First Grow - Low Budget - Advice Welcome

Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Germination is always going to be an individual choice & i see you have chosen the paper towel method i've not used that myself as i will generally start in peat/coir pucks like these.


I wait in till roots start showing through the sides before potting up in to these small pot, germination can take any where from a couple of days to several perhaps longer.


Once your seeds show a tap root or signs life you could pot up into a small like this with the seed sown about 5mm or 1/4 inch deep it should take a couple of weeks or so for the seedling to fill a container this size up with roots & then you could pot up into your final size pot.

Over watering a seedling can be detrimental to plant health as it may cause dampening off, the key to this is keeping the growing medium moist but not over watered... a pot that size with a seedling like that & my conditions grown in takes several days to nearly dry out a once week watering for me & will water in till run off shows from the base of the pot.

You can govern watering by the weight of the pot a well watered pot will be heavy when compared to dry pot a very dry pot/medium will be extremely light & may show a gap between side of pot & the growing medium to which when water is applied you may experience a lot of run off at this stage you may need to sit the pot in a bowl/saucer of water to allow the medium to rehydrate for a few to several hours.

Ya get the hang of it just watch learn & observe :thumb:

In general i'll germinate seeds with an average room temperature between 20c to 25c not sure about soil temp tho to which may be in the late teens ? I just run a 125w giant cfl 6500k (blue spectrum) on 16/8 light timing for this whilst germinating it provides warmth & light when the seeds pop with the method i use.

Warmth helps seeds germinate plus they also like high RH / relative humidity 60% to 80% should be alright, you can make a humidity dome from a clear plastic bottle & just leave the lid off for air exchange etc

The cold will slow things down & may stunt growth below 16c might prove a slight issue, i personal keep an ambient night time temp of 19/20c for a good reason with lights on temp ideally around 25/28c for good growth.

RH in veg growth between 50% to 70% should be pretty good.

Rh in flowering needs to lower between 40% to 60% as high RH above 70/80% may cause bud rot problem.

Lighting choice, well it is about the right spectrum of light for growth stage for good results :thumb:

Common practise for seedlings & veg growth would be a blue light spectrum measured in kelvin of 6500k this supports veg growth very nicely but could get away with 5000k with reasonable results

In flowering you may need 2700k & ideally 2100k is best as it promotes flowering a lot better.

Whilst your lighting rig should be ok for seedlings & perhaps veg growth you may need more for flowering for a suitable harvest.

Training methods should not be over looked to increase yield & suspect you might just go for a standard bush grow being a first timer, but ye scrog is a popular choice & may take a little longer whilst vegging, tucking branches into the mesh screen etc.

Mmm soil mix a home brew !

Depends on final pot size & how much you need to use ?

You can get away with 2 to 3 gallon size pots some where between 10 to 15 litres popular choice by the mass is 5 gallon by most growers, know that is a fair amount of soil/compost & being on the cheap i might suggest a smaller pot to start with.

Perlite is used on average between 10%, 15% to 20% of total volume of the mix to aid drainage etc.

Because it aids drainage it does mean you can not over water as every medium used may hold a moisture retention value... for a moment lets just think about how much water sands hold when compared to clay, ye a good point ah !

So dirt is just not dirt as it has characteristics :thumb:

Cow manure or organic soil amendment i'd say no more than 20% of total mix.

A bag of peat ah, from what i understand peat or peat moss is acidic in nature this may well cause nutrient lock outs due to PH value.

MJ will happlly grow in a range of between PH 6 & 7 with out being to anal retentive about PH values.

No name bag of peat might offer questions whether it is PH buffered, you could get a liquid PH test kit or a soil probe to check PH value tho to be on the safe side.

If it checks out between PH 6 & 7 ya fine, this will be the rest of home soil mix.

If acidic well below PH 5 we may need to use dolomite lime or garden lime to buffer PH value this stuff generally buffers the soil mix back to around PH 7 on average.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

I have way too much on my mind trying to also built a home herb garden for 5+ herbs for cooking and let it out in the kitchen. Might get a grow light for them but they probably don't need much. How deep do I need to build my herb "hexagon" (2 inches???) For like cilantro dill, basil, sage, stc.
I also was going to grow spinach lettuce and radishes (I know I'm crazy). Should I get or build like a trough for that purpouse? This won't be huge amounts AT ALL. & how much soil in the trough???

I was going to hang over the grow light ballast hang an emergency blanket since I can have the lights close, hopefully keeping the moisture in. Only have 2 lights, the 27 watt w 28 leds, that a are full grow spectrum. Might get one more of those, (and if not, a higher wattage one. I have 4 sockets right now) maybe 2, but was curious about getting a red one for when they switch from producing veg, and going to put energy in the fruits / veggier.

