Droopy's First Grow - Soil - Blue Himalaya Auto & +Speed Auto - 2017

Re: Droopy's First Grow - Soil - Blue Himalaya Auto & +Speed Auto - 2017

Looking good droopy. Have u taken a sample nug to dry and try in about a week?? I would wait until at least 50% of the pistils turn brown and start to recede before you harvest if u want them to reach their maximum thc level!
It's funny you asked. Lol.. Now remember I haven't smoked in over 8 months..... I took one calyx off to look under the scope easier about 5 days ago. Tonight while I was in the garden I saw it sitting on top of the radiater so I put it in a pipe and smoked it!! It was enough for a little baby hit and I did get a good buzz from that. But by no means is that a good indicator because I could have probably thrown a fan leaf in there and caught a little buzz as well. I will wait another week and evaluate then. From pictures I have seen those calyx should swell alot further and should almost make those pistils disappear. Just not sure if maybe this strain doesn't do that? I am still 5 days to harvest per the breeder so I'm sure it's still about 2 weeks.......I FEEL LIKE I HAVE BEEN SAYING THAT FOR A MONTH!!! Thank you guys.
The right time to start the flush is a tough call, on my last harvest I waited till I seen 25-30% amber on the main cola with scattered amber on the lowers, the pistils were half brown but there was also new ones shooting up. This was a strain that was advertised as a 8 week flower... This picture is at the end of the 12th week;


Your amber will be mostly on the main cola and near the top, the buds below will have scatter amber but not as much and pictures tend to high lite the sugar leaves more than the buds.

Its mainly a judgment call, if you are in need of smoke, start the flush, if you can wait, let her continue...they don't spoil if you don't pick them at the right time!:goodjob:
The right time to start the flush is a tough call, on my last harvest I waited till I seen 25-30% amber on the main cola with scattered amber on the lowers, the pistils were half brown but there was also new ones shooting up. This was a strain that was advertised as a 8 week flower... This picture is at the end of the 12th week;


Your amber will be mostly on the main cola and near the top, the buds below will have scatter amber but not as much and pictures tend to high lite the sugar leaves more than the buds.

Its mainly a judgment call, if you are in need of smoke, start the flush, if you can wait, let her continue...they don't spoil if you don't pick them at the right time!:goodjob:
The bad thing is I already started my flush last week. I did not realize I should have waited till I saw some amber. ...... I should have at least waited till the pistils started turning in. I could have given her some extra flower nutes. I was just going off of breeders recommended time and added a week. Should I give her some more bloom nutes? I would like to give her just straight water for around 2 weeks before harvest. Well I guess this is why first grows are there, right? I will know for my second girl.
I am in no need of pulling early. I have nothing but time. I will just keep evaluating weekly and harassing you guys for help!!! Thanks.

That's the ticket!

While you may not see the amber develop fast, you will see the calyx's start to swell, and as they do the pistils will start to brown and curl but you will also see new pistils starting because the plant is programed to keep doing what it does.

This is the most fun time in the growing stage other than taking the first puff of your properly dried and aged bud you worked so hard for, and from the looks of your first grow, I think your patience will reward you.:passitleft:
The bad thing is I already started my flush last week. I did not realize I should have waited till I saw some amber. ...... I should have at least waited till the pistils started turning in. I could have given her some extra flower nutes. I was just going off of breeders recommended time and added a week. Should I give her some more bloom nutes? I would like to give her just straight water for around 2 weeks before harvest. Well I guess this is why first grows are there, right? I will know for my second girl.

I think you could resume the nutes, start at a lower rate than where you were at when you started just water, you will tell in 3-4 days if she is happy.
Well tomorrow night I will give her a 1/4 shot since I was at 1/2 when I stopped. But you think I have 2 weeks left in her?

