First Time Grow Journal - Advice Welcome!

Yes!! I have a question about that actually, i've purchased 99% isopropyl alcohol to clean the scissers and stuff that I will be grooming them with, but is that type too strong? Or should it be okay? I use it to clean my bongs with some salt... works amazing.
And I was wondering about when I harvest... I am planning on drying the whole plant by just clipping the main stem at the bottom the hanging the plants, but I was wondering which would be a better thing... To take off all the big fan leaves, or to just leave them and wait till they're dry enough to be cured? And how will I be able to tell if it is dry enough to cure? I know that the outside should be dry and the stem should snap but I'm just nervous about doing it since it's my first time.

I was also thinking maybe just harvest branch by brannch and hang those, and grooming them before I hang them to dry. I don't know, so I was wondering which way you would prefer. I dont have any drying screens or anything like that and what i've heard about them i would rather not use one anyways, just in case the buds get too dry
As soon as you harvest you should cut every leaf you can off then let them hang dry as it gives less potential to mold your bud also yes it is ok to use the alcohol but I wouldnt clean till after your all done so you can get scissor hash;)
It should be about three days hang drying since your buds are small easiest way to tell is keep buds on stem until dry bend the stem and if it bends it's not dry yet but if it practically snaps it's ready for jars... Another way to tell is sampling the small buds they be drier then the big ones so if you can pack a bowl of tiny ones and it burns pretty good then they are ready to sweat in jars... Your big buds should feel crisp to touch but still spongy
Okay thanks so much! I'll be harvesting once I get home from my classes, and I will cut every leaf possible. I don't mind the size of the buds, after a groom and cure them they should be okay for some personal. And of course I have to give my mom some because she paid for a lot of the bulbs and stuff. How long would it take to cure them? I know you can cure for a really long time if you wanted. But I don't want to wait like another 2 months if you know what I mean haha.

Once I cut em down I will post some pics :)
Alright :) I harvested. I feel like I should've just cut one of the plants half off so the bottom buds could get some light and grow a bit more, but Oh well. I haven't been able to take a picture yet but I will be getting at it. I've just been super busy yesterday from grooming the plants and buds, now they are hanging dry, one of them I ended up taking the top branches and hanging them seperately than the rest of the plant because I wanted to seperate the bigger bud from the smaller ones. But they will all be cured. 2 weeks sounds great. Ouff, hopefully by either tomorrow, saturday,or sunday they will be dry enough to be cured, then into the mason jars they go :)
Doing awesome post some pics as they're hanging. Make sure you keep em in a dark cool place with good ventilation they'll dry just right if you can keep humidity at 45-55% and good air flow
So I can't find my Iphone anywhere. And I'm supposed to be putting the buds in the jars today. So I don't think I will be able to get a pick of them hanging :(
But the tops of the plants have some decent sized buds. However the bottoms are kinda small. But one plant ended up having a whole wack of red hairs on it, plus crystal, and the other plants buds ended up being a bit leafy, but there's a whole bunch crystal on them, like a lot.
I know for next time, to have mor lighting, everywhere. Not only the top but on the sides and stuff too, so the buds at the bottom of the plant will get more light. And I will know to use nutrients like bat guano when I begin flowering. If I would've known that before It probably would've made the buds turn out bigger and fuller, but I am happy with what I got. I haven't weighed it up yet, I'm waiting until the curing process is done to do that. But so far one jar is half full and the other jar is about a quater full. And I still have some more buds to add to them. So I am happy with what I got, :)
Very awesome very happy for you and yes bigger lights will help but as you get bigger be sure to watch the plants careful as they'll need more food then last time but every grow is a learning experience for the next... It took me awhile to get it right now I do nothing but this for a job... My patients I have are decreasing in size of cancer cells because of my work and because till and error I now can properly grow my medicine to heal everyone

So here is my yield. I'd say near 10 grams like you said, I weighed what was in one jar and it was a quarter already, 7 grams. I didnt bother doing the other one. I was airing them out when I took the picture. I'm so happy with what I got.
And thank you for helping me. I use marijuanna for my anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, as well as depression. So this personal will save me some money. Thanks again :) I'll post another photo a week into curing, this saturday.
Oh and they're not in the light all the time, that was just to get a decent pic, I keep them in a cool shaded place.... You're supposed to shake around the jar a bit while they cure right? To make them into a nice natural shape that buds have... I've been doing it everytime i open the jars which is around 2 times a day, depending on what I'm doing, but they're always opened at least once. I dont want no mildew. I've checked for that too, haven't noticed any. What should I be looking for when I look on my buds? Black? Or white? Or both?
Okay no photo tonight but im hoping there will be time to put one in tomorrow.

I ended up smoking half of what I got in one of the jars.... just because i didnt have the money for personal and my anxiety was going through the roof.. but anyways, I noticed the buds still have a lot of chlorophyll,.... should this be gone within the next week? And what you said about the fuzz being like a spider web.. I noticed theres some clear strand of hair like strings that are visable when i bust the weed up... I do have a lot of animals in my household and there's a chance they could've somehow got their hair in it (I own a brown and white pomeranian with very long hair) but i'm really not sure , could this sound like fuzz?
Hope all is well in your world.

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