Humidity problem

Doctor Trevor

Well-Known Member
Last night I refilled the humidifier in my grow tent and went to bed. Since then, the humidity, outside, climbed. I checked my plant, this morning, and saw that the humidity in the tent was 99%. It looked like dew on the leaves.

I put a dehumidifier and a space heater on to dry things up.

What should I look out for now?
Ohh yessir Dr T… I’ve done similar a few times learning this new humidifier, put it on continuous operation came back next morning to find it raining inside tent… did it again few days later only to learn the 50% setting had same effect... duh my bad now I keep her dial at 45%

think your ladies will be fine but tuned in here learn more

is this in veg or flower?
The air comes in through the bottom of the tent and is pumped out through the top; the filter is inside the tent and the pump is outside. Six inch duct tubing.
There is an exhaust fan in the tent. The problem was that the humidifier was on and the outside humidity was high.

The humidity in the tent is in the 40s now.
should be ok once it dries up.

you probably do not need a humidifier if you are not moving air from the extractor to outdoor. the plants will transpire like crazy in flower, raising the humidity in the tent, and the air they pull in will be loaded with the moisture if it isn't moved outdoor.

my rh rises 45% if i don't move the air outdoor in flower.
Without the humidifier, the RH can drop into the low 30s.

not a big deal. i grow at 25% the majority of the time. a lot will depend on other factors.

edit : everyone gets over focused on vpd and crap. i grow through most conditions with few worries. but i'm north and indoor. for whatever reason it's easier than south US i'm sure.
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