First Time Grower - Advice Welcome

Thanks Lester,

I looked as hard as I couldn't but didn't see anything. I'm out catching Lady Bugs right now (they are abundant this year) and am going to release them right on the spot where the moth was sitting. If some eggs have been laid, I'm hoping that the Lady bugs will be the first line of defense. Have some jewelers tools that are very thin and I think I can open up some spots where she was sitting. All other plants will be inspected very closely until harvest!

Thanks for your help! :high-five:
These are what I'm looking for, haven't seen any yet.


Female White cabbage moth eggs
Re: First time Grower, Need help guiding me Along

:welcome: you chose the best site for all your answers, good job with the Intro! another good job with pics to help w/ your question. You are on the right track to success!

All I can add, is what I read today about auto-flower, I only read 2 threads so far, it said that it is best to NOT ever transplant young plants, he said to start the girls in the large 3 to 5 gallon pot, that the plants will finish in. I read this in the grow room tab section on seedlings & clones, in the autoflower-sub-forum.

Please share what you think, I just sprouted my first femseed today! :goodjob:

Hi there and welcome to the best forum on the planet, :420:

Im doing autos too, i pop my sprouted seeds, straight into their pot for growing... Although i have jus purchased some peat pots, theses are about the same size as a styrofoam cup..

I plan to use these to start with, then put them directly in final pot and earth up. The peat rots away and allows the roots to escape. I kinda thought this would negate shock of transfer.. Also as i have limited space, i can get new beans fired up before harvest...

My current grow has definately stressed my auto... But on purpose...

Best of luck fellow grower
Thanks for stopping by Budworshipper,

These are fem photo-period plants that I am currently growing. Trichs accidentally misread & thought I was starting Autos. This grow in finishing up now, but I just popped 2 Autos in the dirt & they're all ready in their final pots. I also just planted a fem Darkstar. The autos will be done outside & the Darkstar will veg all summer outdoors & I'll bring her in and finish her up.

I'm pretty sure that was a butterfly, and not a moth. Looks like a white skipper. Either way its larvae will munch your buds, and there are far worse species out there.
Thanks for stopping by 60cal! What's 60cal mean? Like 60's California or an M-60 MG? Also, appreciate the time you took to read my journal. Thanks for the + Reps! :peace:


Hi SABO, M60 MG, I carried it for three years as a ground pounder and three years as a door gunner on a heli (304th air rescue) we went in to rescue downed pilots. Sounds like you have had some military in you if you knew what that was.
Hi SABO, M60 MG, I carried it for three years as a ground pounder and three years as a door gunner on a heli (304th air rescue) we went in to rescue downed pilots. Sounds like you have had some military in you if you knew what that was.

Hi 60cal,

Not everyone knows what a real 60 cal is, unless you served proudly. 9 & 1/2 years Buddy & when I was an E-1, E-2, I had to carry one. I was just getting out when the Hummers where being introduced, so when we were mobile, mine was mounted on top of an open jeep.

Got out as an E-6 on the promotion List to E-7. Salute!

Keep it Growing Strong & Green!


Was checking on the Ladies before they head out to sunbathe. Lookie what I found! A very unwelcome & uninvited guest visiting my Ladies.

Deadly Force was not justified, but the moth (Think it's a Miller moth) went out the door! After I couldn't identify it, I went out on the porch where I threw her & luckily she was still there. I pinned her down for the below picture, but didn't kill her, even though I wanted to.

Live & let Live, but if she comes back, well, that's going to be a different story!

Hey SABO, I was catching up and saw this, like you (Good Karma) catch and release, unless there is no other choice, good man. And fine looking plants, if a rookie may say so.
Hey SABO, sent you a friends request, takes a Grunt to Know a Grunt, anyone that knows what a Grunt is will chime in I'm sure.
It's still a bout 3 months before my first grow, I have to relocate first. I hope I can do as good as you my first time out.

Also have some reps on me.
Hey SABO, sent you a friends request, takes a Grunt to Know a Grunt, anyone that knows what a Grunt is will chime in I'm sure.
It's still a bout 3 months before my first grow, I have to relocate first. I hope I can do as good as you my first time out.

Also have some reps on me.

Wasn't a Grunt, but I sure respect them! I was attached to the 5th Army & 3/11th ACR overseas! Workhorse! I was more in a RACO combat support mission. We were trained to fight off the insurgents & Special Ops that were dropped behind the lines. Rec'd tons of training, but I prefer not to get into that too deeply.

I got your request & accepted. :thanks:

Will be looking forward to your 1st adventure, let me know when you start it & if I can help, I most surely will!

Wait till later in the season when you get Leaf Hoppers lol they were bad in those mountains last year!

Hi WildRosebud!

:thanks:for stopping by! Your visits are very welcomed here! Yeah, I know what those Leaf Hoppers are, have tons of them buggers in my neck of the woods. Just popped 2 Autos in pots & 1 Darkstar that will be growing outdoors, so I have to be vigilant, so nothing gets too out of control.

I think rewards are going to outweigh the risks by doing them outside, I am curious to see what Mother Nature can do for them by placing them in an all natural environment!

The Darkstar will finish up in the tent though! She's my special project!

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