First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

@GiGa. you know that pack of 10 seeds for the autos was it the kc brains kc45 auto

let me know if it was them or not, im thinking of ordering these later today, im still looking through herbies site for other strains to buy

yep its the KC45 that looks great, thats the one ill be using as my primary stock if it does what it says on the label.
right, i just been looking through herbies site, and i have chosen to order the following, ill be ordering these after midnight tonight when my money clears
! De Sjamaan Purple Widow Seeds - Updated:16th Oct 2012 just because its purple, i will get a purple bud, so ill be going for this purple strain, as you can see the picture is clearly purple, it says its outdoors but im willing to give it a try, if it fails then ill use it for future breeding programs
and ill be getting a pack of these autos as well, GiGa found these so im giving them a try, also will be used for breeding at a later date
! KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering Seeds - Updated:16th Oct 2012
do these seeds sound ok, just came across them on herbies site
! KC Brains Mind Bender Seeds - Updated:16th Oct 2012

they look ok, claims a very tall height for a pure indica, havnt looked at its parentage yet.
its probably not something i would click on myself. doesnt say auto, says it pure indica and the indoor stats look very small compared to the outdoor. you would have to deal with light changes, hermie risks and all other problems that go with non autos....but for a breeding plant it has potential. i guess it all depends, if your looking for an indica type stone then its probably great
certainly not doing nothing wrong, its just these damn autos dont want to grow, ill be trying them as dwc and see if that makes any difference,

if money was not object id be ordering these, check the prices
! Doggies Nuts Armageddon x Doggies Nuts Sirius Feminised Seeds - Updated:16th Oct 2012
! Doggies Nuts G13 #1 Feminised Seeds - Updated:16th Oct 2012

now they sound like some killer strain, probably why they cost so much, what i cant figure out is why these seeds are so damn expensive, surely their the same as other seeds, unless when you cross the strain you only get 1 seed per plant, i cant really see how they justify that price, yep its a nice strain and looks nice but at that price id want a gold watch thrown in and someone to come and grow it for me,
i prefer the indica high as it helps with me sleeping, as i only really smoke at night then thats what im looking for, i will only be growing 1 at a time as i have clones and other seeds to try so im just trying to get some seed stock for future grows, ill be planting a couple of each when i get them and try them as dwc, then when my big plants have finished i might even do a big dwc grow, just depends on res temps, its getting cold here now so i need to make sure i can keep the res at the right temp.

im going to go with a pack of the purple widow and a pack of the kc brains auto,
ill possibly order the kens estes gpd, but if i dont order it this time ill order it next time, just depends on the funds, ill be ok once i start work, but not got much cash at the minute, but i done some work on a mates car and they paid me by check and it clears tonight, so ill be placing an order with herbie, not sure what the free seeds are, ill find out when i place the order, so the purple widow and the kc brains auto is what im ordering for sure tonight
that would be a good idea, its a lot of money though, so i wont be ordering anything like that for a while, id like to get my breeding sorted before i try it on anything expensive, if i can cross an auto with a non auto and increase yield then id like to go down that route, as long as i can keep the auto trait then i should be ok, but its something i have never done before so only time will tell how it all turns out.

i dont plan on any more breeding as of yet, i want to grow out what ive all ready crossed and try and make it a bit stable by crossing the strongest male and fem, so for now ill be growing out what i got and then ill see how they grow before crossing any more plants,
plus its getting a bit confusing with all these different strains, i need to remove some from the grow completely like the nl x bb.
you cant go far wrong with herbies mate, i always use them, he even gives free seeds even if you just buy 1 seed, say you buy the cheapest seed for £2. then herbie will always send you 3 free seeds, 2 of these will be regular seeds and the other will be a fem or a fem auto, plus every now and then you get the odd bonus seed or free gifts, with my last order i got a rubber wrist band from royal queen seeds, i also got a tin of mints from the same company and i got a load of plant pot markers,
so herbies is by far one of the best places to order from. i have not had anything bad from herbies, id check them out mate, well worth a look, i have told loads of people about herbies and many have placed orders and are happy with the service and seeds
that would be a good idea, its a lot of money though, so i wont be ordering anything like that for a while, id like to get my breeding sorted before i try it on anything expensive, if i can cross an auto with a non auto and increase yield then id like to go down that route, as long as i can keep the auto trait then i should be ok, but its something i have never done before so only time will tell how it all turns out.

