Db003's - Glueberry Skunk Auto Tester - Nightcrawler OG Auto Tester - Mars II 700

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done water these autos I made one and a half gallons of water it had 4ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 2ml of start R per gallon so a total of 6ml of A and B and 3 ml of start R and I also gave the glueberry skunk auto only some Cheshire Grin Organic Worm Casting Liquid Extract I gave it 90ml directly to the soil to do a side by side comparison the water was ph. to 5.8 I split the water between them till I got some run off

these autos are in day #18 from sprout

db003's - glueberry skunk auto tester - nightcrawler og auto tester - Mars II 700 video #3 - YouTube
time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water it had 6ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 3ml of start R per gallon so a total of 12ml of A and B and 6 ml of start R the water was ph. to 5.8 I split the water between them till I got some run off

since these plants are in day 20 from sprout I decided to give them a full dose of nutes and see how they react I also removed a few leaves from the bottom of the plants that were in the way of watering just a set of single blade leaves and a set of 3 blade leaves

these autos are in day #20 from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water it had 6ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 3ml of start R per gallon so a total of 12ml of A and B and 6 ml of start R the water was ph. to 5.8 I split the water between them till I got some run off they only got about a gallon and a half

I deiced to install my scrog net since there just growing so fast and to be honest scrogs are my favorite style of growing

these autos are in day #22 from sprout

Got the scrog all ready. And reward yourself with mushroom pizza. I can dig it. I'm contemplating if I could do a screen in my small box. Or if it would be a hassle.

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Got the scrog all ready. And reward yourself with mushroom pizza. I can dig it. I'm contemplating if I could do a screen in my small box. Or if it would be a hassle.

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App

well I like scrogs a lot give it a try
Db do you start your plants out in just coco? I am looking at coco compact potting soil which is quite cheap, my plants look so bad in comparison to yours, LoL

yes these plants were started in pure coco I dont use the brick coco I go for the loose bag coco since its less work I do have to soak it of it to expand but that's me it should work just the same
time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 1 and a half gallons of water it had 6ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 3ml of start R per gallon so a total of 12ml of A and B and 6 ml of start R the water was ph. to 5.9 I split the water between them till I got some run off they only got about a gallon and a half

the glueberry skunk auto is the first to hit the screen the nightcrawler OG auto should not be far behind

these autos are in day #24 from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 1 gallon of water it had 6ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 3ml of start R the water was ph. to 6.0 I split the water between them

I trimmed some of the larger fan leaves off to help get light to the center and sides of the scrog the glueberry skunk auto is doing great and has been getting some training with the scrog net already the nightcrawler OG auto looks like it will be staying short but its all good

these autos are in day #26 from sprout

db003's - glueberry skunk auto tester - nightcrawler og auto tester - Mars II 700 video #4 - YouTube

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water it had 6ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 3ml of start R per gallon so a total of 12ml of A and B and 6 ml of start R the water was ph. to 5.9 I split the water between them till I got some run off they took almost the whole 2 gallons this time to get run off

the glueberry skunk auto is doing great in the scrog its going to fill out nice it looks like its going to be a great strain for scrogs and like I suspected the nightcrawler OG auto is not going to stretch as much so its better suited for people that want shorter plants but dont want to sacrifice in quality like gorilla style growing or have small grow spaces like me but I combat small grow spaces with my scrog net

cant wait to see how well these are going perform in flower

these autos are in day #28 from sprout

time for a update on my critical mass collective and top shelf elite collaboration tester grow of nightcrawler OG auto and glueberry skunk auto

I just got done watering these autos I made 2 gallons of water it had 6ml each of part A and part B per gallon and 3ml of start R per gallon so a total of 12ml of A and B and 6 ml of start R the water was ph. to 6.0 I split the water between them till I got some run off they took almost the whole 2 gallons this time to get run off

I did some trimming on the plants yesterday I lollipopped my plants and got them nice and trimmed up they look a lot better under the screen now

these autos are in day #30 from sprout

look what I just got in the mail! I won this in a live giveaway from MagicalButter.com its 3 small filter bags 220,73,25 microns and the one and only green silicon love glove I would like to thank MagicalButter.com for the awesome prize I dont have the magical butter machine yet but I will find a good use for them until I can get my hands on one

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