3rd Run 3x White Widow Clone In Hybrid Org/Syn Experiment 4x4 Tent


Well-Known Member
Sooo here we go!!!!!
my 3rd run!

this is experiment , since on my first run i was full synthetic (AN) , my second run i tried an organic system ( destiny) it seem's more friendly user compared to doc's kit ( planning getting it next run)
my conclusion on those 2 runs, i prefer organic , so i these hard time i choose to make some test for learning

took 3 shout from the last run,
1 week before my switch to flower (2nd run)
and groom 3 clones in an aquarium with led strip
grew them in a jiffy peat pallets
then transplanting gradually in bigger pots

before i transplanted them in 3 gallon pot (
i heard in a podcast about growing, a guy keep roots in the soil from the last grow, so i took my pot and my old tree cut a circular for the transplant
this run i didn't keeped track of time this run i will in flower stage

Strain - White widow
# of Plants - 3
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Vegetative
Bucket Size - 3 Gallon
Lights - 1 x v600 viraspectra 1x marshydro 96
Nutrients - veg: AN sensi grow A+B and destiny system
flower: AN( A+B/ bud candy / overdrive / big bud )and destiny system

Medium - destiny organinc system

RH - 50% (humidifier set to 55%)still big struggle for me

Room Temperature celcius 24 to 18 ( still need to buy digital thermostat to regulate the room temp)

Solution Temperature around 20 C

Room Square Footage - 4' x 4'

im really open to suggestions!

Gurls were thirsty before i took the picture





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Hiya @onizuka88 nice setup, fat and sassy! You say that's a dry droop? They kinda remind me of overfed? I'll tag along...CHeers mate, gl to your grow! :yahoo:
Hiya @onizuka88 nice setup, fat and sassy! You say that's a dry droop? They kinda remind me of overfed? I'll tag along...CHeers mate, gl to your grow! :yahoo:
well the pot was pretty light... feed them 8L 3 days ago

but thank for the tip

Yesterday i did a trim on lower part of all branches
I ordered a new fan for air flow in the tent

1 issue i still have to attack is the rh in my tent is way too low , i have humidifier but the problem its cloging my filter with white dust... if any buddy has idea

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