Help! Is this a male or a hermie?


Well-Known Member
Oobviously looks like seed pods, but also has "female" hairs not sure rather or not to throw him/her/it away






Okay so is this one a female??





I don't see any balls on that one. But it's not a great looking plant.
What happened to it?
Two good points. They are asking about the second set of photos but even the first one that is a male is in rough shape.

What happened to the plants? All the fan leaves are gone. Was something going wrong?
It was growing just fine I have no idea maybe stress, from the heat? I attached photos aren't those female pre-flower " and if it is than that would make this plant a hermie correct?



It was growing just fine I have no idea maybe stress, from the heat? I attached photos aren't those female pre-flower " and if it is than that would make this plant a hermie correct?
I see no signs of anything that could be stress from heat. What I see, and I have the feeling that several of the others see the same thing, is that you might be cutting off all the leaves as soon as the plant tries to grow them. I can see the small stubs from the leaf stems and attempts by the plant to grow new branches. A plant that old should have 5 finger, and some 7 finger, leaves that are at least half the size of your hand. Instead I am seeing 3 finger leaves that are barely as large as my, or your, thumbnail.

I have the feeling that you are trying to train it but you have gone a bit to far and have cut way to much off and now the plant is stunted. Even if the plant is female it needs to be allowed to return to a healthy status or it will not be able to grow decent sized buds.

The plant gets the nutrients from the soil and then photosynthesis takes place in the leaves and converts those nutrients into the sugars, starches and 'foods' that the plant needs to grow larger and stay healthy. Once it is healthy and growing larger and has better leaves and stems you can coax it into the shape and size you want.

There are no signs of pistils or pre-flowers yet. The plant looks to be sexually mature enough to possibly show signs. It can be saved but one step at a time.
It was growing just fine I have no idea maybe stress, from the heat? I attached photos aren't those female pre-flower " and if it is than that would make this plant a hermie correct?



OK first of all your cutting off all the fan leaves.

That is WRONG and extremely stressful as you can see from all your hard work.

You have successfully stressed that plant enough that it wants to GTF out and seed itself.

Try this after culling that plant.

Grow a plant out without touching anything leave it alone it will grow perfectly normal without all your help.

Touching plants is a bad thing. Are we washing our hands before and after we touch a plant?

I shouldn't have to explain why with our current pandemic and yes plants can catch diseases from human hands.

It happens all the time.

Less touching more growing and leave the fan leaves alone, please.
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