Cookies & Gelato: Yum!

That's my question though! How long distance are we talking? Lol
My flower tent is in a back room of my house with the door always closed. I put the males by a window several rooms away and make sure to either harvest or use the pollen right away, so it isn't floating around in the air. I take the girls out one at a time and pollinate a lower branch with a fine tipped paintbrush. Usually the boys show their sex a lot faster, which isn't optimal. This time I started them much later (since they don't need to be too big) and put them into flower later.
My flower tent is in a back room of my house with the door always closed. I put the males by a window several rooms away and make sure to either harvest or use the pollen right away, so it isn't floating around in the air. I take the girls out one at a time and pollinate a lower branch with a fine tipped paintbrush. Usually the boys show their sex a lot faster, which isn't optimal. This time I started them much later (since they don't need to be too big) and put them into flower later.
Do you walk around with a spray bottle spritzing water behind you as you leave the room with the pollen lol I would have one attached like a gun holster
Do you walk around with a spray bottle spritzing water behind you as you leave the room with the pollen lol I would have one attached like a gun holster
Hey Krissy what you do with the males. Hemp oil or what . Just wondering and curious
Four weeks. Only one of the little Afghanis turned out to be male, should be ready to pollinate by the weekend. Hopefully long enough to produce some decent seeds.

CookiesGelato4weeks 006.JPG
Four weeks. Only one of the little Afghanis turned out to be male, should be ready to pollinate by the weekend. Hopefully long enough to produce some decent seeds.

CookiesGelato4weeks 006.JPG
U got afgan. Dang I wish I had it. Send me some pollen lmao
How many galetos u got and how long did it take in veg.before u flipped them
The one on the left in the bigger pot is the Gelato. I vegged everybody about 2 months. If you're in Canada I can send you some Afghani seeds.....oh, the last little Afghani is also female, so no seeds this run! :peace:
The one on the left in the bigger pot is the Gelato. I vegged everybody about 2 months. If you're in Canada I can send you some Afghani seeds.....oh, the last little Afghani is also female, so no seeds this run! :peace:
Yeah not in Canada. Bro. Kinda glad I'm not right now. But before now I wish I was. Lmao
Do got another question were they real low to ground and two months. . I don't think will be two months maybe three they short plants and if u top one. Omg takes forever then
Sorry, the little Afghani's were only vegged a few weeks, I wanted them later because males tend to flower much earlier. No males, unfortuantely......
Dang. Both Girl Scout Cookies hermied on several bottom branches. Seems like that is one of their traits. Cleaned up everything I could see. :rolleyes:
I pulled the Durban Poison last week, the two GSC yesterday, 1 oz each. Tomorrow I'll harvest the Gelato, she's a bit bigger than the others.

Wow. The Gelato is a real creeper. I prefer edibles, when I smoke I often just do one big hit on my pipe. My first impression was, nothing much really happened, and I kind of forgot I did it. Twenty minutes later it hit like a mellow-bomb. That one's a keeper. I'll have to find something good to cross it with, maybe Harlequin.
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