DIY rotating garden on the cheap

Awesome read so far!
I have not seen a rotating grow for many years now! They were very popular 15+ years ago, more in Europe.
A very interesting and unique approach!

Took a while for the bunny poop soup (BPS) to arrive in this journal!
I can only see it improving everything!

I was also thinking about your yogurt pots and that they like to grow roots outside of the RW cube.
How would a 3 stage pot work?
A larger, open area at the bottom filled with a light, airy material like pillow stuffing. Also has good water retention properties. This would then touch your RW disc that is touching your coco mix above.
Gives your plants a chance to stretch their legs.

Just a thought!
April 6, 2020

We were all exited this morning to see what the effect was of making the tea dose 10X stronger yesterday, but it seems all OK!

With “we” I mean me and two of my friends who grow on much bigger scale and are participating ( oh oh oh….it is more looking long the ride it looks to me…) as they are interested in rotating garden(s) and now of course the influence of the tea brew and with what dose.

The buds and leaves look very good, although it is only one day, it was increasing the strength of the tea with a factor 10 that made me a bit nervous lol. I cannot check the roots, as these plants grow in rock wool cubes.

The Ph. went from 5.6 to 6.5, this happened already yesterday and is still stable on 6.5 (same happened with the dresser plant while it has only 10% of the tea strength.

I’ve received questions why the change in strength with a factor 10, well, here is why:

It is difficult to see real change when you go “bit by bit”

These girls are not far away from ending their cycle, so if we want to see real effect, we have to do it now and be bold. If it goes wrong I will take them out immediately, at least I still have the buds which are on them now.

To be honest, I was surprised to see no negative effect. / Below are 2 pics of this morning / Cheers
You definitely would have seen a change for the worst if it were going to happen. Lots of unanswered questions. :peace:
I agree and this morning all looked good as well! I am getting more and more answers on the unanswered questions from others, it looks more as a secret society of growers with rabbit manure/poop/tea. I actually start to think I am not at the max at all...... :oops:

Ph. is (still) on 6.4 (same in dresser R-DWC), it does not increase. For the R-garden this is OK I guess as I have no roots hanging in the water, it is like growing in soil which I will do anyway after the modifications.
April 8, 2020

The 2 girls still look very good and I think I see more and more trichomes on the leaves and buds, happy with how it is going after the strong, new rabbit tea batch.

However, I start to see yellowing leave tips, not suddenly, they started already some time ago after I re-scheduled to 2x watering per day, I will bring that back to once a day. Also, I lowered the intern (and cooling) ventilation a bit a few days ago, will bring that up again as well. Third point, I have all my lights on, that creates heat with very low ventilation, will put one led string off.

The tip burn shows you are pushing the boundaries for feeding, just need to back off a little. :peace: :Rasta:
Yes, pushing the boundaries, that’s what it’s all about I guess. But actually, I don’t think this is caused by the concentration of tea as the tea cannot cause any burn. This was already happening before I started with the tea.

I have some seedlings in a much higher concentration and they are doing fine. (Test not on this forum, lol, I have already enough tests to update…)

I am going down with temperature inside the drum and less frequent feeding for now.
April 17, 2020

It’s done with the fun!

Yesterday I took out the 2 remaining Gorilla Glue’s, the 3rd one I took already out one week ago. All in all the crop is not disappointing, not huge buds but the plants are small. The positive thing is, that I proved it can be done, after the modifications there will be big improvements I hope.

I took 6 Harlequin clones for the next growth this morning from the plants in the chest and dresser, they have a motherload of young shoots. That means time started ticking to do the modifications……. :oops:


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This has been an interesting read from beginning to end. I am glad you took the time to keep us up dated on your progress, I know how time consuming that can be. Really nice to see a successful out come. You, like every grower, will strive to make things work just a little bit better.:idea: I know my system changes a little every time it gets fired up, and sometimes while it is running. Looking forward to seeing the changes you have in mind for the rotating garden. In these trying times we all need something to look forward to. Hope the wee buds have a hit to them. Stay safe and keep on keeping on, my friend.. :peace: :passitleft:
This has been an interesting read from beginning to end. I am glad you took the time to keep us up dated on your progress, I know how time consuming that can be. Really nice to see a successful out come. You, like every grower, will strive to make things work just a little bit better.:idea: I know my system changes a little every time it gets fired up, and sometimes while it is running. Looking forward to seeing the changes you have in mind for the rotating garden. In these trying times we all need something to look forward to. Hope the wee buds have a hit to them. Stay safe and keep on keeping on, my friend.. :peace: :passitleft:
Thank you bluenoserjoe, yes it has been a hell of a ride, it was a HUGE learning curve as well with ups and downs as I never grew any pot before and then for the first time in an experimental rotating garden like this.