Back to MJ I don't understand the soil mixture. Even if I put in what u think the most perlite on (20%), 20% cow manure.... some peat == 100%? Do I need to get organic potting mix for the rest? Also this is what I thought for lighting growth:


The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

If you are unsure about mixing up the soil or various bits ?

You would far be better off getting the organic potting mix & add the perlite for the Mj plants its just a safer bet at the moment.

You can use the peat & cow manure for the herb garden / veggies & fill troughs with in 1/2 to 1 inch from the rim of the container.

Not sure what a hexagon is at the moment ?

Led cluster bulbs look just fine it will do for germination but you may need extra for vegging & certainly sort out some thing with more power for flowering.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Okay, since I'm on a budget (what do I have to panhandle for 2 females and an auto??? LOL), I got bunch of random things. Any help telling me what to use not to use what I NEED to get, etc., be my guess. Now I read on germinating seeds until my head almost exploded. To me it seems like a y thing is fine, but some people have different preferences than others. I put my seeds in water for a bit (not this time yet, this was last time), then put them in toilet paper and waited. The ones that sprouted (bagseeds), I put 1/2" down in my soil mix (my mom is a gardener and said it was really good mix, I saw peralite peat and maybe cocoa). NONE OF THEM GREW ABOVE THE SOIL AND THERE WERE 8 SPROUTED SEEDLINGS! I am terrified this will happen again so I want to do everything I can for it not to. For my defence, I believe 1 or both of these factors was the reasoning. #1 I'm positive I over watered the seedlings like crazy as I didn't know what I was doing and assumed the mix would just drain any extra water, and 2 it was the middle of winter and we keep it COULD in the house up north here in PA. Worse, I put the containers in between the closed miniblinds and the window. It was even colder there! So over water, no light and freezing cold.... yeah. Ayway, I have seen people grow in JUST perlalite (I think for hydro purposes but you could still transplant it into a veg soil and slowly add soil nutes). I now have MG peralite ("some" food added - doesn't say how much but I don't think its enough to burn the seedlings), fine peat I got from my mom (no name brand I didn't see any food on the bag but she said it might have a little), manure (.5 .5 .5 - says it will feed over time) and last and probably least, rockwool. I don't know own whag to do. I have heard good and bad things about rockwool, and the bad seems to outweigh. Not to mention they are usually used for hydro (I am going soil). I hear a lot of the seeds don't sprout from them, they are the wrong ph unless rinsed good (no biggie), and people have problems using rockwool even AFTER getting them to sprout first then putting them in there, as they tend to stay super wet. So I guess that leaves me with sprouting first (I might use a combination of all else kinds - 1st I'll put them in water for 24 hrs, 2nd, I'll do the plate, moist paper towel, seeds, another moist paper towel, and then a plate upside-down "sandwich", then 3, put the "sandwich" in a undisturbed dark but warm and humid/moist area. Do you think this will give me the best chance for sprouting? Then I was thinking about planting them in the peralite/peat moss mixture with maybe a LITTLE manure. Opknions, percentages anyone??? I have more as well but I am running late. Will post more pics regarding lighting later.

The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.

Put the seed in your mouth and let it sit between your cheek and gum like chewing tobacco for oh 10 mins then you put your finger in your already heavily watered plain ol dirt take a shovel go in the back yard lose the grass and put a shovel or so in a pot mix it up so its not all compacted that's good enough ok so finger down to the first knuckle so just above your finger nail then spit the seed into the soil with as much spit as you can muster then take same dirt but dry and sprinkle it into the hole until it's level up with the top of the soil. I find that in the evening is best to germinate idk but that's it bub it's a weed don't forget that and it's thousands of years old so yeah you read about all this "stuff" to grow good plants and gotta have this or it won't work etc. well lemme tell ya I'm all organic all the time and get big fat juicy buds. Your over thinking it totally brother Keep It Simple Stupid

Outdoors organics
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

So no peat or manure for the MJ? Just non-cannibis plants?

