and FFOF is a good base soil so i might go with that saw this post and had to come in sink in some more knowledge about soil.. so ill be with you from here on out i may not be much help but i can admire for you lol
and have you been using full strength the whole time?? every time i introduce nutes i always do 1/4 str and work my way up any burn bring it back down... it could always just be organic nutes so on in the soil its self and when your adding the three part its getting to much of something.. just remember you can always come back from underfertilzation easier from what i heard.. i know nothing of soil but normally when too high nutes or heavy discoloration calls for a quick flush in my opinion in my hydro
Came in this evening about 20 minutes after lights came on and two of my plants were severely wilted from lack of water! I watered immediately and got the humidity up from 28 to about 40 percent. It's still going up, shooting to hold at about 50 percent RH for the next week using towels until I get my humidifier back. They both improved within minutes and should be fine...

Try and raise RH a lil, to around 50ish untill your in late flower...

I did suggest to you, RH should be raised
I did suggest to you, RH should be raised
I definitely had it in mind my entire grow. I knew my humidity would be low and I also knew that because it was low I would have to water more often, and I just didn't keep up with them after they started using so much water! But I definitely do appreciate the help and after giving them their next dose of nutes and checking on them today everything seems perky, straight, vibrant, etc!

And as far as the nutrients go, yes I started at about quarter strength and I'm working my way up.

When the feed schedules are talking about the strength of nutrients for each week, do the plants get that amount of nutrient solution once that week, or if they get watered 3 times, the first and third being nutrients with the middle being plain water? I'd assume the latter...
Yeah it really depends on how sensitive the plant is it could be watered with nutes once a week or every watering.. but normaly its every other watering untill the plant gets past maybe 3 feet but honestly if u like the results your getting its better to stay on the same nute track than making a new one half way through get it down to a science sso you know when and exactly how much nutes everytime after tht its a breeze and oh forgot about the fan you should try having your fan off for awhike to see if it will run higher humidity.. as in a timer for the fan.. like mine is a 3 prong so I have mine hooked on a timer and shuts off when needed and starts back up..
Minor update in the HPS lighting, better pictures coming tonight. Just wanted to show that 3 larger ones got nutrients for a second time two days ago at 10ml, 7.5ml, 7.5ml of blue planet nutrients grow micro bloom and loved it. The smallest one was showing some sort of deficiencies and got it's second nutrient watering. This time it was 5ml of each grow micro and bloom.

Should be going into flowering in the next week or so, I just need the small one to catch up a little bit. It'll definitely be smaller than the others, but it'll REALLY help me put a better time on when I should be topping for my particular room and for what I want to do. Little test plant that didn't sprout in the paper towel that I thought was a goner... Nope, the peat pellet kept him alive and so I tried my hand a FIMming... Not sure how it worked, but I definitely see deformed growth out of that top, so hopefully I did something right.

Anyway, I'll get more pictures in regular lighting this evening to showcase the nutrient deficiency on the small plant and to see how the larger ones have improved with the humidity.
Just curious what soil you use? Like is it heavily fortified with nutrients or not?

I use Biobizz, or some multi purpose compost from BnQ. i don't use nutes till i start 12/12, when growing in soil, unless needed.

The pictures above look like a N def, did you say you feed it with a weaker dose of nutes last watering??
I use Biobizz, or some multi purpose compost from BnQ. i don't use nutes till i start 12/12, when growing in soil.

The pictures above look like a N def, did you say you feed it with a weaker dose of nutes last watering??

It got 5-5-5 ml of grow micro and bloom. I'm feeding it about one week behind the others, so it will be getting the 10-7.5-7.5 next week when the others are getting the 10-10-10. After that I will switch to 12/12 and flower and start with the 10 10 15. I hope...

I need to start flowering soon, otherwise I'm going to outgrow my pots and not finish flowering before the temperatures get unmanageable because of the spring/summer heat. I'm in 3gals and I'm thinking I'm going to go up to a 5gal bucket and transplant them before I flower. Only reason I wouldn't do that is because I may run into heat issues late in flowering.

Anyway, thanks again Dean. I'm pretty sure that little one might be ready for a transplant soon. I'll keep you updated and see if the nutrients helped.

Edit: Another question, when you go into using nutrients after 12/12 do you still just start at about a quarter strength and work up? Like if you started using 3part bpn for flowering, what would you feed your plants? Here's the feed schedule: Feed Charts - Blue Planet Nutrients
I'd start feeding a week before flowering, strarting with the Crazy growth 10 10 10. and continue to follow it from there.

but if plants where showing signs of any def before then i'd feed them with veg1. 5 5 5

when growing with a good soil it should have all the nutes need for the first few weeks.

i normaly veg for know more than 4wks when growing from clone. potting the plants up as i go along. 0.2ltr, 1ltr, 6.5ltr. that way the plants get a fresh feed from the soil each time.
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