But even so, with all my mistakes and bad guesses and shortcomings in the design of the rotating garden, I still managed to get (small) buds with lots of terpenes on them. It was a very long ride as well, mainly because of replacing seedlings in the drum in the beginning and nutrients. I know this drum will/can never replace results from out of a grow tent but nevertheless, I am convinced that I will be able to get more mature and bigger buds the next time. And it is fun to do…..
April 18, 2020

This is the (partly) QWET result of the 2 Harlequin plants from the shower stall. The jar on the left was 35 seconds in 95% alcohol and the jar on the right was using the leaves of batch 1 but now 5 minutes in the 95% alcohol. Eventually tinctures will be made of these 2. I still have the remaining leaves of the QWET in the freezer as I think I could do it a third time and make a tea or so from it.

No further follow-up, just wanted to show you color vs. time in the alcohol.
This was the last post of this journal, the new growth can be seen in the new tread called:

Hi all, it’s been a while, I know but I have abandoned this project, sorry. Not because it went bad (improvement was coming…) but since a long time I was busy to setup a second company, something “on the side” as an extra on my retirement income. I can do it from home but don’t HAVE to do it if I don’t want to. I almost sold my rotating garden to my friends but at the last minute I decided to keep it, maybe I change my mind (that happens so now and then…) or I use early next year for starting up my garden plants, haven’t decided yet.

I thank you all for your interest and participation in this project. Cheers.
Hi all, it’s been a while, I know but I have abandoned this project, sorry. Not because it went bad (improvement was coming…) but since a long time I was busy to setup a second company, something “on the side” as an extra on my retirement income. I can do it from home but don’t HAVE to do it if I don’t want to. I almost sold my rotating garden to my friends but at the last minute I decided to keep it, maybe I change my mind (that happens so now and then…) or I use early next year for starting up my garden plants, haven’t decided yet.

I thank you all for your interest and participation in this project. Cheers.
Loved watching you build the garden, and the problems that arose. I am looking forward to seeing the new and improved version. Without some inventive minds and a little ingenuity we would stagnate as a race. It is truly amazing what some folks can do with so little, but only with an active mind. Have yourself a relaxing and safe summer.
I'm more than a little late to this one, but I'd really like to commend you on diving straight into this project, especially since its your first grow.
I'm very, very impressed and a little envious that I don't have a rotating garden!
April 6, 2020

We were all exited this morning to see what the effect was of making the tea dose 10X stronger yesterday, but it seems all OK!

With “we” I mean me and two of my friends who grow on much bigger scale and are participating ( oh oh oh….it is more looking long the ride it looks to me…) as they are interested in rotating garden(s) and now of course the influence of the tea brew and with what dose.

The buds and leaves look very good, although it is only one day, it was increasing the strength of the tea with a factor 10 that made me a bit nervous lol. I cannot check the roots, as these plants grow in rock wool cubes.

The Ph. went from 5.6 to 6.5, this happened already yesterday and is still stable on 6.5 (same happened with the dresser plant while it has only 10% of the tea strength.

I’ve received questions why the change in strength with a factor 10, well, here is why:

It is difficult to see real change when you go “bit by bit”

These girls are not far away from ending their cycle, so if we want to see real effect, we have to do it now and be bold. If it goes wrong I will take them out immediately, at least I still have the buds which are on them now.

To be honest, I was surprised to see no negative effect. / Below are 2 pics of this morning / Cheers
This is so so cool! Thank you!
Also @BudsBuddy i love your emblem I stared at it for a hot minute.
Good morning my friend @TazmanianCannbear hope you are well my friend.
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Unfortunately that member hasn't been around in a couple years, I don't know if he will answer you.
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Drop a post in the Welcome thread and meet everyone.

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