HELP! cat keeps diggin up plants


New Member
:helpsmilie:Can anybody tell me how I can stop my daughter's bloody cat digging up my young plants. I thought the shotgun would work, but my wife & daughter weren't too happy about that!!! Any suggestions greatly appreciated.:peace:
Keep the cat away. If outside use t-posts and some wire fencing. If indoors keep the door shut to the room, or fence the plants off some how. Hang noisy things from the lower branches to scare the cat. Train the cat to stay away by squirting it with water when it gets near. Plant some catnip for the cat.
Get a coke bottle 2L, take the wrapper off and half fill with water. Lay the bottle sideways next to the plant. Do this with a couple of bottles strategically placed around the plants.

No shit this works to stop them crapping on my lawn, they just dont want to go near it. Give it a try.

If that doesnt work, i have an airrifle you can use....damage is less obvious than a shotgun and they certainly get the message.
Hey Screwnuts33, love ya sense of humour (yeah thats how we spell humour in Oz) man. Am sending you a friend request. Cheers mate!!!:rofl:
Get a dog. It doesn't have to be a pit bull, I have little <20lbs dogs that are like cats, but with dog attitude, speed, and agility. Rat Terriers love chasing cats. Another option: plant catnip somewhere nearby. Cats love getting high, they will destroy a plant by rubbing on it and rolling on it.
Are you using any fish based ferts in your soil? The cat could digging for what it thinks is food. Or it may smell like crap and she's trying to bury it. ;) Cats are picky about their surroundings.

Cats are usually more interested in the foliage. I once had an old tomcat that looked at the lower leaves on the weed plants as his private salad bar. He was a happy cat.
haha, all good suggestions. my cat knows not to make me reach for the squirtgun. you could also put some gravel, pebbles, or clay pellets over the soil.
I use a child and pet gate that fits the door frame to the grow room ....that stupid dog of mine has a taste for MJ leaves.....I caught him at fence them out!:Rasta:


see he's about to eat on
If they're in pots, bag the pots and tie off around the plant stalks. If they're in the ground, place boards or large rocks around the base of the plant where the cat digs. The idea is to make it impossible for anything to dig.

Meanwhile, make sure the cat box is kept squeaky clean and available 24/7/365. That's the number one reason an indoor cat has for going elsewhere in the house....
Thanks to all for some excellent advice. Pussy cat seems to have got the message. Am dealing with the frustration of males appearing. 2 down 6 to go. Hope I don't get too many more. Cheers guys!!!:Rasta:
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