Looking at your pictures I think you do, everything is still pointed up, she is not showing signs of tiring and you state that you don't see much amber yet, if you have the time, let her go longer, you won't spoil it, just keep an eye on her when you give her food, she is probably living off what is in the soil and probably has not been effected any by the lack of nutes yet.
I am worried about the girls I just planted though!!! I put 3 more +Speed Auto in the dirt about a week ago hoping to squeeze one more grow in before Feb 20th because I'm going out of the country for a bit. So my fingers are crossed that they will finish and I won't have to pull them early. If they are not I will be sending the breeder a very strong worded letter!!!!! Jk
Re: Droopy's First Grow - Soil - Blue Himalaya Auto & +Speed Auto - 2017

Looking at your pictures I think you do, everything is still pointed up, she is not showing signs of tiring and you state that you don't see much amber yet, if you have the time, let her go longer, you won't spoil it, just keep an eye on her when you give her food, she is probably living off what is in the soil and probably has not been effected any by the lack of nutes yet.
The only amber I have seen was on one sugar leaf but absolutely none on calyx.
Re: Droopy's First Grow - Soil - Blue Himalaya Auto & +Speed Auto - 2017

I am worried about the girls I just planted though!!! I put 3 more +Speed Auto in the dirt about a week ago hoping to squeeze one more grow in before Feb 20th because I'm going out of the country for a bit. So my fingers are crossed that they will finish and I won't have to pull them early. If they are not I will be sending the breeder a very strong worded letter!!!!! Jk

The only amber I have seen was on one sugar leaf but absolutely none on calyx.

Put your veg on 24/7 and water a little more often, that may give them what they need to speed grow, many do that with autos. It might make for a smaller plant, but you won't have to toss them.

Not sure if the breeder will help you, the thing about different controlled environments and results may vary clause keeps their ass covered!:laughtwo:
Re: Droopy's First Grow - Soil - Blue Himalaya Auto & +Speed Auto - 2017

The only amber I have seen was on one sugar leaf but absolutely none on calyx.

I had the same with my grow. All I can say is try to hold off your impatience. After all the work you have done you can wait a couple more weeks and increase the yield and THC substantially. You will be rewarded in the end.
Well just got done rearranging the wiring for the tent. Just got in the Titan Controls Mercury 4 and while it's just an amazing piece of equipment for circulation and temp control my fan is a piece of shit!! Well actually it's not the fan it's the stupid speed controller they put inline with the fan. It's a Vivosun and the speed controller WAS built in but when I hooked it up to the Mercury 4 the idle speed was so little the fan was humming and hardly spinning. Soooooo my brain said TAKE THAT SPEED CONTROL OUT OF THAT S.O.B., so I did. Needless to say it's working great now. When I set the idle speed at around 30-60% it's still causing negative pressure and the fan is no longer humming! So anyone with a Vivosun do yourself a favor and remove the shitty speed controller!!
Anybody watching my journal get over to a 420 sponsor Seedsman and get some seeds before 4 days!!! Just a heads up for anyone looking to order seeds. I just purchased 39 seeds for $115!!! Along with their regular freebies they are giving away 8 free for Black Friday and another 8 free for Bitcoin Bundle. So I bought 14 and got 25 free!!! Crazy deals!!!
Day 47 - Update!!

Nothing but pictures here because flowering is boring!!! I did see a few amber on Nova this morning so I'm going to stick to just water till harvest. Angelina is coming along nicely. This weekend I will start a journal for my babies. Two of the little girls are on week 2 and the third is about a week. Feeding time for Angelina is in about an hour she will get 1/2 Flower nutes being 1.5tsp Big Bloom / 1tsp Tiger Bloom in a gallon pH 6.5. She has been needing a drink just about every 24-36 hours. It's crazy that I can't even get my finger to the knuckle because the roots are just packed in there!!

Nova comparison

Nova overhead

Angelina profile

Angelina overhead
Day 49 update. Nothing to see here!!!

Nova watered last night with 10% run off, pH 6.7 and I'll say it again looks like about 2 more weeks!!!!!! F*#%!!!!!!

Angelina watered am pH 6.7 she is putting on weight.

Here are a few pics of the new girls that will get their own journals tomorrow or Monday so this will be the sneak peak!! I will be topping and lst Nova #2(3gal pot) and Nova #3(2gal pot) and am going to try to keep things pretty much the same to see what the differance a gallon makes. Nova #4(3gal pot) will be getting topped at the 3rd and mainlined with very heavy defoliation throughout just as an experiment. Here are picks of the young girls.

Nova #2- 14 days topped this morning at the fourth. Just bent over the very top and it popped off. Reminded me of the old Ween song "Pushed the little daisies and make them come up"lol

Nova #2 & #3 tops

Nova #3 - 14 days

Nova #4 This girl will be my Frankenstein!!!
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