i dont plan on any more breeding as of yet, i want to grow out what ive all ready crossed and try and make it a bit stable by crossing the strongest male and fem, so for now ill be growing out what i got and then ill see how they grow before crossing any more plants,
plus its getting a bit confusing with all these different strains, i need to remove some from the grow completely like the nl x bb.

the only limits on my grow is my skill money and time. even though you have this new snazzy job now, i wouldnt waste money on those seeds. hopefully this time next year i will be in a much better position and my garden will be paying for all of its own needs.
thanks GiGa, i dont even think i could spend that much on seeds without feeling bad about it, i really cant see why they are that much, its a huge mark up, surely they get the same amount of seeds from a plant like that as they do from the cheaper seeds, i know it might of took a whole lot of breeding, but surely by now its stable enough to get as many seeds as is possibly needed, i wonder how many people have bought them, id like to see one grown, i just cant justify spending that much money on a pack of seeds, be pretty pissed of if they grew and ended up a load of crap,
thanks GiGa, i dont even think i could spend that much on seeds without feeling bad about it, i really cant see why they are that much, its a huge mark up, surely they get the same amount of seeds from a plant like that as they do from the cheaper seeds, i know it might of took a whole lot of breeding, but surely by now its stable enough to get as many seeds as is possibly needed, i wonder how many people have bought them, id like to see one grown, i just cant justify spending that much money on a pack of seeds, be pretty pissed of if they grew and ended up a load of crap,

its probably no different than IT or pharma companies. they charge silly money when they first launch a product and say its R&D costs e.t.c but then the price drops to what the market will bear.
its always possible also that there are some licencing costs (royalties) if any strain breeder was able to claim copy rights e.t.c
but still, how can they justify a mark up like that,

i was just sitting down watching tv then i hear a hissing bubbling noise, sounded like a burst pipe, i turned the tv off and i could still hear it, i finally found out it was the batteries in my house phone, i took the back off and they was hissing and bubbling like crazy, i took the batteries out and they was leaking acid everywhere, suppose to be rechargable batteries, so glad i was in, dread to think what would of happened if i wasnt in, looks like i need some new batts for my house fone, or i might be better off getting a new phone, i cant even remember the last time i made or received a call on the house phone, not even sure what the number is, i only got the land line fitted for the net, i use my mobile for everything else as calls are free from that,
i think the problem was that this house phone has been sat in its craddle since new, so these batteries have been on constant charge since then, maybe next time ill leave the handset off the charger till it goes flat, ive never needed to use the house phone so its always stayed on its base, my whole flat stinks of some nasty smell though, it must be the acid out the batteries, it was all over my hands, had to be careful not to touch anything as battery acid eats through pretty much anything,

close call i say and a good job i was in when i happened, i am just leaving to take the dog a walk as well, pretty sure it could of caused a fire, now im checking everything with a battery in it that is on charge, its sure proof these things fail,
to expensive mate, works out to £50 per seed, something im not willing to spend just yet, need to get my grow dialed in and sort out which grow method im going to use.

if you all remember i found 2 seeds right in the middle of the main bud on the auto blueberry, this plant had not been near any pollen and was never in the same room as a male, plus for the seeds to be right in the middle and none on the outside this would suggest it got pollen before i even had a male around to get pollen from, anyways it gave me 2 seeds, i planted both of these without wintering them, one has sprouted today, now all i got to do is find out if its auto and if its female, it will be grown under 24-0 to find out if its an auto or not, another bonus for me if it all works out,

i use herbies all the time mate, they are by far the best well worth checking herbies out,

thanks 420girls
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