DWC root rot?

Hi guys

update of the baby after week 3 of flowering.

temp still good : avg 17 C
water temp : 15 C
humidity : 38%
pH : 5.88


does the plant height is related to the rez size ?

how much yield I could get with this setup?

When growing DWC the container size doesn't affect the size of the plant. The main thing for a photo plant is when you flip it to 12/12. My experience is once you flip the plant could double in height. The other thing that affect size is whether Indica or Sativa and the genetics of the plant.

You look like your doing a perfect job.
what does increase the yield if the rez size and the feeding do not affect the plant height?

does the height of the plant is proportionnal to yield ?
what does increase the yield if the rez size and the feeding do not affect the plant height?

does the height of the plant is proportionnal to yield ?

I found the reservoir size didn't affect the yield. At one point I dropped my reservoir down from 5 gallons to 3 gallons and found the only difference was I had to replenish my reservoir more often. When in bloom they could drink 3-4 liters a day.

Hmm.. not sure if height affects the yield. I'm finding that the more Colas you can force out of your plant from LST, Super Cropping, topping, Fimming etc have more of a bearing on the yield. My experience is only with indoor grows . I'm sure that an outside grow is a totally different animal.
Z7 makes bad water great! Soil or hydro, bad water is the biggest problem facing growers today. Z7 eliminates root related problems fast! No more yellowing leaves, leaf curl, tip burn, slow growth, pH fluctuations, white mineral build up, brown slimy roots and slimy water tanks! Z7 is the "great growth insurance policy" that growers and store owners alike have asked for! Everyone can afford Z7. New Natural Technology gives explosive root growth and plant health for only 2.5 cents a gallon!.

you're making me itch to try a DWC grow Germinator! :rofl:
here is an update after 6 weeks of flowering, looks good.

little bit of numbers

room temp : 19.6 C
water temp : 16.6 C
humidity : 35%
water pH : 5.88

no Z7 because in canada we dont have it.

Hydrogaurd or z9 search ?

It will save you from root rot or even silica blast make sure no nitro in it . And always put z7 , hydrogaurd or silica blast in first before anything and always stir before adding. Next nutrients
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