

New Member
So after a week of reading, studying, and re-reading all of the wonderful and helpful guides and tutorials, I finally built the nerve up to join. You see, about 9 days ago after ordering about $1200 in grow equipment, I realized I didn't have a clue what I'd do with it when it came. I must admit, it's a scary feeling.. being in WAY over your head!

Now, thanks to all of the helpful posts and literature on this website, and another few bucks spent towards better stuff, I am pretty confident I have a shot at this. I got my medical licence recently and since there's no dispensaries open yet, I realized I could apply for a certificate to GROW MY OWN!!!
Easy peasy..

And here in MA a script for medical MJ means you can have 10 ounces (the reasonable amount for 2 month supply of medicine!) Now, IDK about you all, but I probably couldn't use 10 ounces in 2 months! I'm a lightweight.. I take one too many hits and... :rip:

So anyways, Thanks to all you awesome 420 members for all your helpful posts. I'm looking forward to starting a journal of my very first grow, as soon as my grow licence gets here!
Hi Qanzilla,

Great intro and I'm looking forward to following along with you. I know exactly how you feel about the grow equipment. It seems overwhelming but one step at a time....I'm only on my 3rd crop so I and many others know what you're going through and everyone's always a post away.

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