Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

So do ya think this nug would be worth entering in the NOTM contest next time?????......:hmmmm:
Not a terrible lil cola there love ;) nice work! That looks like expensive wood on that computer desk of yours.... Lol
Am I the only one that gets hungry when he sees bud? Sometimes I try swallowing the smoke instead of inhaling naturally too.... It's like I'm meant to be eating it or something..... Time for a salad.... Lol
Hi guys... Well that feeling of knowing what I am doing didn't last long. I got the yo-yo that Sara sent me today and there are 2 contraptions here but I can't for the life of me figure out what the heck ya do with them. Is this 1 set of yo-yo's or is it 2 yo-yo's and how the heck do they work. Help please......... I will try and get a pic of them up in a bit. Getting the closet girls mess cleaned up while it is still nice outside so it may be a while but I will post a pic of them tonight. I don't know if they are all alike or if there are different types... Feeling normal again... dahhhhh.......:circle-of-love:
Hey Dennise

My yoyo's look like this when holding up the light

Hope this helps


I used nylon zipties to hold them to the top rail. There is a tension adjuster on the front,

sorry not very clear, then you just tie 'em to your light fixture.
So now tell me if you think I should do this.... I can get a Secret Jardin DR90 II.. 3'x3'x6'.. Never used for $75.00. I will have to drive almost 100 miles to get it (I have to do that to go any where) and I have a friend that wants my tent and will give me $50 for it. I have no idea what they originally cost but that means I will only be out $25 for the Secret Jardin plus gas cause I won the tent I have now. I know nothing about the Secret Jardin brand but I could really use the extra height and it would be a little bit more room.... So what do ya think?????
She's definitely still a New Yorker.
Did you see photos of this tent? And, maybe it's the Brooklyn in me, but I don't go anywhere strange like that with money unless my old man is with me.

I had already thought of that and a friend of my guys has agreed to go with me if I decide to do it and yes I have seen a pic of it. Now granted it could be a pic off of the internet or something but it is off of craigs list and I am one of the most paranoid people in the real world you will ever meet so I will be locked and loaded and the friend that will be going with me is not a man most would want to confront on bad terms and the girl that wants my tent is going to go also just cause I didn't want to go with the guy by myself. It's a vicious circle with me but thank you for thinking of my safety..... So do you think if all is as it should be that it is a good deal? Do you know anything about the brand. The one I have now has a pretty bad light leak around the zipper and where I keep it that makes for a problem and the girl that wants it has a room to put it in they don't use so keeping it dark is not a problem and it is only 4.5' tall so the new one would give me an additional 1.5' of height and is a 3'x3' and I think mine is 2'x2'. So it's not a huge amount of more room but enough to make a difference and still fit in the corner I have it in... What do ya think?????
Hello Dennise,
I have been reading through your thread for the past couple of months, great job! :thumb: if I recall correctly you were using Fox Farm Trio for soil? I remember someone gave your feeding advice during different stages? If you could direct me to the general page number in your journal I would like to read up on your feeding routine as your grow is similar to mine. This journal is so big now i couldn't find it earlier and my bagseed experiment needs help! Thanks in advance and HAPPY GROWING!
Oh gosh there is no particular page. When I knew the next watering was coming up I would ask King and he would tell me so I hate to say it but you will have to kinda go by the pics and then look for the next posting from KingJohnC and that is how I do it. If your plant is about the same size as mine at that time and I do post a bunch of pics you should be able to find the post from King telling me what to water with but mind you those were in Miracle grow so it may be a bit different with soil without time released nutes. Now the cabinet girls that are just now going to flower are in all Fox Farms soil and nute so those are the ones I would folow if I were you. Wish I could make it easier for ya but King held my little hand and walked me through it step by step but I promise it is all in the journal if you can find the starting place to match where you are in the grow....Good luck and thanks for looking in. Let us know how it's gong for ya......:circle-of-love:
To be honest, I don't know anything about tents outside of wanting one, but you will be upping your space quite a bit. Going from 4 sq ft to 9 sq ft is pretty good. You can probably fit four plants and maybe your next grow from clone do the scrog method. I think as far as price goes, it's an excellent deal. You'll be getting the tent for 25 dollars. The ones I see at the shops are hundreds of dollars and up! Am I way off here?

And your post made me laugh! I'm also paranoid about certain things. I have my reasons. We have a conceal permit in our state. Everyone has one! YIKES.
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