HashGirl Grows Purple Ghost Candy In The Seedsman Comparative Grow 2024

Thanks, Mocha. No worries about missing my birthday. I've been having vision problems since early April so haven't been on here as much as I normally am. I miss everyone but my vision is blurry and reading electronics just makes it worse. I have an eye appointment on June 11 so hopefully, it's something solvable or I may remain elusive here.
I'm sorry to hear about your eyes HG, I hope everything is going to be okay, if not maybe look into a "text to talk" program, there's several out there for free, just highlight it and it tells you what's been said, I could say more, but don't want to cause more discomfort, prayer and well wishes for you HG, always a pleasure :hug:
Anyone in particular that told you? Just curious 🧐 about that. lol 😂 CL🍀
I honestly don’t remember who said it but it was in my journal on my birthday, so someone who knows us both. Lol!
Hey @HashGirl, I have a question if you don’t mind? Do you always start your girls in straight perlite? What is the reasoning and/or advantages of doing this vs. starting in the same soil mix you will uppot into? And also, don’t know why I don’t know this, but when you uppot, I guess you wait till the roots hold the whole rootball of perlite together, yes? So does that take longer or shorter time than in soil?

Guess that was more than one question. Lol! Thanks!!!
Hey @HashGirl, I have a question if you don’t mind? Do you always start your girls in straight perlite? What is the reasoning and/or advantages of doing this vs. starting in the same soil mix you will uppot into? And also, don’t know why I don’t know this, but when you uppot, I guess you wait till the roots hold the whole rootball of perlite together, yes? So does that take longer or shorter time than in soil?

Guess that was more than one question. Lol! Thanks!!!

Hello Jon.

I'm switching from ProMix to Hempy due to my continuous issue with PM. My husband's cousin works at a licensed producer farm and he says hydroponic is the best way to grow and I chose hempy because it's relatively easy.

That said, Portia is only in perlite indoors. She will be moved outdoors this weekend and planted in a 10-gallon cloth pot filled with ProMix, @DYNOMYCO and GeoFlora Veg.

The roots that are encased in the perlite will be transplanted to the ProMix but the ones that aren't won't be.
Hello Jon.

I'm switching from ProMix to Hempy due to my continuous issue with PM. My husband's cousin works at a licensed producer farm and he says hydroponic is the best way to grow and I chose hempy because it's relatively easy.

That said, Portia is only in perlite indoors. She will be moved outdoors this weekend and planted in a 10-gallon cloth pot filled with ProMix, @DYNOMYCO and GeoFlora Veg.

The roots that are encased in the perlite will be transplanted to the ProMix but the ones that aren't won't be.
Interesting that you said that about the ProMix and PM. The only 2 plants I've had any PM issues with have ProMix soil.
Purple Ghost Candy Update - May 15 to 30, 2024

Good afternoon.

Since my last update on May 15, Portia has grown 2 inches taller and almost 3 inches wider. She was transplanted today from an indoor grow in a Solo cup filled with perlite and being fed MegaCrop to a 10-gallon cloth pot filled with ProMix and fed with GeoFlora Veg.

Here are the pics for today's update:

420 Update - May 15 to 31, 2024.jpg

Portia - Day 7:

Portia - Day 11:

Portia - Day 18:

Portia - Day 22:

Portia - Day 27:

Portia - Day 28 (Uppotting Day):

@DYNOMYCO in the Hole:


I just found out that I've been pHing incorrectly so hopefully, the light coloured leaves will darken soon.

Thanks for following along.
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