First Grow! Looking For Guidance & Advice Throughout This Journey


Active Member
Hello all!

I’m brand new to this site (second post) and just about as new to growing cannibis. I just started my first grow about 2 weeks ago and have been fine just researching and deciphering the best routes on my own, but not I’ve hit my first real problem: yellowing/burning.

I’m currently growing my seedling in coco coir in a solo cup with 4 100watt CFLs (~74 F lights out and max 80F lights on). After about 11 days i gave it it’s first feed of nutrients because i thought the plant had started running out of the nutes that are already in the seed. After about 3 days (today), I checked on it and now i see a noticeable burn on one of the edge tips and a little bit more yellowing overall. I’m not really sure what the problem is. Light too close? Watering method not adequate (i top water but only a little bit bc im worried of over watering, therefore not much runoff, big no no i know but im not sure how to get runoff without drowning the plant???), nuted too soon? not enough nutes?? I’m just a little stuck and don’t know what the next move should be. I’ve attatched photos so you guys can see what I’m talking about and maybe offer me some reassurance. My first post was exactly like this but in the introduce yourself thread, where i was directed here. Also, someone in the comments informed me that with coco, i need runoff and cannot overwater. I knew it would be a stupid mistake like that, (I’ve even read about how coco can become toxic from nute buildup) so im going to water it to get about 20% runoff and see if that helps at all. I also attatched a summary list of all the specs for your convenience. Thank you in advance for any future comments!!
What strain is it?
unsure (bag seed)
Is it in Veg or Flower stage?
seedling sooo veg?
If in Veg... For how long?
seedling for 2 weeks

Indoor or outdoor? indoor

Soil or Hydro? coco coir

Size of light?4 100w CFL

Is it aircooled? yes

Temp of Room/cab? ~74F lights out ~79 lights on

RH of Room/cab? dehumidifyer (innacurate) says 75% humidity

PH feed? ~6.0-6.1

Any Pests ? nope

How often are you watering? every 2-3 days but not alot as before mentioned

Type and strength of ferts used? AN ph perfect Sensi Grow Coco A and B 1/4 strength


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That white thing is my thermometer which reads at about 76 F right now, though it’s not right at the canopy (also doesn’t feel too too hot, but I’m also mot sure how hot is too hot haha). Also another question if you could provide some wisdom: would it be practical to try and keep it in the solo until I can determine sex? i just don’t necessarily want to transplant it to the 5 gal autopot until i know it’s a female if i don’t have to. If i can’t wait tho, when should i transplant? Thanks again for your comments this has been very helpful so far
Hey bud, mind if I drop in for some plant watching?
You would want to transplant them into a larger pot to determine sex, 1 galon pot would do, thats what I use for my plants in veg until they show sex.
As for your question on when to transplant, its all about the roots. If you do it gently, you can flip the solo cup on its side and try have the root ball come out as if you were about to transplant her. If the roots are clearly well developed and all the soil is being kept in place, then shes asking for a bigger pot. If the dixie cups have holes on the bottom, look at the holes and see if any roots are popping out of them.
Hey bud, mind if I drop in for some plant watching?
You would want to transplant them into a larger pot to determine sex, 1 galon pot would do, thats what I use for my plants in veg until they show sex.
As for your question on when to transplant, its all about the roots. If you do it gently, you can flip the solo cup on its side and try have the root ball come out as if you were about to transplant her. If the roots are clearly well developed and all the soil is being kept in place, then shes asking for a bigger pot. If the dixie cups have holes on the bottom, look at the holes and see if any roots are popping out of them.
Thanks for the advice feather! I haven’t seen any roots coming out of the drainage holes yet but i’ll keep looking for the next couple days and if i see some i’ll transplant to a 1 gallon
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