How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hi SmokesDaKush,

I do the same thing at the end, using my cuticle pusher (the square end at first then the rounded end to get the rounded sides of the cup. If you stir to fast it creates little air bubbles (doesn't look good in the syringe,lol). I do this to blend the bottom (closest to the heat). When I slowed down the stirring the bubbles stopped. If not once in the syringe if that is how you store it, using a hairdryer I warm up the syringe while turning in my hand and they dissipate. Your decarbing perfectly. It is possible to over decarb. Make sure though when checking to see if the decarb is done no little 'tits' look like they are under the surface looking like they are going to pop up. Flat as a lake with no wind (dead calm). Love the fondue cooker for double duty. Nice suspension using the lids!

Hoping the best for you and your family Brother


Hey MoMotoco hope all is well in your world! Got a quick question for ya.

When decarbing the oil in it's final stages, have you ever stirred the oil with say a toothpick after all surface activity has ceased? On my end I can get small bubbles for quite some time after the surface stays calm. I have been stirring it until I no longer see these bubbles. I know you have made a lot of oil so I hold your opinion in high regard. Is this necessary? Am I potentially over decarbing if thats even possible?

I do everything in a fondue pot filled with oil, start to finish! Oil with a candy thermometer in never exceeds 250f. But the decarb bowl is also suspended in a seperate oil filled bowl that is lifted off the bottom by mason jar lids. :laughtwo:
LOL PM, Kentland a party town? Guess so! I'm 65 but getting younger on the oil (seriously). Great gifts Santa is bringing you. A friend at a Smoke Shop gifted me a DeVinci Accent for all the Magic Flight Launch Box I've purchased for patients needing sleep enhancements. I've had it for 3 months now and just wrapping for under the tree. Not much under there but the Wife and I are looking forward to it :). Awww, the smell of fresh flowers being vaporized, what a treat at the end of a long day. Enjoy PM!

We used party in kentland, I worked at the factory right on 41 when it was called intec. I grew up a little north of there in the lake village/roselawn area. Small world indeed. Hell, depending on age we might have seen each other before lol.

Santa will be bringing me some goodies. Hopefully the induction cooktop and a magic flight launch box.
Sounds like the same path at the start of our journeys. I too was a problem youngster and had to jump the tracks. This is how we learn Brother, from our mistakes. Your Father sounds like a blessing for you compadre! Just keep on keeping on. Your path is the right one. Knowledge is never ending, thank goodness, a boring life is not for me :) I'm so thankful people like you are doing such a great service with your knowledge in the Dispensary business. Your boss is a smart man, huh? Peace Bro

420motoco, i wouldnt be able to help the people i do today if it wasnt for you. ive been on both sides of the railroad track and i prefer helping people then hurting people. I cant thank you enough for the help you do to every member on here, i lurk in the shadows and learn as much as i can. ive always believed in this saying that goes something like "if your busy talking, your not learning" but i also strongly believe in "if you dont ask questions, you dont want to learn" as well as from my baseball coach "if i quit yelling at you, ive given up hope" the head volunteer here told me about a year ago "i almost didnt hire you because you look like a punk, then i met you and i could tell you can do bad, but youd rather do good" he also got a sign for me that says "saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever" i dont forget these things, they are what have built me and keep me motivated to better myself my fiance about 5 years ago said "i dont know what it is, but i feel like you are going to do something that is of importance" am i doing that now? am i still to do this? i dont know, but it keeps me looking up

all i can really say, is my dad let me learn my mistakes on my own. which i could not thank him enough for, i do everything i can to show him how much it means to me the way he raised me. i was a felon at 14 because of this, but since then i have not been in trouble other then blowing a speed sign :p many will say well you were a felon at 14 no way would i want my kid to be like that. well, i can promise you the first 12 years of my life isnt the type of life a kid should live and i grew from it.

you cant truly appreciate a sunny day, without having a rainy month

So you've had patients use the launch box? That's good to hear, cause I'm new to the vape scene and want something dependable for dry herb. I've looked at a bunch of the davinci and other brands, but they were way outta my price range.

Is there a particular brand of induction top that works best for making oil or will any off brand work? I just don't want to spend money on the wrong product, since quality is key with oil production
>>>>>an ass has two cheeks...they share this common ground<<<<<:laughtwo::rofl:

Hey Motoco, what's POLLYTIC'S :lot-o-toke::cheesygrinsmiley:

"Dennise" :love:

Hope I'm not to far off topic.
My birthplace state, Kankakee, Ill. Hard to believe in a small town 'Watseka' 4,500 population I tried MJ...I think it was, lol. I'm sure the delays are not because they are short of growing area's. Everything nowadays is about 'money' and more greed.

You hit the nail on the head with that one. Yes, the bill is written in such a way that the state is colliecting hundreds of thousands of dollars from application fees from everyone including patients. None of it will ever be reimbursed even if applications are denied. And then it's only a "trial" for 4 years. It will have taken the first 2 years before any dispenceries are up and then they can pull the plug 2 years later. I have a bad feeling about the whole process for the patients. They have to be fingerprinted and go through a background check. Its almost like they are just trying to collect names. No one I know will be participating.

