FlowerNose's Electric Fruit Auto Grow Journal 2017

Day 43 some more

Woo! She really shot up last night so I had to hurry up and build the trellis while I could still get my arms in. It's the least fun I've had this whole grow. I just wanted to be DONE but I was picky about how I wanted it.

Here are some shots from throughout the process.



Every square except for 1 has a top. .

Day 43 some more

Woo! She really shot up last night so I had to hurry up and build the trellis while I could still get my arms in. It's the least fun I've had this whole grow. I just wanted to be DONE but I was picky about how I wanted it.

Here are some shots from throughout the process.



Every square except for 1 has a top. .


Great job Flowernose. That plant looks really good. Just like mine at Day 45 no buds yet!
Day 43

More electronic parts came in the mail today! Mr FlowerNose says that they are Peltier junctions and non-contact temperature sensors. He says these parts mean that we can start dropping the temp and humidity more easily in the cab.


Also, Fruity grew. These pics are about 12 hours apart.


She must REALLY like her new lights!
Day 43 some more

Woo! She really shot up last night so I had to hurry up and build the trellis while I could still get my arms in. It's the least fun I've had this whole grow. I just wanted to be DONE but I was picky about how I wanted it.

Here are some shots from throughout the process.



Every square except for 1 has a top. .

Can I do this now?
Day 44

I woke up to changes in my cab! Mr FlowerNose must have stayed up pretty late after I fell asleep. This morning I found what looked like a small replica of the time machine from the HGWells classic novel suspended in the top corner of the cab.


Mr FlowerNose says it's basically a dehumidifier/air conditioner. I won't be home for several hours today. Having brand new, untested equipment operating in my cab unsupervised for most of the day...makes me itchy.

He constructed it out of some special fan, a Peltier junction, a heat sink and other fancy stuff. The yellow bowl underneath is to catch drops of condensation so they don't hit Fruity. The bowl is suspended with a giant twist tie he got from the hardware store.

These twist ties are useful for EVERYTHING. Get some.
This is off topic, but two days ago, because of nostalgia of my grandmother who passed away a few years back, for the first time in about 19 years I watched the movie "The Time Machine" based on the HG Wells novel... It just seems totally insane to me that you just referenced that now.. I mean what are the chances... Like I didnt even know the name of the movie and had to do some research and asking around on reddit to know what movie I was remembering and everything. That is some serious synchronicity. Wow. Blown away.

But anyway. Serious looking contraption. The fella seems to be quit the tinkering type. Just hope the new dehu isnt too powerful! haha
Hey, Joe. Can you provide a photo of which plant for reference? I scrolled through your journal, but I didn't know which plant you were asking for. :)
Well basically all of them I guess. IDK really how that works. I was wondering if I did that if it wouldn't help bc I'm nervous my ladies will soon out grow their space horizontally​ and I'm stealing any and all light from the 2 that are only 1 week old.
Well basically all of them I guess. IDK really how that works. I was wondering if I did that if it wouldn't help bc I'm nervous my ladies will soon out grow their space horizontally​ and I'm stealing any and all light from the 2 that are only 1 week old.
My phone is dying. Let me see if I can help you before it dies completely.

I trained my plant from about 3 weeks of age. I've seen taller plants get threaded into a trellis though. It's best to train before you go into flower.

You'll need some kind of structure around your plant to support the net or string. This means you can't really move your plant around by the pot it's in any more until harvest. There's a guy on YouTube who has an instructional video on how to do it to plants in veg that have stretched too much. The Grow Boss is his channel I think.
Day 45

Yesterday Mr FlowerNose told me that he pulled out the lux meter again and found that the corners of the cab were getting nearly no light to speak of. He removed the magnifying lenses from the LEDs so that the light would be more diffused for better coverage but less intensity. Here's a before and after. You can see the ring made by the lens on the white LED on the first image.


In other news, Mr FlowerNose is joining 420 Magazine soon. Look for him with username [never mind. Registration isn't working. . ]. I modified the personal icon for him. Like it? .

No benefit over white walls...? Looks like i got some reading to do! Lol
Now I'm not saying there's any problem with Mylar. It's good stuff. It's an excellent product if there's some reason painting isn't an option. Painting can be messy, smelly, and an irritant. In our case it was a good, clean option and helped to water seal the cab.
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