Help I'm in bad trouble with both of my plants


Active Member
Help im in bad trouble with both of my plants I been watering them regularly not adding any fertilizer so now my leaves look like this and starting to turn yellow I might have a mag problem so I added 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a 3 gallon jug and nothing changed its been like 2 or 3 days and they starting to claw please help

Soil I use is Mg seed starter with pearl lite
Regular water no fertilizer


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Have to be careful with nutes as I believe that Miracle Grow has their time released nutrient crap in it, and it will release whenever it feels like it and can bite you in the backside in a hurry.
No I need all the help I can get so do you guys think it's the soil being to wet and causing a nitrogen deficiency
Seriously, read here. You will not be wasting your time or that the grower dudes better qualified than me to assist you in the future. Time and Patience.......just my 2-cents worth!

Edit: I know it's a great big long thread but you want to have a Great Big Long Growing career, don't you?
Never use Miracle Grow anything for weed. Not soil, Perlite or fertilizer. Even the perlite is 07/07/07. Some guys get away with perlite MG but I mixed MG perlite with Happy Frog soil and it was causing seedlings to claw so hard they squeezed liquid out of the leaves.

Quickly transplanted to Happy Frog and neutral Perlite and next day it was fixed.

Happy Frog is a good soil if you can get it and Mega Crop is a simple all in one fertilizer that's inexpensive. I'd grab a small Cal/Mag for emergencies.

It'll run you like $40 and should do 4 five gallon pots with enough fertilizer and Cal/Mag left for another run.
Tell us what soil or other medium choices you have available for transplant. Your ladies are going to need it soon.

While most Miracle Grow doesn't work the best, not every product is terrible. Their natures care organics soil (green bag) has grown some really nice plants. You just need to add 33% extra (regular) perlite and be mindful of your watering practices. It doesn't have time release nutes in it.
The seed starting mix is just fine for starting seed.

The Mega Crop is a great choice for a simple , cheap and effective nutrient. It works very well with Pro Mix and some of the good organic soils. Works great in Hempy and DWC as well.
Help im in bad trouble with both of my plants I been watering them regularly not adding any fertilizer so now my leaves look like this and starting to turn yellow I might have a mag problem so I added 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a 3 gallon jug and nothing changed its been like 2 or 3 days and they starting to claw please help

Soil I use is Mg seed starter with pearl lite
Regular water no fertilizer
I never use miracle grow. Everyone has their own preference. The reason I don’t use MG is because it is set up (nutrient wise) for flowers like roses, tulips and other floral plants. Cannabis grow timing is a little bit different. Anything time released doesn’t really work well for cannabis. I’m still learning myself...made the same MG mistake. I now like to use happy frog....soil nutrients added. I have also started using all organic fertilizers (as much as absolutely possible). I like Fox Farms Bushdoctor organic fertilizers. I’ve had really good luck with them so far (knock on wood). If I were you what I would do is get some plain potting soil with no nutrients added… Transplant your plans into the soil that has no nutrients. Then I would start fertilizing with an organic fertilizer. Any fertilizer will help your plants grow.....but if it’s going to end up inside me or my friends....I prefer that it be organic. I think you need a fresh start and a new pot with new soil that isn’t miracle Grow.
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