Hello from Ontario

:welcome: to :420: YYB

Wanted to say a big thank you for this amazing resource - I've been awake for hours longer than I should be because I Can't.Stop.Reading.
I'm just here for the popcorn :popcorn:
Hello and welcome aboard !! fellow ontario grower here , now that we have you hooked , what you gonna grow and how , soil , coco ? there is lots of great well experienced growers here to offer some good solid advice , let the journey begin good luck !!

Hey there, thank you! That's why I spent toooo many hours last night reading! :)

I"m trying to finalise decisions for my first indoor grow . So far, I have a

4x2x6 tent (DS120W Secret Jardin)
I'm thinking two AutoPotXL in that tent.
ES300 Electric Sky light
Fan to be confirmed. Office grow - so needs to be quiet. S-600 Vortex?

Then, the big decision that has me going around in circles. What medium.....?

I want simple maintenance, no complicated nutrient schedule to begin with, just a solid reliable quick first grow for confidence even if yields aren't huge. I don't need huge quantity, I just want to turn grows quickly to have jars of different bud to choose from throughout the year - boutique-style.

It's either going to be soil or coco, but not quite there yet. ProMix? Possibly Destiny Grow kit? - but then can I still bottom water with the Autopot... but do I need an autopot? Questions questions....

And I'm thinking of Mephisto autoflowers for the seeds.

Like I say, round and around in circles but learning a lot.... :)
Hey there, thank you! That's why I spent toooo many hours last night reading! :)

I"m trying to finalise decisions for my first indoor grow . So far, I have a

4x2x6 tent (DS120W Secret Jardin)
I'm thinking two AutoPotXL in that tent.
ES300 Electric Sky light
Fan to be confirmed. Office grow - so needs to be quiet. S-600 Vortex?

Then, the big decision that has me going around in circles. What medium.....?

I want simple maintenance, no complicated nutrient schedule to begin with, just a solid reliable quick first grow for confidence even if yields aren't huge. I don't need huge quantity, I just want to turn grows quickly to have jars of different bud to choose from throughout the year - boutique-style.

It's either going to be living soil or coco, but not quite there yet. ProMix? Possibly Destiny Grow kit? - but then can I still bottom water with the Autopot... questions questions....

And I'm thinking of Mephisto autoflowers for the seeds.

Like I say, round and around in circles.... :)

Welcome, fellow Ontarian!

Just a suggestion, but for simplicity look into some good coco (Canna Coco would be my preference) mixed with some ratio of pearlite, and GLN Mega Crop for nutrients. It doesn't get much simpler than that.

Here's a link to the continuing saga, The Mega Crop thread.

Good choice for seeds, btw. I'm growing my first crop of meph beans right now in coco/mc. So far so good!

Just make sure to do your research and choose what's right for you.
Just a suggestion, but for simplicity look into some good coco (Canna Coco would be my preference) mixed with some ratio of pearlite, and GLN Mega Crop for nutrients. It doesn't get much simpler than that. Here's a link to the continuing saga, The Mega Crop thread.

I'm afraid if I click that link, it'll be like last night all over again. Hours will pass by unnoticed.... dogs will go unwalked.... suppers will burn.... I'll start ignoring all my friends.... avoid bathing....
YVR here! Welcome! :welcome: Use to be YYZ

Mega Crop Nutrients!!! Easiest, very economical, no fuss, no ph.... I just switched from Green Planet to MC. Results are fabulous, especially when you start them from the beginning. I also grow in soil. There are some amazing knowledgable people on here that can help guide you if you go array. Read the thread MC that was shared earlier with you. My recommendation. I can't tell you how much reading I've done on here....its addictive:love:
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