Hi guys, can you help me?


420 Member
Ciao ragazzi, piacere di conoscervi. Mi sono iscritto al forum perché ho bisogno di un feedback sulla mia piccola Critical + 2.0 di Dinafem. La pianta sembra in salute, ma sono passati 13 giorni da quando è spuntata e mi sembra un po 'in ritardo. Cosa ne pensate? L'illuminazione non è delle migliori, uso 2 led da 3000 lumen in tutto a 6000k e il vaso é da 7 litri con un terriccio acquistato da un negozio di coltivazione di cannabis. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate e soprattutto se vedete anomalie che io, da neofita che sono, non vedo.



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It's a little early for the scrog net, if that's what you're asking....non capisco
Sorry guys, that is the translated verision:

Hi guys, nice to meet you. I joined the forum because I need feedback on my little Dinafem Critical + 2.0. The plant looks healthy, but 13 days have passed since it sprouted and it seems a bit late. What do you think? The lighting is not the best, I use 2 LEDs of 3000 lumens in all at 6000k and the pot is 7 liters with a potting soil purchased from a cannabis growing shop. Let me know what you think and especially if you see anomalies that I, as a neophyte I am, do not see.
Welcome to 420, Calu !:welcome:

She looks pretty good- sometimes, seedlings will pause the above ground growth for a week or so while they're working on roots underground.
Give her a few more days,and I think you'll see her take off.
Is that regular LED bulbs you're using? If so,they're fine for now,and about two more weeks,but you'll
need something bigger after that- or sit her out in the sun,if that's possible.
Excellent, I was starting to think badly. I thought I'd keep those lights until flowering, to the limit of adding another 2000 lumens, because I don't want it to appear on the bill. As a color gradation, of course, I will mount more reddish bulbs, but always staying at the maximum 5000 lumens. For this reason I decided to use the scrog method, I have a very small growbox, just 80cm high, and I do not expect an optimal harvest, I will settle for a mediocre result as the first time indoor.
Hi guys, it's been a few days and the plant begins to show some yellow streaks. It also appears that the leaves are curling up. Can you tell me what is due and above all how to act?

Are you growing in Soil or Coco ? I think Coco but it's wet so hard to tell. If soil does it have nutes in it ? Looks a little low on "N" to me. What nutes are you using ? How do you feed (pH of water or nutes, Feed every time, Feed / Water / Water) ? What type of lighting & how close are they to your plants? All these things & more will be needed for anyone to really give you sound advice.
Welcome Aboard the 420 Train ... Enjoy the Ride !!!
I use the potting soil purchased in a cannabis grow shop which should guarantee essential nutrients for a while. I added banana peel yesterday and coffee grounds today. I don't want to buy nutrients until flowering because I would like to prepare nutrients myself. I use the classic bulb LEDs that give me 5000 lumens at 6500k and the lights are 5-10cm from the leaves. I searched the internet and it would appear that it has a nitrogen or water deficiency, but I water every 2-3 days and the soil is always wet. The water pH is correct, around 6.5. I need someone with experience who clears my mind.
That's what I was saying when I said it looked a little low on "N". Low on Nitrogen. But if you were in Coco it could have been Calcium also so needed to know what you were growing in. I believe you can add 1 Tablespoon of Epsom Salt to 1 gallon of water & it should clear up in about a week & get greener. @Emilya will be able to help since you add other stuff to your soil. She does that sort of thing.
Hi @CaluReevs and welcome to the forum! :welcome:
I would not add anything to your soil at this time... if you are already having troubles it is something else, not the food available to the plant in that good soil. Epsom salt is especially dangerous in a small starter container... please do not do that.
You have already told me what is going wrong... you are watering all wrong. You are drowning this small plant by watering every couple of days and keeping that soil wet. Please read my link down below regarding the proper way to water a plant, and also the how to water a seedling addendum. Once you start establishing a wet/dry cycle your immediate problems will go away, and then we can talk about the nutrients you plan to prepare.
Hi guys, i'm back. It's been five days no watering and this is the result. The baby is bigger and it seems healtier but not at all. Today I will not water because the soil is still wet (almost dry, but under soil is still a little wet). I think tomorrow or wednesday i will water the soil but i need to know what kind of things i have to add for the nutes (coffee, banana,...).
Today is the 22th day from germination. It is so small because I'm using a shitty light setup (only 4000/5000 lumens at 6500k). Despite this, I want to do the best with my setup. For flowering i'm building a 16000 lumens setup with 8 x 2000lm LEDs at 3000k and, when it will be done, i will use that setup also for vegetative days (obv with another light spectrum, 6500k).

Thank youuuu, waiting newssss.



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Ciao ragazzi, piacere di conoscervi. Mi sono iscritto al forum perché ho bisogno di un feedback sulla mia piccola Critical + 2.0 di Dinafem. La pianta sembra in salute, ma sono passati 13 giorni da quando è spuntata e mi sembra un po 'in ritardo. Cosa ne pensate? L'illuminazione non è delle migliori, uso 2 led da 3000 lumen in tutto a 6000k e il vaso é da 7 litri con un terriccio acquistato da un negozio di coltivazione di cannabis. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate e soprattutto se vedete anomalie che io, da neofita che sono, non vedo.

please translate that we can help you ..
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