Curled shiny leaves: MC dosage


Well-Known Member
Second time grower in FFOF and using MegaCrop. Day 24 for these autos.

A few leaves are curling down, dark green, and shiny. That means too much MC and I need to back off a bit? I was at 3.25g/gal.....go to 3gr/gal or even less?


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May just be overwatering a tad, and not over feeding. I get mine up to 4g/G pretty quick (for sure by day 24) No reason to go backwards on your dose, since it will be going up to 5g/G soon. My plants occasionally get that look when I don’t let them dry out enough.
you've got room, leaves aren't even tipping. they look good. just watch how often you feed. possible very slight overwater.
should add : most autos feed a bit light. not all, but they are usually more sensitive to nutes. mc is a touch high in N, so will result in very green plants. mc keys on N to teach a simple read on how your plants are doing.
check out how to water a potted plant in my sig
I've read that before and did that with my first grow. I was waiting for my plants to get bigger to water to run off ...think I'm at that stage now
Those are about to explode with growth they are actually perfectly healthy with massive cellular growth.Bit to much water maybe but fine other wise.
Yea I'm excited...looking WAY better than my first grow at this stage. Already seeing some pistils too ;)
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