First time grower second try first might be dying

these are the 2 I have now and added into a gallon of water and fed (first grow ) which a can respect with your superstition makes sense.. not mocking but dig it...soo the other that supposed to be here I believe is the big bloom from FF..but all in all like I said I fed first grow the (let me go threw my notes)..10-18-15..was thinking next feed would be like the 10/25 or should I do 7 days on the 10/27..and do I up the nutes or wait a week or 2 see hiw it affects the first... oh and the second only water once a week also
Yeah when the plant roots reach the sides of the container it's time to move up, or keep the plant small (a small container=small plant).

For feeding, just stick to the recommended time on the bottles. You can adjust that later as you get a better understanding of how the plants are doing. Start low and work up.

For watering, you have to guage how each pot needs water, there's no real schedule per se. When people say things like "I water every 4 days" or "I water once a week", that is because each person's grow is different. You water when your plants need it. There's no other simple answer :3

You just have to monitor the plants and when the pots dry out, water them. I stuck my finger in the dirt. Worked fine for me. Others will heft the pots. That works too. Others use timers and drip systems. As a baseline, I'd say be prepared to water every 3-5 days as needed. Once I got my ph handled, it ended up that I was watering every three days. But that wasn't my choice, it's how long it took for the soil to dry.

Pretty much everything you do here on out, will have an effect on at least two other things. You really need to stop asking general questions and ask specific questions.

In general, the answer you got for pot size is correct. However, for your situation, it is incorrect. That is due to unfamiliarity (people tend not to read through long threads) and GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).

I need to repot, what is a good size? - Wrong question for your situation.
I need to repot but I only have 18 inches of vertical space, what size pot can I use? - A more proper way to ask the same thing.
I need to repot, but have limited veritcal space, I could re-do my grow box if I had to, but I'd prefer not to, what can I do? - An even better way to ask the same thing because it also tells people what you are willing to do to address your issue.

It's pointless on your first grow to repot 4-5 times. It's counter productive. 4qt or gallon should fit in your space. Any larger, new space.

Don't rely on others to do your homework for you. Get specific while you educate yourself. Or the help you're asking for will actually not help you at all.
The shorter stubby one is "biggie smalls" and the taller lanky one "big L" LST'ING. .

OUT OF SOIL :10/16/15
NEXT FEED :10/26/15 room temp bottled water

Big L
10/6/15 OUT OF SOIL
TRANSPLANTED FROM CUP TO POT of organic potting soil
Next feed : 10/26/15
You mean that kinking? I'd say so, just depends on how the seed was facing when you stuck it in the dirt I suppose. Then it will follow the light, so if you rotate the plant you can see that kind of growth too. As long as you don't see any actual root hairs, I'd just ignore it. If you saw some roots, just pile some soil over em.

Also be careful misting the plants, I found it was easy to get burn spots so once my seedlings had sprouted real leaves, I stopped misting and just went regular watering. Yeah even under cfl's I'd get tiny burn spots...
Ok thank you... the leaves and soil felt really dry. .. Soni gave it 2-3 says to moisten a little... but tomorrow or the 26 I will water or feed both plants

Biggie smalls only water
And big L water with nutes for second time
Yeah, I never felt my plants leaves. Unless I'm looking for pests or tucking them, I just leaf them alone. And if you end up with soil gnats, you'll need to mist the soil daily , just don't mist the leaves.
I like touching the plant give it some of my energy and show it love and talk to it and bout to play some tunes for it even tho sounds crazy.. but I do try to to keep the top of the soil moist.. when I feed it or water them ... should I feed till I see water dripping from the drain hole or push down on soil a little to help drain.. thanks guys.. and I try to keep the frown box clean and wipe down so nothin is in there or Flys in there
Yeah I talk to my girls all the time. I just don't touch em. You don't want to keep things moist, let the top of the soil dry, down an inch if that's how your checking. Moist soil can lead to mold. And soil gnats, they get into the dirt and are like, stupid gnats. Easy to kill but a sorta pain to deal with.

Never compact your soil.

For watering, you want to water until you see run off. It's hard to say for pots that size but a ball park might be every 4-5 days. You need to check them every day or wait till they show signs of wilting before you water them. Lift them, stick your finger in them, but check them every day. Remember, checking the leaves or surface of the dirt means little, you want the inside of the pot to dry out and not get water logged. That leads to root rot.
Or, water them till you see run off, then don't water them again till the leaves all wilt. Then subtract a day and water at that interval. That will work as long as your plant is roughly the same size. As it gets bigger, grows faster, it'll drink more.
Is it just me or does my plant look like a moth or some type of bug

And I tried FIM'ing on big L or at least I think I
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