Feral's 2016 Perpetual Garden - MH/HPS - Multi-Strain

Only problem with that for me is lights come on at 6pm, i get in there around 11pm, there aint no way im waiting till that late to smoke :rofl: usually first is about 30 mins after waking lol, surprisingly Atomic is a lot milder and more active high, better for during the day but i still would not put it at 26% THC like they claim, Their other strain i grew a few years back "Big Bomb" which was 10-15% THC turned out much stronger.
Take you 1/2 hour to have shit and piss in morning? Or you then making coffee before breaky bongs... :rofl:
My light comes on at 8pm. I only smoke at about 9:30pm every night. My fiancee is complaining that I don't smoke enough anymore. (I have a short fuse)
Man i couldnt go that long each day without it, couple of hours without it i have a short enough fuse lol
Also if i dont have any within around 2 hours from waking up i can pretty much guarantee i will have really bad migraine all day, weekends im still half asleep having my first smoke :rofl:
LOL! I tried smoking before gardening. It doesn't work. I get lazy, and then instead of enjoying what I'm doing, it just feels like the worlds shittest chore.
I get real lazy come gardening time but that usually means im in the tent doing nothing, occasionally singing to them, drift off into my own little world :rofl: gets to like 2am and im like shit i aint done a thing yet! no matter how stoned i am though i enjoy every minute of it, spend most of the day waiting for that moment each night of opening the tent :)
Hahahaha!!! My girl would cut off my balls if I stayed in the tent until the early hours of the morning. She is more needy than the plants in my tent.
Stud.. :rofl:
Thats where im lucky being single, can do what i want when i want :rofl:
tbh i have never had a mrs that would let me grow, all of them try to get me off pot till they realize how cranky i get without it lol

I have vowed that if this relationship doesn't work out, then I'll be walking the path of a dedicated bachelor. LOL!
Yep....man some blessings take a while to realise, lol.... Now got to find a regular that has her own house and cab charge, lol
Yep....man some blessings take a while to realise, lol.... Now got to find a regular that has her own house and cab charge, lol


I've been hearing good things about tinder. Try it and report back here so that we can live vicariously through you...

... and with that, Feral's journal has gone full dating buzz. LOL!
:rofl: so have I... Heard good things.. I'm too old school, not old just......Man, I tried shaving my chest and didn't swim for summer cause I thought it looked f'en ridiculous, lol. That type old school.. I like lookers also and mates have said all the lookers are nutters on there.. Damn you Blaze. If I can not get stoned for long enough to grow a set and sign up, I will, lol.... :rofl:
It's not what he had in mind when he wanted subs, lol
Yeah, that's that old school shit I'm talking about.. Selfie, wtf, how's that a thing... And she's have to like a dude that is clean shaven once a fortnight...
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