I posted this before I read the post to keep politics out of it. I want to apologize for my rant on IL laws. And Denise, you are so right that politics is an off topic for many reasons. Motoco, I will post medical issues in other thread from now on to help keep it in one place for those searching the web looking for anwers and hope.
I don't take either side when it comes to politics, cause I don't know anything about either or who is which. I don't even know what side Obama is, that's how little I pay attention. Ignorance is bliss, and I'm politically blissful.

I have a candy thermometer I was gonna use for oil, but would it be better to get the automotive one that uses the laser and checks surface temps? That's all I need really, that and the convection cook top. Excited for this harvest, so time to start getting my shit together

I have both the candy themometer and the laser one. I have been playing with them to see if they agree with each other and they are really close. . It never hurts to have a back up temp check. It would be sad to mess the oil up at that point over a temp reading. Just my opinion. Plus the laser is fun to play with the dog. He is so silly. lol
So you've had patients use the launch box? That's good to hear, cause I'm new to the vape scene and want something dependable for dry herb. I've looked at a bunch of the davinci and other brands, but they were way outta my price range.

Is there a particular brand of induction top that works best for making oil or will any off brand work? I just don't want to spend money on the wrong product, since quality is key with oil production

I bought the fondue set and the laser themonitor that motoco sugesseted at the begining of this thread. The laser was cheap. I'm thinking below 15 dollars. And the fondue is used for double broiler and it was not a bad price either. It works really good and I can control the temps easy on it. The only drawback is the fondue does not have actual temp settings but I played with it ahead of time and marked settings myself for the temps I want.
I do everything in a fondue pot filled with oil, start to finish! Oil with a candy thermometer in never exceeds 250f. But the decarb bowl is also suspended in a seperate oil filled bowl that is lifted off the bottom by mason jar lids. :laughtwo:

Great idea with the mson jar lid. I am going to try that with my next batch. Sunday I will be cooking down all my very close trim and test it on myself and hubby to see if it has more CBD. I just have to do this to see. Oh and I actually have some CBD seeds on order from herbies. I hope my plan works. I just got an email from them saying they cannot send it with tracking due to problems, Will let you all know if I get them OK. They said 5-10 working days, and it was mailed today. I also ordered some pure indica for nighttime oil. I am sooooo very nervous.
Dependable. Exactly why I got them the magic launch box. A great tool for patients who already took a lot of oil during the day, didn't want anymore oil increased in their regimen, but, wanted to increase their appetite or sleep. Vaping is a small learning curve. Flower doesn't taste any better than when vaped in my opinion. It is the healthiest way to smoke flowers. Took me a little while to really like it. In fact, I love it now. Go right to the 'pro' part of the instructions, its easy. Just don't push the battery in for to long with out drawing. I love mine and it is always reliable.

Just make sure you can get one that has correct temp settings. Some are preset and the preset temps are not friendly user; look for one with a low end temp for warming/mixing/blending, then around 190 range, 220 and 250 range. For this reason I would go with the New Wave. They sell a ton of them and Lab Rat loves his. Other wise its the top priced one in page 1-Voltaire.

So you've had patients use the launch box? That's good to hear, cause I'm new to the vape scene and want something dependable for dry herb. I've looked at a bunch of the davinci and other brands, but they were way outta my price range.

Is there a particular brand of induction top that works best for making oil or will any off brand work? I just don't want to spend money on the wrong product, since quality is key with oil production
I have a MFLB too. I've the last etched lid, cherry wood.
The batteries are a pain cause they don't last long, but the box itself is awesome.

I'm still in a tight spot at the moment, but hope to back on planet earth soon. I hope each one of you are having the very best holidays.
Good day Brother,

I got rid of the stock batteries. Got some Duracell 2400mh rechargeable's, peeled the skin off, used ISO 91% put on a rag first, point the positive side down (nipple) and clean the goop off. They come in a 4 pack, last much longer and endure over 400 charges. Turns the unit into a much user friendly vap. I used a small pocket knife to start the peel at the top lip all the way around then peeled at the seam. It is well worth the effort.

I hear you on the 'tight' spot Brother. Seems to get very intense around the Holidays. Just another bridge to cross compadre. In the scope of things we have the best med in the world. Something to be very 'thankful' for and blends perfectly the true reason we celebrate Christmas :high-five: Hardest thing for me is nothing to give, the downside for a 'giver', lol. The good news; we have family/friends who care about each other. A great gift to cherish for life.

Thank you for the Holiday yuletide!


I have a MFLB too. I've the last etched lid, cherry wood.
The batteries are a pain cause they don't last long, but the box itself is awesome.

I'm still in a tight spot at the moment, but hope to back on planet earth soon. I hope each one of you are having the very best holidays.
I've received a few PM's about the above.
Here y'all go...


Also, use "00" size caps & be very careful with dosing. This will hit hard & immediately. And, if you overdo it, hope you've nothing to do for 8 hours or so. So, watch the dosing. Start with 5:1 ratio, wait 2 hours. If all is well, take another. If you can take 3 or more a day, go to 2:1 ratio.

Warning: you will get almost the full effect immediately unlike butter, coco oil caps, edibles, etc. Those take 30 mins to an hour & effects come on, peak, & slow.
This has no gradual peak. It's full on & immediate.

I've made quite the ass of myself experimenting with this due to the immediate effects & overdoing it. Trust me or be prepared.
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