FlowerNose's Electric Fruit Auto Grow Journal 2017

Hydro store didn't have ph pens in stock. No where in all of the big city had one.

Registration for 420 Magazine is still not available so my husband can't join yet.

I cleaned up her bottom because she was getting splashed with feedings and shriveling leaves. Much easier to get in there now.



I've got a monster headache brewing. Gonna go smoke a massive bowl and down some ibuprofen. Good night, beautiful people.

My phone is dying. Let me see if I can help you before it dies completely.

I trained my plant from about 3 weeks of age. I've seen taller plants get threaded into a trellis though. It's best to train before you go into flower.

You'll need some kind of structure around your plant to support the net or string. This means you can't really move your plant around by the pot it's in any more until harvest. There's a guy on YouTube who has an instructional video on how to do it to plants in veg that have stretched too much. The Grow Boss is his channel I think.

I love watching the Grow Boss. Dude seems to know his shit
I love watching the Grow Boss. Dude seems to know his shit
I like his information. I don't like his delivery. He's really arrogant. He knows a lot so it can be argued that his arrogance is earned. Also, all his videos are basically advertisements for his books and cards. If you don't mind trudging through all that, it's good stuff!

Check out The Grateful Grower on YouTube too. LOVE his style and knowledge.
Still day 14. Bedtime. Had to take one last look at her and take some pics to see how much she grows overnight. All these tiny little dots of new growth has me thinking she'll get quite a bit bigger over the next two days or so. This is so much fun.



Smell the flowers
Lookn gud so far i also have an electric fruit auto from gyo it jus popped above soil yesterday so shes still young yet but congrats on the setup n gl im subbed in to watch the grow if u dnt mind also feel free 2 swing by my journal the organic 1 is my current journal but yea lookn gud brotha n member keep it green n stay frosty my friend
Lookn gud so far i also have an electric fruit auto from gyo it jus popped above soil yesterday so shes still young yet but congrats on the setup n gl im subbed in to watch the grow if u dnt mind also feel free 2 swing by my journal the organic 1 is my current journal but yea lookn gud brotha n member keep it green n stay frosty my friend
Thank you, Jones! Glad you're along! Here's a pic of her from today just for fun.
all his videos are basically advertisements for his books and cards.

Grow Pot Cheaply spends so much time talking about his line of LEDs that I actually avoid his channel now. I mean if They're so good get them on amazon and get some competitive pricing and attractive data before you nag the shit out of me about your product. Aside from that though, he does have some pretty tight grow skills
Grow Pot Cheaply spends so much time talking about his line of LEDs that I actually avoid his channel now. I mean if They're so good get them on amazon and get some competitive pricing and attractive data before you nag the shit out of me about your product. Aside from that though, he does have some pretty tight grow skills
Right!? He says it himself-he has ADD. If his videos just had direction and editing! I'm trying to implement his "first 4 inches" theory but his videos on it are so disorganized. I like his info and his results are inspiring, though.
Right!? He says it himself-he has ADD. If his videos just had direction and editing! I'm trying to implement his "first 4 inches" theory but his videos on it are so disorganized. I like his info and his results are inspiring, though.
Yea im doing a los mix right now organics all the way baby and god damn brotha tht is a huge fukn bush i hope my electric fruit gets tht big im only guna lst this 1 n maybe after a few more auto runs then ill try topping again but it went horribly 4me last time lol i n i still cant upload pics 2day so still cant show any1 :( but i can look at urs lol n way to go gud job
Right!? He says it himself-he has ADD. If his videos just had direction and editing! I'm trying to implement his "first 4 inches" theory but his videos on it are so disorganized. I like his info and his results are inspiring, though.

Yeah He's definitely got heavy expertise yano. He gets serious results with autos too, which is why I watched loads of his vids in the first place. Im thinking because of him im definitely going to be trying the "incredible bulk" strain, sometime.
Here's my next order. Hoping to pop another bean in about 2 weeks.
Dam brotha tht sure does sound like a tastey lineup ur guna b addn 2the arsenal i also have been thinkn about adding incredible bulk to my lineup is it an auto or a photo?
Hey flowernose, can you tell me abit about the lights you used here initially? The ones you passed onto little widow? Im looking into installing four white lights on the center point of each edge of my current LED panel, jsut for the sake of getting more light spectrum, and I dont think it could hurt as well, as my tent could be quite full in a few weeks with all the other seedlings i have growing, but I generally want to keep the wattage low. You think a few simple white LEDs could be good enough for what Im talking about? This is seriously just purely supplemental lighting. I think it will also give me more options for managing (increasing) heat in my tent, as right now Im dealing with 60 - low 70 f. Is there anything you can advise for building something like your initial light setup? It looked pretty sweet tbh
Hey flowernose, can you tell me abit about the lights you used here initially? The ones you passed onto little widow? Im looking into installing four white lights on the center point of each edge of my current LED panel, jsut for the sake of getting more light spectrum, but I generally want to keep the wattage low. You think a few simple white LEDs could be good enough for what Im talking about? This is seriously just purely supplemental lighting. I think it will also give me more options for managing (increasing) heat in my tent, as right now Im dealing with 60 - low 70 f. Is there anything you can advise for building something like your initial light setup? It looked pretty sweet tbh

Yo, Jurf! The details on the two bulbs are in the first post. I don't remember specifics but they are easy to Google. Heat will increase so if that's your goal, do it! :)

My advice for building a similar setup would be to buy the sockets to match each other. We used a whole bunch of parts we had on hand. Mr FlowerNose...He has a LOT of electronic stuff around. I'd also say to use a thinner board to mount it all to. It's so heavy and bulky.

Awesome! Thanks for the picture. Its nice to get a good look at it haha.

So Am I right in perceiving that all your lights are powered through a single source? Thats generally what I wanna learn how to do. Maybe after I learn how to do that I might think of a dimmer switch incase I need to adjust it for temperature or whatever.

I have zero experience in this kind of stuff. Really admiring your husbands handywork. Is there anywhere you could recommend I go to learn how to do this lighting stuff?
Awesome! Thanks for the picture. Its nice to get a good look at it haha.

So Am I right in perceiving that all your lights are powered through a single source? Thats generally what I wanna learn how to do. Maybe after I learn how to do that I might think of a dimmer switch incase I need to adjust it for temperature or whatever.

I have zero experience in this kind of stuff. Really admiring your husbands handywork. Is there anywhere you could recommend I go to learn how to do this lighting stuff?
I don't know a lot about it. But this type of light is not too fancy. Maybe look up how to wire a lamp because it's basically a lamp with extra bulbs.

A Canna-chandelier. .
Day 48

Maybe 3 more weeks till harvest? We'll see. She's so big now that day-to-day changes aren't really noticeable. I'm impatient for the first time. I want her done because I want to trim my buds for the first time. :D

Here she is, ~48 hours difference.


You can see how we keep adjusting equipment. It's all in an effort to control temp and humidity and smell.


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