The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

In my squat I'm sorry I had to go back and re read you can grow mj n just plain back yard soil but the better the soil the better the plant I've found to germinate a seed in soil that at that time the soil doesn't really matter it's when you transplant that you need to have the soil ready

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Got fish emulsion worm casings now along with organic soil peat perlite and manure:

The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Yay!!! First seedling came through the ground! Couple questions - can you overexposed it to straight sunlight? How much light should it be exposed to at first in general? When I bring it in and it gets dark... should I put it on artificial light, and if so what should I do 20 hrs on 4 off? Or do you need to work it up to that? Also, where can I get not just a cheap fan to blow on the plant to strengthen the stalk, I figure it doesn't need to be real strong, but one that's efficient and doesn't use as much electricity would end up paying for itself in the long run. Any idea for a cheap one would be appreciated!
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Oh and in the future, should I do anything with root hormones, or is that for clones only? And to "feminize" Your own seeds, is it true people use colloidal silver? If so how much and is it worth it, and when do you use it (before or after sprouting)?
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Oh and in the future, should I do anything with root hormones, or is that for clones only? And to "feminize" Your own seeds, is it true people use colloidal silver? If so how much and is it worth it, and when do you use it (before or after sprouting)?

I would consider rooting hormones to generally be unnecessary, but especially so with plants grown from seed as they ordinarily produce a vigorous root structure. Others seem to like these products (but I suppose that even they would concede that they aren't necessary).

People use colloidal silver, STS (silver thiosulfate), et cetera for the production of feminized seeds. For a feel as to how much such products currently cost, you can type either into a Google search box and then click on the "shopping" link at the top of the page. Often, such searches will also include local(+/-) brick & mortar retail stores as well as Internet stores - but that, of course, depends on the product's availability and your location. Either product can be made by the grower. I think STS is said to be somewhat more reliable, but colloidal silver is probably easier for the home hobbyist to buy or make (and easier to get the things that would be needed).

Those products are most generally used (IIRC) immediately before placing the plant into a flowering light schedule. If one is using colloidal silver instead of STS, the grower might perhaps apply an additional treatment a week or so later.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

I would consider rooting hormones to generally be unnecessary, but especially so with plants grown from seed as they ordinarily produce a vigorous root structure. Others seem to like these products (but I suppose that even they would concede that they aren't necessary).

People use colloidal silver, STS (silver thiosulfate), et cetera for the production of feminized seeds. For a feel as to how much such products currently cost, you can type either into a Google search box and then click on the "shopping" link at the top of the page. Often, such searches will also include local(+/-) brick & mortar retail stores as well as Internet stores - but that, of course, depends on the product's availability and your location. Either product can be made by the grower. I think STS is said to be somewhat more reliable, but colloidal silver is probably easier for the home hobbyist to buy or make (and easier to get the things that would be needed).

Those products are most generally used (IIRC) immediately before placing the plant into a flowering light schedule. If one is using colloidal silver instead of STS, the grower might perhaps apply an additional treatment a week or so later.
I ask bc my mom already has colloidal silver if a solution raises the likelihood of it being a female I dunno if I should try it or leave it alone.

When do you put them on a light cycle? I just have one baby right now but it sprouted it's first set of real leaves and I'm excited! Looks MUCH better than last night...


The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

At least it stopped raining. It wasn't totally dry but I wanted the sprout to get a leads some rainwater. It rained for like an hour. It has drainage holes in it so that's good, but could/would that hurt a little sprout? Got a little bigger since last time. I wanted to mist it with the fish emulsion/water that says WILL NOT BURN, but I think I should hold off on that for now, it's got worm casings in (not much), but when can I spray the fish emulsion and water how much could I safely use? I assume a little won't hurt and I would like to get more microbes into the soil as soon as possible...

Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Plants gotten bigger even despite letting it out through days of rain, my soil is super light so I think the roots are happy. I don't know how much I should be seeing it grow, part of me thinks it's growing a LOT bc I thought it's just supposed to be spending most energy with roots right now. By the way I have a "28w" led light (I have 2 but don't see the need for 3 lights), and a 13w cfl I found. You can tell by this alone the led lighting is more efficient as the heat dissipating is much lower (thanks to aluminum heatsink maybe but the heat is actually above the heats inks as they are much cooler (like 88°) but the top # was from the 13w cfl (that one I could get much hotter that was an average, the bottom number was like the highest instant temp I could get from the led just in case anyone was interested the led bulb has 28 1 watt led bulbs full spectrum from uv to if and cost me like 4 dollars shipped so I figured why not? You can tell it's outputting a lot more then the cfl as it actually hurts to look at. You can use lumens on those bc light being created that is not "seen" by the eye means no lumens. I wish there was a way to see how much output (not wattage, but par, etc) it really is doing... my basil sproutlings love it lol

The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow


The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Are the lights too close to the plant? I've been taking it outside every day. Has been overcast but sunny today. They are "28 watt" (20 1 watt led bulbs) full spectrum light (with uv and ir leds) and a 13w cfl.

The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
Re: Ok I'm getting good ready to try my first grow

Anyone to my last question? When is it good to top a plant?

The world does not CARE how much you know, until they know how much u care.
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