First Time Grower! 2x4x5 Tent With 400W MH/HPS Growing Critical+ 2.0 Photo

hey hey hey, fed the girls their nutes today and did some LST. The dreaded day has come where I broke a beloved branch :( I quickly taped her up and hopefully she'll bounce back in a few days. Isn't mack just such a beautiful friggen plant? like my goodness she is a real dream I'm so thankful to be blessed by such a well behaved and beautiful girl :Namaste::Namaste:
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hey hey hey, fed the girls their nutes today and did some LST. The dreaded day has come where I broke a beloved branch :( I quickly taped her up and hopefully she'll bounce back in a few days. Isn't mack just such a beautiful friggen plant? like my goodness she is a real dream I'm so thankful to be blessed by such a well behaved and beautiful girl :Namaste::Namaste:
leighton day 33.jpg
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Can’t believe how fast Mack rebounded! She looks awesome man. That broken branch is nothin you got I taped up quick it should be fine!
Hey everybody! today marks day 35 of veg and we're getting pretty close to the 12/12 flip! currently they're at approx. 8" and I'm putting them into flower around 15-16" to hopefully end with a 2.75-3' plant. I did some more LST today to mack and JLO to kinda keep them back with their sluggish sister. Mack is still as beautiful as ever with the way she's cooperating and growing :D nute schedule has been as such: week 1) 2ml floramicro, 1ml floragro, 1ml florabloom. Week 2) 4ml floramicro, 5ml floragro, 1ml florabloom. week3) 5ml floramicro, 5ml floragrow, 2.5ml florabloom. I'm currently running with the week 3 nute solution until transition, then it will be changed again. I did a slight defol the other night removing the huge fan leaves covering my cola sites and the girls loved it :D didn't even seem to phase them. The branch I broke the other day didn't wilt at all or even show any signs of slowing the growth down. Few more days to let her get a bit more sturdy and I'm going to remove the tape and see what's happening.
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hey folks, turns out I made a few miscalculations initially when calculating what size to initiate flowering, I thought 14-15" would be safe but apparently I was wrong. gonna be going into flower at 12.5" to account for the limited height that I have. currently at about 8.5" inches today so 4" to go and I'll be making the flip :D very excited!
hey folks, turns out I made a few miscalculations initially when calculating what size to initiate flowering, I thought 14-15" would be safe but apparently I was wrong. gonna be going into flower at 12.5" to account for the limited height that I have. currently at about 8.5" inches today so 4" to go and I'll be making the flip :D very excited!

Not long now pal! Looking good!
Hey guys my little girl is looking really droopy i don't know why can anyone help please..she just started to become more and more droopy now it seems other girl is younger but seems better..


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Hey guys my little girl is looking really droopy i don't know why can anyone help please..she just started to become more and more droopy now it seems other girl is younger but seems better..
Hey youdz! The first guess off the top of my head is overwatering however it seems you're growing in coco coir correct? if so coco makes it pretty hard to over water, but not impossible. Are you allowing the coco to get just about dry on the top? you want the top to be dry but not so dry where everything will be dry and could harm your plant. What size pot is it in and how much water are you giving it per watering?
I give it 1l of water per watering and i water only when i feel 1st inch of the coco that ok or am doing it wrong..?
The other one don't seem to bother..
Its a 6l pot..its more droopy today..
I was thinking of root roting maybe??


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Hey guys big news in this grow! I've decided to order myself a 4x4x6.6' and a 600w HPS/MH for my 3 girls so they can get even bigger :D I'll be turning the 2x4 tent into an auto flower tent! very very excited. Everything will be here Monday so I'm going to take a trip to the hydroponic store tomorrow to get some seeds and additional things. I'm going to do the autos in coco coir and switch the photo tent to coco as well after these criticals have finished. cheers :D
Hello everyone, quick update on the tent on day 40 :) nothing exciting happening, waiting for my 4x4 tent to come in Monday so I can do some additional LST and get them really spread out. Leighton seems to have caught up and already has additional growth tips that have made it up to the canopy. they're all looking quite bushy besides JLO. I'm gonna try and put her in the middle spot and see if she bulks up a bit. could just be genetics who knows :cool: cheers guys!


