
Anything else you can tell us? Pictures?

It depends on what caused the foxtailing (I think?), it's genetic or environmental. Somebody else more experienced could tell you more...but more info = better answers.

Also, this part is more for introductions and you might also get better answers in the FAQ:Namaste:

I think my girls are foxtailing is that good or bad?
Welcome to 420magazine my friend @Smokesomething :welcome:
If your ladies have got too close to the light it can cause foxtailing.
How close are they?
How bad is the foxtailing?
You don't grow any autos?
I grow marijuana. Cannibas.
And tomatoes. I love a home grown tomato right off the vine still warm from the sun, and a salt shaker. OMG.

I do not grow 'autos'. I drive one. I pack a semi-one. I don't grow them.
And if my friends and co-workers found out that I did they would surly beat me senseless ... I would do it for them.

But .... while we're on the subject ... from my perspective it is sometimes very difficult to look on the FAQs. I like helping, ya know, and every once in a while someone asks and I actually know. Because I been there, got the t-shirt, did the research and tried all the snake oil and I know the answer ... every once in a while. And I share.
But, it is really frustrating to hear the entire problem. Lots of high quality pictures. I think I know, ya know? Then at about the time I post an opinion ... they "mention" that its NOT CANNIBAS.

I like helping ... but, man ...
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