Purple Ghost Candy By Seedsman: Comparative Grow 2024 By Gwhunran

Don't stay there too long, hope everything goes as planned with great outcomes.
Sending positive vibes!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I'm tying not to. :) Just waiting on the large intestine to wake back up. It's not been in use for 9 months.:oops::)
Yes many positive vibes!
Thanks OG,:) I mostly feel good. :hmmmm: I went through a bit of nausea but that's better now, and I have no trouble walking the halls:)
Glad things went well, GW! Slow and easy upon your return. :)
Thanks GDB. I don't think I could do it any other way. :) I'll have a band to wear around my waist keep the hernia from coming back. The hernia on my right side,(it was huge), was causing me the most discomfort. It had gotten progressively bigger for the nine months I was wearing the bag.:oops: The wife has been topping up the reservoirs and tells me the plants look good.🤠 Maybe she's coming around,:hmmmm: I've never heard her refer to the cannabis plants as looking good.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
The Mrs. has good bedside manners!

And maybe she is coming around. :)
The Mrs. has good bedside manners!

And maybe she is coming around. :)
I definitely got the better end of the deal with the missus. :love: I don't think she's coming around to consuming it yet, but she does like to see a plant grow well.:)
That's great news! Keep recovering! :green_heart: :hookah:
Thanks Stone. :) They had me wondering a few times, but the pain meds generally made me forget about it.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman
Comparative grow 2024
Flip +6
Sally grow area

The grow area is running normally.:)

The wife kept the reservoirs topped up every day while I was away and I found the PH in acceptable range today after 5 days without adjustment.:cheesygrinsmiley:
There will have to be a bit of spreading to fill more of the 2nd screen and some foliage will have to be cut as well to help them breath. I will try tomorrow, gotta take it slow. 🙄 I will do a reservoir change tomorrow on both sides if I'm up to it as well. Put them both in Transition stage of nutrient add.🤠

The room was put back into CO2 mode and the regulator was plugged back in.:):bong:

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Purple Ghost Candy, flip +6

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Purple Ghost Candy, flip +6
Having those to gaze upon must help you feel better, GW! :Rasta:
Having those to gaze upon must help you feel better, GW! :Rasta:
I feel even better today. :) So I'm thinking I can get some work done in the grow area. :hmmmm: I have a flip phone so, all my 420 posting comes from the laptop. I have nothing against them, just haven't seen a real need for one. My work at the Blue Ridge Parkway was without cell service, so the phone was turned off and left in the personal vehicle during the workday.:oops: Plus I can type on the laptop. :cheesygrinsmiley: Hitting those little keys on the flip phone is not worth the effort. 🙄
I tried taking a few hits from the bong last night, not so easy, coughing hurts like hell. :oops::bong:
I'm so glad it is all going like clockwork!
Thanks Carmen,:) things are indeed going good in the grow.🤠 just have to start moving the stalks around and give them their own light space.:hmmmm: Having the garden to work in, is good therapy for me. When strong, I could spend a whole workday in there, without getting bored. It doesn't hurt, that a lot of the time, I zoot up, and lose time, just gazing.🙄:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman
Comparative Grow 2024
Flip +8
Sally grow area

The grow area is running normally. :)

The reservoir was changed yesterday. Added 100% of General Hydroponics recommended amounts for 17 gallons in Transition. Added a spoonful of epsom salts and 60ml CalMag+. Phed to 6-6.5. Everything checked out okay this morning.🤠

The plants are looking good. :) They have started stretching and are going hard.:cheesygrinsmiley:🤠 I moved a few stalks to more open areas after the photos, but I tire too easily to get in there and thin things out below. 🙄 The AC and dehumidifier are doing their jobs well and I'm running lots of fans, so I'm pretty sure things will be okay till I get stronger. :hmmmm::) The CO2 system is keeping them gassed up for the stretch.:)

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Purple Ghost Candy, flip +8

PGC flip+8 (2).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +8

PGC flip+8 (3).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +8

PGC flip+8 (4).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +8🤠
Looks like they're happy to see you, GW! :Rasta:
Looks like they're happy to see you, GW! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB :) I was real happy to see everything doing well when I got home. I hate seeing all the growth underneath that won't amount to much, but it'll have to wait.:hmmmm: I had to wait out the pump this morning before topping them up and was able to burn about half a joint while I waited.:cheesygrinsmiley: No problems and it doesn't hurt to cough as much as it did.:):bong:
Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman
Comparative grow 2024
Flip +10
Sally grow area

The grow area is running normally. :)

The plants look good and are still stretching hard.:) If those fat stems are as strong as they look, they'll support some heavy buds.:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley: I'm not sure if they all are sativa dominant, but it wouldn't surprise me.:hmmmm: The one on the right is showing some of those long thin leaves like the beautiful Seedsman picture, that convinced me to try growing the strain.:love:

The PGC are showing their sex, but at a slower pace than the MAC next door.:hmmmm::):bong:

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Purple Ghost Candy, flip +10

PGC flip +10 (2).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +10

PGC flip +10 (3).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +10

PGC flip +10 (4).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, flip +10 :)
Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman
Comparative Grow 2024
Flip +12
Sally grow area.

