Growing Without Bloom Nutes By Farside05

I left for out of town Thursday without topping off the girls. They were fed on Wednesday night and I didn't get home till Saturday night. Although dry, surprisingly, they weren't even wilted. I'll chop these somewhere between Wednesday and Friday.
We've got activity in this tent again. Blueberry Glue on the left, Bruce Banner on the right. Both autos. In the past, Glue strains have always produced missile shaped colas for me, and Banner was part of my personal best crop, so I have big hopes for the yields on this grow.

I’m all in baby!

Welcome Trala.

Question for ya. Have you ever tried starting your autos indoors and then moving them outdoors after a couple weeks of bloom? Did that with one plant last year because of space constraints. Was about a 7oz plant but lost half to rot since we had a lot of rain for the last few weeks of it's life.
Welcome Trala.

Question for ya. Have you ever tried starting your autos indoors and then moving them outdoors after a couple weeks of bloom? Did that with one plant last year because of space constraints. Was about a 7oz plant but lost half to rot since we had a lot of rain for the last few weeks of it's life.
Thanks far :)

Answer for ya! If left outside overnight my plants soon end up riddled with bugs and then rot. Our summers are super humid. But now I’m thinking about it, it might be okay for winter. My autos are always small in stature compared to my 12:12 types.

If things get too squishy in the Bloom Room, I’ll go full Survivor mode and vote the auto out.
Day 6

They survived the first 24 hours after transplant. I'll likely need to refill the reservoir tomorrow since the dryish Pro-Mix sucked up a lot of water after the transplant.

what are those "devices" on your soil bed ? meters/indicators of ?

They're Sub Irrigated Planters (aka SIPs) made by Gro Buckets. That's the fill tube and water level indicators.
A day of yard work. Now kicking back with my Pitty and the Arizer II. Not sure what I'm about to inhale. Had a mystery bud left over in a jar I failed to label. Possibly Blueberry Glue?

Day 10

These have a ways to go to catch up to where the other tent's girls were at day 21. They have 11 days to kick in into high gear.

:rofl: @Trala

I was sloppy during transplant. It started clean and then as I was scooping out Pro-Mix from the Gro Buckets to make room for the Solo cup sized root ball, I got some on the floor. Should have filled the pots with an empty Solo cup as a place holder so I didn't have to scoop Pro-Mix out. Farside05 Jr and I were in a hurry when we were filling pots, it was started ng to rain on us. I'll eventually get around to cleaning it up, but as for now, I'm not growing plants on the floor. It can wait.
I’m hoping not too long. It is making my ocd SCREAM!


And good morning :)

Before too long they'll be big enough and dense enough that you can't see the floor.
But we’ll both know, lurking under that beautiful green canopy lies your dirty deed!

It was Done Dirt Cheap too.

Maybe I'll put a rug in there and just hide it.
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