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Hey folks! sorry about the long hiatus. I've been busy setting up the new tent and trying to get everything dialed in. Also been preparing my side grow with the autos so I've been mixing coco coir and getting all that prepped to go. tomorrow I'm moving my smaller tent upstairs so I'll be doing a nice photo update then. Until then, in my 4x4x6'6" it's getting a tad bit hot in there for my liking. It sits at about 86 during lights on and it bugs me that it's so hot. any suggestions to get things cooled down a little bit? I've got the air cooled 600w light venting into the furnace room so it doesn't make the room to hot but can't quite seem to keep it cool. any input is appreciated!
cheers :Namaste::Namaste:
Bring an intake fan pushing more air into the tent.

Open a window in the room with your tent to drop ambient temps.

Increase exhaust fan size.

Add in bigger fans in the tent!

Those would be my top choices to start!

Let’s see some photos ! Lol no pics in a while did you flip your Criticals yet?
Alright alright alright! I am BACK! after a hectic few days I am back on track and ready to update my fellow growers :D so today marks day 49 on the critical girls and they're looking good... however I'm not getting much (if any) vertical growth :/ Now this could be because I continue to tie them down to try to pull them out more but they're still sitting at approx. 10-11" :/ I just took measurements this morning and I'm thinking if they don't grow an inch in 3 days I'm just gonna put them into flower now :( No sense wasting more time on a plant that's not going to grow any taller any time soon right? anyways they've been put into the new 4x4x6'6" tent under a 600w MH air cooled. The temps are getting a little warm in there. The only air I have being sucked in right now is air that passes through the hood to clear it. do you think I should get another 6" inline fan and run it from the ground in my furnace room into the bottom of the tent? that's the only solution I can think of that brings in fresh(ish) air and also keeps light from getting in. Well I think that's about all the excitement in the big tent... In the small tent I have started 4 autos in coco coir :D I've got two GSC autos from fastbuds, 1 WW auto from pyramid seeds and a critical+2.0 auto from dinafem. All of them sprouted successfully and are off to becoming yummy buds. today is day 4 for the autos and I will likely be giving them their first nutes in the next few days once the coco dries from being fully watered initially. they're currently under 250w but I'm likely going to throw it on 400w once they start flowering. Well please let me know if you have any input on the whole vertical growth situation. Really not sure what to do, I don't want to just leave them to grow even though all they're doing is getting bushier.
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Hey player few things pal!

In your tent I don’t remember seeing an exhaust. I know you have the cool tube MH but that’s just cooling your light not sucking out old hot air and replacing it with new fresh air through your passive intakes.

If you got a 6” fan to push fresh air in then you would need an 8” exhaust to suck out the excess air because in your tent your looking for a negative pressure(walls sucking in). This allows your passive intakes to work.

Now as for your vertical growth. If you continue to tie down and spread them out in veg they will only continue to get bushy. The true “stretch” happens once you flip into flower. The first 2-3 weeks you will see explosive growth vertically and then after that not much at all for the remainder of the grow maybe a few inches at max. Once they are done the initial flower stretch they will strictly focus on building Budsites and thickening them up! The last few weeks of your flowering stage if when you will see the biggest growth in bud density and resin building. They generally gain 30% of their overall mass in this time frame!

All the autos look like they are off to a spectacular start! The critical girls all look strong and ready to flip whenever you are !

Keep em green brother
Also looking back at those images your first picture I see you ballast sitting in the tent behind your fan. Pull your ballast out of the tent. It heats up and the fan that you have there is blowing the heat around the tent!

May help a little bit as well with heat.
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