how do you know when they are 70% dry? I have read that the stems should snap and buds should sound crunchy like popcorn and it usually takes 7 to 10 days given the right humidity?
70% is not something you will know until you put the buds in jars/roasting bags with a hygrometer, but the time to move them off the lines/rack is when the stems break internally but don't crack in half when you bend them. How long it takes to get there depends entirely on the relative humidity wherever you are drying them.

7-10 days is great if you can control the RH, but you take what you can get. If they get dry in 3 days, then you move them to jars/bags with a hygrometer in them and see where it settles after 12 hours. Over 70%? Take them out and let them sit in the dark another day. 70% or below? Start burping them twice a day!
HELP! i read back on your post that said.. "We hand pluck all the fan leaves when wet, then halfway through the hang we go back in and start working on trimming the sugars." what do you mean by 1/2way through the hang ? I'm trimming a random bottom branch... I know you remove the big fan leaves. Most people I've seen go in and cut the sugar leaves stem off and remove them too. I have also seen people leave the bud intact on the stem and just trim back the little sugar leaves so it kind looks like a big turd. lol I'm not sure what the hell i'm doing or where to stop cutting! should i just let these buds dry the way I've wet trimmed them, or cut them down into really tiny buds? some of these are jsut bottom branches that didn't get much light, but i thought they were worth saving no? there must be a lot of THC on these tiny sugar leavesleaves so why cut them all the way off? I've watched so many you tube vids, but most of them are using plants that look scrawny auto flower and not super bushy and look nothing like mine! adding photos here now ..






Have you already started harvesting? :eek:
i read back on your post that said.. "We hand pluck all the fan leaves when wet,
You should either quote the post or tag the user so they know it's directed them. @Braddah Waiheesohai that's for you!
I'm not sure what the hell i'm doing or where to stop cutting!
Cut the leaves back to where the bud starts. Check out the Nug of the Month contest for what they'll look like trimmed.
there must be a lot of THC on these tiny sugar leaves so why cut them all the way off?
You cut them off because they are around half the THC percentage of the buds. You save them, but you don't leave them attached. For example, if your buds are 20% THC and your trim is 10%, leaving the trim on reduces the effective THC percentage of what you're smoking.

Most folks save them for edibles.
Have you already started harvesting? :eek:

You should either quote the post or tag the user so they know it's directed them. @Braddah Waiheesohai that's for you!

Cut the leaves back to where the bud starts. Check out the Nug of the Month contest for what they'll look like trimmed.

You cut them off because they are around half the THC percentage of the buds. You save them, but you don't leave them attached. For example, if your buds are 20% THC and your trim is 10%, leaving the trim on reduces the effective THC percentage of what you're smoking.

Most folks save them for edibles.
No, i only cut a few small branches off the bottom of one that were hanging so low they were dragging on the ground. My plants look like they are ready though. The leaves are curling up and turning colors and out some strong smell this morning. Hopefully next week for harvesting maybe?
Hard to tell in the pic, but you have a better view through the loupe. Compare what you're seeing in the calyxes to photos of ripe cannabis buds to get an idea.

BTW you trimmed the buds in those pics fine!
Aww thanks! Here’s a A pic I took with my jewelers loop held over the lens of my camera it’s still difficult for you to see though I think?


Right I realize that and the only reason I use the camera phone is for you to see what I’m seeing but obviously it’s not working very well! When I looked through the loop I do see some tiny bit of amber and everything is milky there’s no clear tricomes
Here is what I mean about the difference:
yes hun, I understand i'm looking at the calyxes. The pottos i posted above are of the calyxes. I was watering them (daily) when the pots feel light but yesterday they didn't seem to need it. Will check them today. Best way to know if they are not drinking is the weight of the post, although the weather here is quite hot this week and would also cause spot to dryout.
OK so I had one plant that wasn’t doing very well I don’t know if you’ve all been following my thread but the plant trunk split in half and I’ve been taping it together and hoping for the best some of it turned pretty brown so I decided to go ahead and harvest it today I got up early this morning and started harvesting I’ve only cut down half the plant and I have so much weed I don’t know what the hell I’m gonna do with it all LOL also I’ve done some reading that says if you harvest when you have full cloudy tricomes on the calyx is with no clear we’re just a pinch of starting to turn amber it’s OK to harvest and that’s probably going to be your maximum THC content I’ve chop down half of this plant figuring I could use it for edibles if it wasn’t the best I still have I have a plant +3 full plants to cut down and I don’t know for the life of me what I’m going to do with all this LOL good problem to have every thing else is looking very good. It’s going to take me at least a week to get through all of this so I figured I better start at it now since we’re getting into mid October next week I know first timers are usually jump the gun hours so I might have harvested a bit too early but I don’t think so I think I’m going to be OK with this plant only time will tell! I really don’t need to wait if it’s only to get a bigger harvest I really just want the strongest THC content



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