The grow area is running normally. :)

The plants have lived up to strains reputation for stretching. :oops::cheesygrinsmiley: I think one of the Twisted Sisters in front may be more indica leaning. :hmmmm: I hope it gives me something, because it will be light deprived compared to the taller sisters.🙄
The plants look good. I've trimmed a little and haven't really dented the thick stuff in between the screens.🙄 I'm not really worried about it though.:) I've grown thick before using HID lights with no AC, or dehumidifer.:oops: Relying on lots of fans and lots of exhaust.:cheer: (Air exchange from outside the grow). Without getting rot.
The dehumidier is keeping things perfect even on these 100% rh ambient days. 🤠

The girls are drinking hard,:) more than the MAC next door and their state of flower is behind the MAC.:hmmmm:

The light has been raised to it's maximum height. They have a little more room to stretch but not a lot if the light is to reach the perimeter stalks properly. :hmmmm::)

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Purple Ghost Candy, Flip +12.

PGC flip+12 (2).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, Flip +12.

PGC flip+12 (3).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy, Flip +12.

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Purple Ghost Candy, Flip +12.

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Purple Ghost Candy, Flip +12.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman
Comparative Grow 2024
Flip +14
Sally grow area

The grow area is running normally. :) I was filling the PGC reservoir with water and troubleshooting the MAC's water pump next door at the same time. Shouldn't have. 🙄 I turned around to look towards the PGC to the sound of splashing water. :oops: The reservoir was full and dumping water on the grow room floor. :oops: It's a good thing there were no small children or animals in there with me, as I wailed about my foolish blunder.🙄 So I spent some time cleaning up the floor.:rofl: It is a little cleaner though now.🙄

The recommended amounts of General Hydroponics three part liquid nutes for 17 gallons in Early Bloom. Added a spoon full of epsom salts and 60 ml CalMag+. PHed to 6-6.5.

The plants are looking good.:) A little tip burn going on but the res. was changed and Early Bloom is a little less concentrated than Transition in total expected numbers, so we'll see whether the tip burn gets worse or not.:hmmmm:
I hope my stretch is about over as the tallest limb is about 6"/15cm from the light.:oops: I wished for the tall stretchy phenos and got my wish in spades. :oops::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

PGC flip +14.JPG

Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +14. Reservoir change ingredients left to right. Bloom, Micro,Micro, Growth, Epsom Salts, PH down, and CalMag+.

PGC flip +14 (1).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +14.

PGC flip +14 (2).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +14.

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Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +14.🤠
Human huh? I do stuff like that all the time! Nice save!
Yeah Stone, the funny thing is, my self talk before it happened centered around, "I've got to pay attention to the reservoir next door" as I've done it before. :oops: 🙄 Not much spilled, but looking at the floor, you'd of thought I dumped the whole thing.:rofl:
Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman
Comparative Grow 2024
Flip +16
Sally grow area

The grow area is running normally. :)

The plants are looking good and the Early Bloom nutes seem to be agreeing with them.🤠 No noticeable increase in tip burn.:) Still stretching.:oops: I've clipped a couple of tops that were way too close to the light for my comfort.:oops: I'm hoping not to have to do anymore clipping.🙄 I made my cut at nodes so maybe the new top flower will assume it's rightful place. :bong:

The plants are drinking hard and the reservoir top ups with high PH tap water are helping keep the PH in range as it is doing it's normal drop during flower now.:hmmmm: I am determined to keep things in the 6-6.5 range on the current grows and maybe avoid my usual mid to late flower yellowing.🙄:)

A little shout out to my dehumidifier.:love::cheer: With the constant drain hose hooked up and not worrying about the tank filling and the unit shutting down, I've set it at 45% and my monitors set at or near canopy height, the RH is staying in the 48-53% at all times.:love::cheesygrinsmiley: This causes the plants to drink harder and grow faster.:hmmmm::) Just have make sure and keep their feed concentration on the low side.:)

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Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +16.

PGC flip +16 (3).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +16.

PGC flip +16 (4).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +16. I really like to take overhead shots of the plants to show a full screen of flowers, but with these PGCs being so tall, overhead shots just aren't possible anymore. :hmmmm::bong:

PGC flip +16 (5).JPG

Purple Ghost Candy by Seedsman, flip +16.
Damn, GW. You've got those girls having a party in there! :p

How many ways do you have to get into that jungle for maintenance?
Damn, GW. You've got those girls having a party in there! :p

How many ways do you have to get into that jungle for maintenance?
Well GDB, there ain't much plant maintenance going on. 🙄 I've reached as far as I can between the nets and trimmed the stuff that won't add anything nor see the light. The back part just has a free for all. 🙄 I need arms like that old bball player, Manute Bol, not Shaq, to do the trimming, but even then the leaves get in the way of seeing what your doing and things get cut that shouldn't have. 🙄
I seem to get away with running them thick, as I've done it a few times now. Lots of fans running, good climate control thanks to the AC, and a dehumidifier that keeps the rh in that low range flowering plants love. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
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